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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Wow. Music from the movie Fight Club and some quotes from people who may or may not exist. Hello? The Pentagon is built like a giant bunker. It was meant to take a beating. I can see how a giant hollow aluminum tube with engines (basically what an airplane is) wouldn't fare too well against it. "It sounded like a missle." Great, because most everyone knows exactly how a missle sounds different from a jetliner. *sigh*
  2. Hell yes it is! "Now I have a machine gun. HO HO HO" It is the best action movie ever made. There can be no disagreement on this point.
  3. Nice 'Die Hard' reset. "Yippee Ki Yay, Muthafu###!"
  4. I flipped it off as soon as they lumped the three rock bands together. "You guys each get 90 seconds to perform your hit 4 minute songs. Enjoy." Freakin' Shaq had more time to 'perform' (see also: make an ass of himself as always) than each rock band. WHAT UP MIAMI? WHAAAAAT UPP?? Apparently the real low point was when 14-year old JoJo introduced U.S. Olympians with "Da Olympians got der own bling bling!" Thankfully, I heard about this from someone else because I would have smashed my fist through the TV had I been subjected to it live.
  5. More unrelated-ness.
  6. Kerry condemned "a" moveon.org ad, after Bush had already come out against the Swift Vets thing and all ads like it. It's not like Kerry had a lot to say about negative ads, movies, whatever in the entire year before this Swift Vets thing started. But now he doesn't like them because he's been hurt pretty bad. Boo hoo. Of course, Kerry and Moveon.org are totally unrelated. Why do you care who funds the SBVT? Oh gosh, it's a Bush supporter! Imagine that. And here I thought that group would be totally funded by Dems. As for Moore, his propaganda is about 10x worse than SBVT and he was invited to the DNC! Nope, no double standard there. Where's nozzlenut?
  7. Yes, just like Kerry comdemned Fahrenheit 9/11 and refused to let Michael Moore attend the DNC. Just like Kerry condemned all the vicious attack ads coming out of moveon.org, including ones that ATTACK BUSH'S OWN MILITARY RECORD. Just like Kerry has asked people to stop making outrageous claims about Bush - everything from him knowing 9/11 was going to happen to him starting a war in Iraq to help his oil buddies profit (all much worse that the Swift Vets claims). Oh, OK.
  8. Have you seen Hardball lately? Chris Matthews' act is making Fox's "Fair and Balanced" slogan seem real. I think Buchanan brought up Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia story and Matthews' response was literally: "I don't care!!!!" Ann Coulter of all people summed up Hardball perfectly. Matthews: "Kerry is a war hero." Guest: "But questions remain about his time in Vietna---" Mattews: "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT ABOUT A WAR HERO LIKE JOHN KERRY?!"
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