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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. No. Most people would say Return of the King is the best of that trilogy, but I like Fellowship the best because the cast is still (relatively) small and the fight scene at the end is pretty personal (i.e. it isn't 10,000 CGI guys fighting 20,000 other CGI guys; it's the Fellowship fighting a bunch of orcs).
  2. The Titletown thing is ESPN's latest attempt to make me never watch again. How much more boring can it possibly get? And who the hell is coming up with this garbage?
  3. Obama isn't making sense to the Washington Post either. Link Nice to see at least some members of the media paying attention to what Obama is saying and not just how pretty he is.
  4. In other words, he thinks his ideas for Iraq are better than Petraeus' but will understand if Petraeus feels differently. He says that he still couldn't support the Surge even given what he knows now with "20/20 hindsight." So even though the Surge was a success (which he has kinda-sorta-vaguely admitted) he still can't support it. But he does support a surge in Afghanistan....apparently based on the non-success (?) of the surge in Iraq that he opposed. Makes perfect sense.
  5. His take is that Petraeus is wrong and Obama knows better. Link Weren't liberals all up in arms about Bush supposedly not listening to his generals or the troops on the ground when making decisions? I expect those same people to be very upset that Obama has decided to overrule whatever strategic advice he's received from the most successful general our military has had in the last few decades.
  6. Actually, Maliki has the most to gain by saying he wants the troops out and then letting some stay to help with security. Both McCain and Buch have been in favor of troop withdrawals for a long time....but only in response to an increase in stability in the country which is also something Maliki's government has stressed (and continues to stress). Ironically, while Obama and his zombies cheer that his idea for withdrawing troops was well-received, that was only made possible by a troop surge that Obama opposed (and amazingly he continues to insist he was right to do so). So basically Obama was against the change in strategy that even made troop withdrawals an option but demands that he receive credit for the outcome.
  7. I was pretty sad listening to the Joker's last rant to Batman while he was upside down knowing that was the last we'd ever see of the Heath Joker. You're right that the psychological stuff and dialogue really made the movie too. As much credit as Heath Ledger gets, the writers deserve a ton of credit for creating a VERY scary Joker and actually getting the character right. And, not surprisingly, early work on the sequel happened a while back. Link
  8. What other movies do you think are "average"? TDK had more plot and better action than almost any other movie I can think of. The movie deals with themes as heavy as compromising values to achieve safety and if good versus evil even means anything when the chips are down. Most movies are afraid to even try to handle ideas like that, let alone handle them so well. Sorry you were bored.
  9. His motivation never changed, he just revealed it halfway through. He enjoys the fun of crime and killing, but he was always about the social experiment. You did notice he spent a lot of the movie lying to people, right? The Joker's whole world view is that there is no justice in the world, so everything is a joke. He wants to bring people around to that with chaos and he thinks (correctly, most of the time) that he can manipulate people into compromising their values to do what he wants (he convinces a cop to beat him, other cops to try to kill the guy who wanted to reveal who Batman was, and turned Harvey "White Knight" Dent into a murderer). He spends the entire movie telling people whatever he needs to to get them to do what he wants. And he's so happy at the end because he's found someone (Batman) that he can't compromise, i.e. a worthy adversary to play with forever. Most of the other complaints I've heard about this movie are pretty stupid. People really don't understand what happened to the Joker after the party? He threw Rachel out the window to create a diversion so that he could escape. I can't believe anyone was confused by that. The movie was outstanding.
  10. When the 7th century revivalists in pajamas are using 20th/21st century weapons, I feel fairly threatened.
  11. South Park is a lot more relevant to American society than the New Yorker.
  12. This is really something you're worried about? My guess is a guy who used to pilot jet fighters isn't terrified of technology.
  13. South Park had an episode where GWB took a crap on the American flag (as part of an "Al Qaeda" cartoon). Not much outrage.
  14. My guess is Obama is thrilled about this. He finally has some overt racism in the campaign to point to -- even if it came from the left and was satirical. Maybe in a couple months, all people will remember was that there was a racist magazine cover of Obama and that it was probably those evil RepubliKKKans that did it.
  15. So if he has the intellectual wherewithal to learn the internet in 20 minutes, what is the problem?
  16. No, you didn't "imply" that he couldn't, you flat out said that he "can't"! Here:
  17. Yeah, but don't you dare imply that this was a flip-flop. Here's a little more on the the Obama website scrub-down: Link There's no way he can spin this as just being taken out of context or something. He was flat out wrong about the Surge. Scrubbing the website down and pretending this is just a shift due to new information isn't going to cut it.
  18. I don't think the POTUS has to spend hours leafing through anything, nor do I think the POTUS has to look up anything for himself. He has kind of a busy job already. The POTUS gets daily briefings, can request more briefings, and can pretty much talk to whoever he wants as needed. And you're honestly worried about a sitting president "wasting hours" leafing through books and journals trying to find the information he wants? I thought we all had the "intellectual wherewithal" to figure out that that's not what senators and presidents actually do. We're going to have staffers collected data for the president no matter what. You think that's something we shouldn't allow the government to spend money on? And I already explained to you that it isn't of matter of "can't", it's a matter of "hasn't." Ironically, those same 5th graders that you're envisioning as smarter than McCain would probably understand that distinction better than you have so far.
  19. You do realize there are other ways to obtain new information besides the internet, right? Books have existed for a few hundred years now. Not to mention that as a U.S. Senator, McCain would be able to talk to people directly involved in the issues he was voting on. I seriously doubt John McCain had limited access to information because he wasn't scanning Wikipedia. We don't know why he isn't internet savvy. Is it possible that sitting at a computer just doesn't appeal to him? Was it easier, given his schedule, to just have his staffers print out whatever he needed so that he could read it later? Who cares? Some writers still use typewriters instead of word processors. Does it really make a difference? Again, you're faulting McCain by implying "intellectual wherewithal" and internet use are somehow linked. Read some of Molson's old posts and tell me about his "intellectual wherewithal."
  20. Thank you for clarifying that "get an erection" is one of the things you consider when examining potential candidates for POTUS.
  21. Yeah, Huckabee was awesome. Completely incompetent for several years as governor, but he had personality, he probably uses his email, and he knew how to use religion to get extra votes.
  22. Because it takes a lot of "intellectual wherewithal" to get on the internet. It's incredible how many exceptionally intelligent things people post on the internet every day. McCain is 70 years old. Most 70 year olds aren't internet savvy. That doesn't necessarily mean they can't learn, it just means they haven't. My dentist is about 60 years old and there's no way in hell he's ever had to send anyone a text message. That doesn't mean I question his intelligence.
  23. Of course, the obvious difference is that GWB hasn't made a point of constantly complaining about how hard his life is and how hard life in America is. Every time you give Michelle Obama a microphone, she has an axe to grind about how our terrible, racist society has treated her so poorly. (Which is why the Obama campaign has taken the microphone away from her for the most part compared to her role a few months ago.) In any event, that's a pretty huge difference between GWB and MO. American society hasn't treated either one of them poorly, not even close. Ironically, the poster complaining about "original ideas" is the same guy who completely misses the point of what he's reading and ends up taking the "pill-popping Rush Limbaugh" route. Would you recognize an original thought if you read it or are you only fluent in bumper sticker talk?
  24. Michelle Obama talks like she's been a "victim" her entire life. I don't see how this should affect her any more than all that horrible racism she encountered while attending an Ivy League school and making six figures at a hospital where she never helped a single sick person.
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