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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Yes, agreed. I just don't think we should minimize it either. Calling it "the thing with the two buildings" is a little too glib for my taste. It's like calling the Holocaust "that thing with the camps." I'm glad it got clarified.
  2. I have no idea why anyone would put that out there.
  3. That's great. You pretend 9/11 isn't that big of a deal but then blame that take on "all the other killing in the world" causing you so much grief. I can't believe anyone would put that opinion out there and try to roll with it.
  4. Oh my God. Did you really just describe remembering 9/11 as going "back to the two buildings again"? That is horrible.
  5. We didn't have anything else to wear on the road during the 90's though. We had the same white pants to wear with our home and road jerseys.
  6. She was definitely on the show. I remember hearing about that. Do you get to, um, see anything?
  7. I heard someone (can't remember who) say that the whole WMD hangup is over the word "stockpiles." I tend to think that's correct. Even if we had the three suitcases, people would be complaining that we went to war over three suitcases.
  8. Yeah, except the religious maniacs we're fighting don't seem to care if they die. What's the old quote again? "We love death as much as you love life." No thanks. I'm not interested in finding out how much of a hurry the 'spiritual leaders' on the other side of the world are in to get their 72 virgins.
  9. Good thing no one on the left has ever resorted to that with President Bush. "Nuke-You-Lerr"
  10. So, in summary: It's the wrong war at the wrong time Allawi is a puppet of the Bush administration Iraq is a quagmire The countries currently supporting us are the 'coalition of the coerced and bribed' BUT John Kerry is just the guy to win the war by getting our *real* allies, namely France and Germany, involved. Great ideas, John.
  11. OK, I never thought he'd do that while running for president and supposedly asking us to elect him Commander-In-Chief. I accidentally (in a moment of weakness) granted him a milligram of common sense. He has since proven me wrong.
  12. Well I never thought he'd chop down the democracy our soldiers are fighting to support over there but, hey, I learn something new about the guy every day.
  13. Great idea, John. Slam the guy who is over in Iraq working day and night trying to project a strong image and get that country back on its feet. I'm sure having political figures in the U.S. downplay Allawi won't embolden the terrorists in Iraq. Hell, Kerry turning on Allawi is proof that they're having some success, or at least having the intending effect on John John. The thought of John Kerry in charge of our country next year just got a little more horrific.
  14. Wait, what? We're not? I thought I was just, you know, going along with the crowd. *sigh* Guess I have to go apologize to some people.
  15. Gotta love that UN. And let's not forget Sudan. I understand the United Nations is preparing a very 'strongly worded' resolution on the matter that should help bring about its resolution about two weeks after never.
  16. This first response says it all. The thread could have ended right here.
  17. It's about par for the course when it comes to madrassas.
  18. Classic Michael Moore. In point #1 he says all the polls are useless and weighted incorrectly, but towards the end he says 54% of Americans think they war was wrong. So, of course, only the polls he likes are accurate. You could spend all day ripping apart this retard's words but that wouldn't be very productive, would it?
  19. More original ideas from Nozzlenut.
  20. Peter Bergen, the terrorism expert who has written a book on AQ/OBL and had interviewed him years ago, said it was CNN who reported it and that's why he stopped using it. HOWEVER, Bergen basically only does appearances on CNN so who knows?
  21. The whole thing stinks. That the 60 Minutes report aired within days of the DNC launching their "Fortunate Son" attacks on President Bush is not a coincidence. At the very least, you can say they were coordinating their attacks. That one, or both, trusted Burkett is beyond comprehension.
  22. I thought someone would do the same joke but with regards to Queen Teresa.
  23. Another great day for Michael Moore's 'freedom fighters'..... Any question left as to who the good guys are over there?
  24. Can you work with animals?
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