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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. I thought all the latest stuff was that he was in Northern Pakistan, a region that the Pakistani government really doesn't control. We can't send our troops in there because it would create all sorts of problems for Pakistan's government. Anyways, AQ can't offer any proof of life.
  2. Possible but I don't know if that's a definite. Overall, people just trust the Republicans more on national defense (check any poll you want). Any terrorist attack (or is it more PC to say 'militant attack' these days?) is going to put terrorism right back at the forefront and everything else is going to seem awfully meaningless. Would people lose faith in Bush over a car bombing? What if it was a school massacre like in Beslan? I think the scale of the attack would come into play. I think a terrorist attack between now and election day is the big X factor in the election. Personally, I'd rather not find out what would happen.
  3. I've never heard a version with boo's. If one existed, it'd be everywhere. This is the internet age. Zell Miller and Chris Matthews get into a tussle on Hardball late at night and the video is available a couple hours later. The best we have is a horrible fake. No one who was there said there was booing. The AP retracted the claim completely.
  4. And AGAIN. It's a changing of the guard. The old dinosaurs of the mainstream media are going extinct - suddenly you can't dictate your version of events to the masses and not be called on it. All hail the internet: PORN and TRUTH for everyone!!!! (in that order)
  5. This is priceless. Some lefty blog claims to have an 'alternate' audio clip of the speech WITH the booing. On the fake-ness scale, it ranks right up there with Arnold's dubbed voice in "Hercules in New York" all those years ago. Go listen to it - you'll enjoy a good laugh. LINK BTW, AP has offered an official retraction of their story. Good for them. An explanation would be a whole helluva lot more meaningful and important.
  6. Most of the chants I saw last week on CSPAN were "Fox New Sucks!" and "F--- Fox News!" I'm glad others noticed the 'noble' protesters were firmly against free speech.
  7. O-B-L is D-E-A-D. Unless anyone can think of a good reason why he'd stop making videos and recordings to rally his troops. Technically, every day he's alive is a slap in the face to America. You'd think he'd flaunt that. You'd think he'd have some things to get off his chest with all that's happened in the last 12 months. Nope, he's dead. And, lo and behold, (islamic) terrorism is still a problem.
  8. The Associated Press is disturbed.
  9. Dunno. But I was wondering, does anyone know where they're having the conventions this year? And when?
  10. Nah, they weren't lying, they were just confused. They can't tell the difference between Drew Rosenhaus and Willis McGahee. Those two are like twins, after all.
  11. Anyone catch the Associated Press article early this afternoon about Bush commenting on President Clinton's bad news today? Apparently the crowd booed when Bush wished Clinton a speedy recovery. I was pretty miffed that anyone would boo well wishes directed towards a former POTUS. Turns out it didn't happen. Link What bias?
  12. Lucky guy.
  13. Yeah, it's the Russians' fault the 'holy warriors' killed over a hundred kids today. *sigh* BTW, the report of locals firing weapons said they were firing at a house where one or two of the terrorists, er, militants had escaped to. Apparently they came pretty close to lynching one of the 'militants' before he/she was taken away by Russian police.
  14. Hope he's alright. My dad had a triple bypass a couple years back. Tough times.
  15. I think it's a sign of weakness that Kerry has to have a speech less than an hour after the Republican National Convention ends. And from what I've seen of his rebuttal (that he apparently absolutely *had* to get out tonight) on MSNBC, he doesn't have anything to say. "I have four words for America, five words for Bush, two words for you, three words for you, I don't know you but I'll come up with some words later, 4 fours for my wife, six words....."
  16. OK, reaching back in the memory now, but I think the officer put 84 on there to make sure you're in the 20-30 mph range above the speed limit. 85+ is a more serious violation. He probably kept you in that range so that you were eligible for traffic school and reduced punishment and all that. Assuming you are, that's your best bet. You'll probably be fine.
  17. Listen to Cincy. This is exactly the stuff you should know about for when you go to court.
  18. I got a similar ticket a few years ago. What happened is I went to court, was incredibly apologetic, and agreed to go to traffic school (basically an 8 hour one-day class of garbage). The ticket gets reduced in $$$ and in points on your license. It'll be tedious but basically all you're looking at is a lot of money to pay and losing a day of your life at traffic school. With the state's point system, though, you're going to want to stay out of trouble for 12 months. After that, a reduced violation and points on your license should go away. At least, that's how it was for me. And for the love of God, SLOW DOWN! (j/k)
  19. The part I can't find anywhere is after the interview is over, Matthews goes back to his panel and says: "You guys know what I was trying to say, right? I mean, you guys were with me." And the meltdown was complete. No, that interview wasn't Miller's best showing but it is absolutely the best thing I've seen in all of the political coverage. Reminded me of Michael Peca decking Alexander Mogilny all those years ago. Matthews deserved the trouncing after starting with a snarky "Do you really think Kerry wants our troops to fight with spitballs?" Yeah, Matt, that's exactly what he thinks.
  20. Link to Chris Matthews being crushed by Miller. Smackdown
  21. The ad was still tucked away on their website as late as last month.
  22. Zell just destroyed Chris Matthews on Hardball. Matthews was doing his usual schtick of asking a question and interupting 0.5 seconds into his guest's response. He flat out told him to shut up and that he wasn't going to answer any questions unless he could respond uninterrupted. He even brought up last week's Michelle Malkin 'interview' and said he wouldn't let Matthews lay into him like "he did that young girl you had on last week." Matthews was SO apologetic the rest of the way. Hilarious. If you dish his BS right back in his face he turns into a little B word. End of the interview: "Great having you on. Please come back again." "Bye."
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