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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. NO! That's the point. That place has too much historical significance for an American presidential campaign stop. Are you really so dense that you can't understand that? And is it too much to ask that our candidates have the good taste and humility not to go there and preen for the cameras?
  2. It says a lot about you that you scoff at the lack of human rights in both Russia and (especially now) Georgia just so you can score points in your rant against the "almighty United States." The lack of empathy for the people being crushed is staggering.
  3. Oh, those awful middle class white people. They need to be taught a lesson. Ironically, the Obama supporters who like the (false) idea that Obama will provide some shock to "white America" are more hung up on race than the people who don't support him and could care less about what he looks like. The only scary things about Obama are how bad his ideas are, how little experience he has, and how stupid he sounds when the teleprompter is taken away.
  4. OK, I'll clarify: If you look at it as someone who understands and respects the speeches that JFK and Reagan gave there, then you understand why some first term Senator shouldn't bring his presidential campaign to that same spot so that he can pretend to be one of those men.
  5. So basically if America doesn't elect Barack, that means that the country is racist and "not ready" for a black President. But if he does get elected, that means that white people are just doing that so they can feel good about themselves and continue ignoring the "plight" of black America. Gosh, it's almost like there are people who want to keep believing that America is racist and still has "a long way to go" no matter what happens.
  6. Because turning the Brandenburg Gate into a campaign stop is completely tasteless.
  7. Yes, except for the fact that he was running for President and potentially angling for a cabinet position should Obama win the election in November.
  8. 1. Who the hell on the other side of the aisle has Obama inspired? The guy votes with his party almost all the time and won the primaries by pandering to the far left. 2. What has he ever done to inspire anyone? Five years ago he was a state senator, and he's still working on his first term in the U.S. Senate. What has he done in his life to make a difference? 3. He hasn't inspired "so many people." He has a slim lead in the race with three months left to go and most Americans not really paying that much attention. And that's with the most fawning, loving press coverage that I can remember any candidate in any race ever receiving.
  9. Yeah, those awful "supermarket tabloids" that, at least in this case, were doing actual reporting while the "mainstream media" was busy covering for Edwards. The only difference between the Enquirer and the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, etc. in this case is that the Enquirer was more interested in the truth than covering for their favorite political party.
  10. I don't have to tell myself anything. Not to mention that most Americans probably still aren't really paying attention and won't be until we get closer to the conventions, debates, and election. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the race will be decided in the next 3 months.
  11. With the race essentially tied with three months to go.....
  12. (Some) Obama supporters are maybe the creepiest political people I've ever met. They have secret handshakes and buy weird two-tone posters of the man with <4 years experience in the U.S. Senate. Who the hell likes a politician enough that they want to paint him or buy a painting of him for their home?? And I still haven't met an Obama supporter who can tell me specifically what they actually like about him.
  13. Actually he said: "You could save just as much." Yeah, it doesn't sound like he's suggesting that's a substitute at all. Sorry to break it to you, but your Chosen One is really just an idiot who needs a teleprompter to keep him away from saying ignorant things like this.
  14. Off to the White House, ha ha ha. [/Grover Cleveland supporters]
  15. He "now" supports properly inflated tires? Has he ever stated that he didn't support properly inflated tires? Has anyone? Give me a break. The issue isn't that Obama said people should have their tires inflated, it's that he said that was a substitute for all the oil we could be drilling domestically.
  16. Almost all of the positive reviews from critics came out before the movie ever opened. And the vast majority of the people who saw it have said they liked it. A lot of the money it's making is based on people seeing it multiple times. It was the most anticipated movie of the summer well before Heath Ledger died. They didn't "capitalize" on anything. That's pretty funny that you hate a movie simply because people can (if they want) find it to be supportive of President Bush and like Iron Man better because it's theme of "the redemption of a weapons manufacturer" is more your style. The Dark Knight was an excellent movie. It's too bad you're so screwed up in the head that you have to post ridiculous arguments about it on the internet because it didn't give you enough of an "anti-republicon" theme.
  17. It wasn't.
  18. So 'dreadful and unredeeming' that reviews from both fans and critics have been overwhelmingly positive and it will be one of the biggest hit movies of all time. It's an excellent movie that doesn't pander to the audience by giving nice, easy answers. When you're dealing with terrorism/insane people, there are no easy answers.
  19. The church was specifically targetted by a man so batshit crazy he thought he could save the country from the evils of liberalism by taking a gun to a church and shooting at the people there. Congratulations on taking this lunatic seriously. By this logic, we should shut down MSNBC, Air America, and every liberal blog that lambasts Bush and conservatives for spreading hatred, ignorance, and lies, and potentially creating more killers like the nutjob who shot up the church. And the Re-Molsonification of the board continues....
  20. So Fox News creates "blind hatred" and your proof of this, over the ~10 years it has existed, is one complete lunatic who cited them as his reason for shooting up a church? Jodie Foster creates potential Presidential assassins as well, I hear.
  21. Fox's propaganda machine that told him to grab a gun and start shooting people?
  22. Pretty sure the shooting had more to do with the shooter being insane than politics.
  23. Because Scott McClellan suddenly has credibility when he's selling a book.
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