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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Yes, except for the most famous examples of people portraying Obama as a Muslim came from the Clinton campaign. Oops.
  2. You didn't say anything about him being a muslim who goes to church. You said his religion teaches black people to hate white people. Rev. Wright was a race-baiting loon and Obama looked up to him for 20 years (right up to the point where Wright was bad politics; also when it became clear Obama could care less about whatever had been coming out of his mentor's mouth for two decades).
  3. Yeah, I was trying to figure out who was offended by "flip" too.
  4. It'll be amazing to see how quickly this becomes a rallying cry against evil, racist conservatives.
  5. It's not criticism, though. It's a satirical cover meant to mock all the criticism that the racist conservatives are (supposedly) lobbing at Obama. Of course, satire of a phenomenon doesn't really work when the satire itself is about 100x more high profile than the phenomenon. Side note: Why is the artwork so crappy?
  6. So I guess I'm wondering if Obama knows that he's proposing an Iraq plan that is impossible and just doesn't care, or if he's so naive that he literally has zero understanding of our military and plans on just finding out what is possible or impossible later. Moreover, this makes me wonder if Obama knows that the problems he will face as POTUS will require him to do more than just show up, look good, and use a ton of words to say absolutely nothing.
  7. The new stadium is supposedly to be beautiful but it's also supposedly in a bad neighborhood and I'm sure that doesn't help. I'm much more likely to follow a team if I really love going to see them live. The Indians are my second favorite team because I've had a bunch of awesome trips to the Jake over the years. Also, the HD versus SD thing is pretty significant as well. Ever since I got my HDTV, I find myself interested in watching any sporting event in HD.
  8. One of the worst things about being black in 2008 has to be the idea that white people are afraid to use certain words around you because they think you're too stupid to understand what they mean and will be offended. That's pretty much the main thing that "I'm too retarded to understand what 'Black Hole' means and I am offended" Guy is achieving. And, ironically, he is too stupid to understand that.
  9. Isn't that a bit melodramatic? I suppose you could pen a newspaper article to make it sound like a big deal (like the article you linked did) but it's a goofy, self-deprecating joke. I really doubt anyone was seriously aghast at what W did. And don't we usually make fun of the people who are constantly offended by things?
  10. How dare he tell a joke?!? He should've been waving a magic wand to make the U.S. not the world's biggest polluter!
  11. Here's another link for the story: http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/1...y/index.html?hp People make fun of the blogs all the time, but they've done some pretty incredible work fact-checking the (supposedly) professional journalists in our MSM.
  12. But didn't you just say you wouldn't vote for someone if you thought they had no chance of winning? Does this mean you only think a candidate is "best" if he/she can win?
  13. Besides getting votes, what are the other ways a third party can become noticed??
  14. WMD = Weapon of Mass Delicious-ness. Someone should develop a Twinkie Bomb. I don't even know what it would be, but it sounds awesome.
  15. Yeah, him and every other heterosexual man on planet earth.
  16. It's difficult for a third party to find traction when so many people blindly support their party even when they claim to not like their policies (e.g. spending).
  17. That's amazing that you think being consistent in my views on what the government should be allowed to do actually invalidates those views. I'll try to be all over the map in the future to earn your respect. There's a huge difference between associating with ideas instead of political parties. For starters, every political party slap fight always boils down to "I don't care if my party does that, your party is worse." Conversely, you can defend your ideas by actually defending your ideas. You can't just say my party is better than your party like it's a thread about the Sox versus the Yankees. If you want a small government with low taxes and low spending, you can (and should) actually be able to explain why. That's a huge, obvious difference.
  18. You just explained exactly why I'm different and you're too dumb to even realize it. I associate myself with ideas, not political parties. Just because I'm consistently conservative, that doesn't invalidate my opinions. The difference is that people like Molson and pBills associate with their party and really don't care if their party is doing something wrong -- hence the constant posts that are essentially "So? The _____'s do it too!" There's a pretty huge difference between devotion to a political party and devotion to your own ideas, and it's amazing that you don't realize that. But thank you for accidentally helping me prove my point.
  19. Yeah, I'm a real cheerleader for a political party. Find a post where I'm excited about anything the Republicans (or any political party) are doing and get back to me, jackass.
  20. Well, if Schwarzenegger believes in man-made global warming, then I guess it must be true! Saying the climate is changing and saying that humans are causing the climate to change are two different things.
  21. Your party clearly means a lot to you, apparently even more than the terrible job they're doing in Congress. As long as more Democrats get elected, though, it's time to celebrate. I don't have a political party and I can't remember the last time I was proud of Congress.
  22. Which is all that matters to people like you.
  23. A lot of these sound like jokes he's telling, along with edited versions of the "100 years" quote and the "it's the casualties that matter" quote. McCain quotes that are basically doctored aren't all that impressive. But good job taking his jokes out of context. Very persuasive.
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