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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Agreed. I'll listen to that show even when it's really bad just to hear Greg's quips. The guy has a great sense of comic timing and usually has something pretty funny to say. "Guys....we're on the air...."
  2. You want to talk about musical evolution? How about an airplane becoming a starship? Link "Don't you remember? We built this city, we built this city........"
  3. Hilarious that the Obama supporters are suddenly obsessed with experience, accomplishments, and candidates who are only "gimmicks."
  4. I don't know if those Greek columns way in the background that no one noticed until 4 years later are quite the same thing as building a Greek temple in a football stadium for Obama's coronation.
  5. Based on that text, it sounds like he's saying that of course people would "sign up" but that he doubts they'd be able to stick with it because the actual work is just too arduous.
  6. I was thinking about this yesterday -- WNY has to have some of the fewest immigrant workers of any region of the country. There just isn't that much work for them to do. In a weird way, Buffalo doesn't have an illegal immigrant problem because it isn't healthy enough economically to attract them.
  7. I don't think most Americans consider McCain's years of service to his country as simply "getting shot down in a plane." The man served his country honorably and went to war. Dismissing his service because he was shot down is a slap in the face to him and to pretty much any other former POW. I would hope most people have enough respect for our military men and women not to stoop that low on behalf of their political party.
  8. Yeah, good idea. The Dems should definitely make military service the focus of this election.
  9. I remember the broadcasters mentioning that it was a historic game as the first HD game. I basically had zero idea what they were talking about because it was probably still a few more years before I'd even watch anything in HD. I can't believe that was 10 years ago either. And now, in 2008, it's tough to watch anything that isn't in HD.
  10. Comedy Central re-ran the Giant Douche versus Turd Sandwich episode on Monday night to coincide with the start of the convention. They might as well just re-run that one every day until November. "Let's get out and vote! Let's make our voices heard! We've been given the right to choose, between a douche and a turd!!!"
  11. Dick Morris says lots of things.
  12. Actually, Karl Rove emailed me and told me to use that one.....
  13. Please read it yourself please. Let's see, drawing a distinction between two different things -- topping and breaching -- is not an oversimplification (if anything, going out of your way to confuse the two would be an oversimplification). It's not leaving out information (again, that would be calling two different things the same). And I don't see how you could say I'm lying. But, yeah, good job bringing that definition up from a couple days back. Really lends a lot of support to your Google crusade to prove that I'm stealing my posts from Brit Hume or Rush Limbaugh or whoever you come up with next. I "agree with a WH spokesperson" on something???? Oh goodness, there's your smoking gun right there. It's a spokesperson's job to talk about political matters so there will be times when they say something I agree with. Yeah, even the ones that are Democrats. (Pretty sure I could find quotes that I agree with from anyone.) And it's OK for "millions" of people to agree on something, especially if it has a valid point. So, uh, anyways.....good job Googling up that stuff about Brit Hume, proving that I used to listen to "Baurle and the Bulldog" on WGR, and finally stating that "millions" of people agree with my "hack" point. Fine work, as always. It's been a very productive couple of days for you.
  14. He successfully proved that Brit Hume and I agreed on something. And therefore it's a "talking point." And therefore I'm a hack who gets all his ideas from the RNC. And he pointed out that I wasn't the first person to use the term "DiMaggio-like." I think the Underpants Gnomes had better reasoning for their plans. (Yes, that's a South Park reference. I admit I did not invent the Underpants Gnomes and therefore may be a hack. )
  15. Congratulations. You've successfully proven that other people think "breached" and "topped" are two different things, something I still believe. (It helps that some levees were breached without ever being topped, as I pointed out a couple pages back.) This is the same thing as proving that other people can and do wear gray shirts to where I work. Wow. It doesn't prove that I'm only saying what I'm saying because I got the idea from Brit Hume or whoever. It doesn't necessarily make it a "talking point" since the whole point of the debate is accuracy in understanding what the President was warned of (i.e. the opposite of saying two different things are the same to help fit the "Bush didn't care" narrative). It doesn't make what I'm saying wrong. It just proves that other people have made the same arguments. Please keep burning calories on this. I'm sure you're just a Google or LexisNexis search away from finally finding the quote or link that validates all the nonsense you've been spewing for a few pages now.
  16. Uh huh, keep telling yourself you've managed to prove something here. There's nothing sadder than someone making a ridiculous claim and then scrambling to find anything they can find on Google to support it. The gray shirt analogy works. You'd be the loon fabricating a wild, detailed story as to why I'm wearing a gray shirt today when someone else did it last week based on the fact that it happened at all. Most people would rather get their facts together and then draw a conclusion, but I'm glad you've discovered a new method that works for you.
  17. Wow, good work, Columbo. Come on, really? You still think finding blog posts that are sort of similar to what I wrote proves that I didn't come up with the idea or conclusion on my own? You understand that the internet is a big place, right? And that there's a pretty good chance people may make similar arguments -- especially when those arguments are valid. A lot of people on the internet now are predicting an Obama victory in November. Are they all stealing from each other? To put it another way: I'm wearing a gray shirt at work today. Last week, someone else around here probably wore a gray shirt. That doesn't mean I'm wearing the gray shirt today because that other person wore one last week, or that I even know that person or was even paying attention to what they were wearing. It only proves that person and I both own gray shirts and wear them to work. That's the conclusion an intelligent, reasonable person would make. If you want to come to your different conclusion and then waste hours of your life trying to Google evidence (that doesn't exist) afterwards, then please keep at it.
  18. You haven't misread Buffao and I'd say we would ALWAYS love more coverage of our sports teams. If anything, you overestimated the fans who post on espn.com. The message boards and article comments there have been ridiculous and pathetic for years now. I don't know if it's a lack of moderators, but most of what is posted is "My team is awesome, your team sucks, blah blah blah!!!" Thanks for your work in Buffalo while you were here. I hope you don't hesitate to spend more time on this board, especially after the season starts.
  19. Ah, the old broken-clock principle. I'm pretty sure the "DiMaggio-like" line is from the old "Baurle and the Bulldog" morning show that I used to listen to on WGR. Not really sure where they got it from, but I doubt they were the first to use it either. What with Joe DiMaggio being pretty famous and all. I haven't lived in Buffalo in over 5 years and honestly had forgotten where I'd heard it years ago. Is he still using that? Unfortunately, this doesn't prove any of the rest of your thesis. Why don't you go back to work Googling up some evidence that I steal actual political ideas to post here? Seriously, the part where you cherry-picked a sentence or two of mine and then found kinda-sorta similar blog or YouTube links in an effort to prove.....something....was one of the most hilarious and desperate attempts to win an argument in the ~5 years I've been reading the board. Yeah, because it's completely impossible for someone to reach my conclusions on their own. And because you typed the exact right words in to Google to find the links I read right before posting here. Keep at it. It says so much that this is what you're clinging to in the thread -- a false accusation that is 100% impossible to prove. I don't know how, but you were actually doing better with your stupid "leadership" ideas a few pages back.
  20. You could also point out that "hyperbole" and "just plain making sh-- up" are two different things. Or how weird it is that his big contribution to the board is "hyperbole" when he's the guy supposedly pointing out how stupid everyone else is.
  21. So basically you got caught making sh-- up and exactly nothing you said was true. What an asset to the board you are.
  22. Yeah, and this is from the retard who posted this yesterday: Just to make sure you aren't completely making sh-- up (ironically, in an attempt to prove how smart you are), why not post some examples of "3/4ths" of the board saying Obama is a "Muslim Socialist Terrorist" who wants to take the oath on the Quran and will use the White House to steal all the blonde women away. I know you wouldn't want to break your DiMaggio-like streak of posts that are completely void of facts and/or insight, but it might be a fun exercise for you anyway.
  23. "Topped" and "breached" are two different things. This does get a mention in Popular Mechanics as well. Of course, I'm sure you're extremely well-read on the subject but I'll post this anyway: If levees can be breached without being topped, it stands to reason that they are two different things. I appreciate you attempting to call everything a talking point now that you've been embarassed by the topic. Why don't you go Google some more random crap and post the links here to "prove" where I get my ideas from? Because it was really impressive when you did that yesterday. Very convincing.
  24. Bush has had an image problem since before he even became POTUS. His administration is a disaster when it comes to communicating their ideas. It doesn't surprise me that they dropped the ball on assuring America that they were taking appropriate steps in response to Katrina. That, coupled with some of the ridiculous reporting that was happening at the time, led to a ton of the myths that still persist today. Mistakes were made at all levels and our government is now so convoluted that the recovery continues to be a mess years later. Our government is large, unwieldy, and unaccountable. It's not surprising when things don't get done or done correctly.
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