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Posts posted by boltuprite

  1. whatever the Bills do might be effective in te first 1/2 but Bellichik will adjust at halftime. Jauron on the otherhand has proven he does not know how to make 1/2 time adjustments.


    I don't think this one is going to be pretty. Patriots by at least 14.

  2. News Flash


    The game's marketing was quickly geared to "THE NFL EXPERIENCE" after the Bills went into the tank somewhere around week 6.


    The game was marketed more as a spectacle of the NFL and not a Buffalo Bills home game. Also in Toronto there are far more fans of other teams than there are of the Bills.


    That said, the wole thing was a sham. The sooner this stupid idea ends, the better for everyone. Ralph sold his soul and the citizen's of Buffalo's soul for a few more dollars to line his coffin.

  3. The people at the Rogers Centre are finally realizing that there is not indeed a sucker born every minute. When the game was announced the marketing had a Bills slant to it. On Rogers cable network they showed Bills hi-lites, ran interviews with the players, promoted Trent Edwards etc etc etc.

    Now that the Bills have tanked and are a prayer to make the playoffs, the whole marketing media has switched to a Dolphins perspective. On the same cable station they now have reports from Miami, interviews with the Dolphin fans and players.


    Don't expect this to be a Bills crowd as I suspect there will be thousands upon thousands of Miami jerseys in the stands.


    and the 3500 or so seats available are all in the $300.00+ range. No wonder it's not a sellout.

  4. I'd have more respect for him (I have none now), if he was just honest and said "well the reason we ran the ball into the lines 3 times rather than try and move into better position for a field goal by throwing downfield, is because I have absolutely no faith in Trent Edwards as my QB"


    In which case then Trent Edwards shouldn't be your starting QB. I'm sorry but when your entire offence consists of handing off or dump passes to the running backs, you aren't gonna win any games that way. Why have a Lee Evans in your line-up if you don't plan to throw to him?

  5. no. they should have given it to Chicago's defensive co-ordinator. He was definitely Indy's MVP.


    What a brilliant strategy to put no pressure on Manning and give him the underneath game on almost every down. Instead of scoring in 3 plays, it just took him 10 or 15, chewed up the clock, and kept the Bear's defense on the field for pretty much the entire game.

  6. HELLS NO!


    I am practically a lifelong Connecticut resident and I cannot name 5 Pats fans prior to 2001. I find their coach to be a peckerwood and dammit and I will take bitterness' table for one in the corner. I hope Indy can get-r done this year so Payton and Dundy finally get some hardware for themselves.



    meet me then. I have been a Pats fan since 1978, the days of Jim Plunckett at QB.


    Living in Toronto, and attending games in Buffalo, I became a Bills fan also.

    It's tough when tne Bills plat the Pats becuase I have divided loyalties. But bow that the Bills are out of it, I also say Go PATS.


    look on the bright side, they represent the AFC and in particular the AFC East.

  7. I guess I'm a purest. I see nothing wrong with uni' colours such as the Patriots changing from red to blue etc. What I hate is these yolk necks, and vertical stripes.


    The stripes should go around the sleeves or over the shoulders and under the arms (ala the Colts style). That's why I hate Denver's and Buffalo' jerseys so much.

    Same with hockey, stripes should go horizontal around the bottom of the jersey and around the sleeves. (like on the original Sabres ones). Again that's why the new Sabres jersey's are so hideous.

  8. The officials have more camera angles than the networks do. And it was pretty clear even from the TV angles that Witten was short.



    yeah at first I thought so too, but when they kept showing the replay, it was really hard to tell.

  9. which brings me back to the play just before the muffed kick.


    The on-field call was first down. the replay booth over-ruled. To me the replay was inconclusive from every angle on whether Dallas made the first down or not.


    Just what did the replay booth see that would over-rule the on-field call?

    I though there had to be irefutable eveidence to overturn an on-field officials decision. :pirate:

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