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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. ...stupider.....
  2. Seriously. I don't want to know everyone's turn-ons and I don't want to know about anyone else's taste in porno. Nothing good can come from knowing that stuff.
  3. Shouldn't the Republicans be trying to distance themselves from Jessica Simpson?? Laura Ingraham makes me proud to be a man, though. I like the ones who are a little bitchy.
  4. Political 'Debates' are the only competition where both sides declare themselves the winner right afterwards. The World Series generally doesn't end with both teams celebrating and saying "We did it! We did it!"
  5. The Bills should keep their blue jerseys and pants and re-do the white versions. I've heard the current road jersey described as 'patches of colors'. We've got a patch of dark blue on the shoulders and then some royal blue on the front and back, with specks of red everywhere. Simplify the road uniforms already! And make the white pants match the blue pants. The blue ones have a ton of lines on the side and look cool. The white pants have one fat red line on the side - they don't look like NFL caliber uniforms. Let the 90's uniforms stay in the 90's. I don't want to see as Bills team as crappy as this one wearing them.
  6. LOL Sometimes I wonder why I bother reading political boards but it's the occasional hilarious quip like that that does it for me.
  7. Since when is Alec Baldwin a "Hollywood A-lister"? And what was he doing in this country?
  8. Pedro is such a flake. You just get the best quotes from the guy. Not to mention the midget he's bringing with him everywhere these days. That was a good answer last night, though. Pedro really doesn't have anything to feel bad about regarding his performance against the Yankees either. He's always pitched pretty well, but the team doesn't get the win. I don't think the "Daddy" stuff is accurate.
  9. Heh....the 'Stros. I got to see a lot of their games on FSN Southwest and they were amazing down the stretch. Actually, you wouldn't have to even see their games to know that - going 36-10 to finish the season says it all. I'm pretty sure they were also the only NL team to have a winning record against the Cardinals this season. They're good, and I think they match up well. In contrast, the Dodgers had nothing on St. Louis.
  10. Supposedly he'll need surgery after the season is over and he'll be in a cast. I don't see how anyone could pitch well under those circumstances. I could still see the Sox winning the series without him. Yankees still have to count on Leiber and Brown. It ain't over yet, but you really have to wonder about that curse at a time like this.
  11. What? You mean they're having an NL Championship Series this year? Why are we just hearing about this now?? I don't know why so many people aren't even giving the 'Stros a chance. All they have to do is steal one of the first 2 in St. Louis and they're heading back to Houston with Clemens and Oswalt going on 4 days rest. It's doable for Houston.
  12. Matsui's regular season AVG OBP SLG OPS .298 .390 .522 .912 That is a borderline superstar, ladies and gentlemen.
  13. He hit 30 HR this season and I think his OPS is close to (if not above) .900. And he does everything else well. I don't know what people were expecting in the power department (50 HR?) but he's a great player. There isn't a team in baseball that wouldn't love to have him. I don't think most baseball fans get how good he is.
  14. Dude tweaked his ankle in Anaheim in Game 1. Blame the ghost of Gene Autry.
  15. 4 RBI already. If you check his regular season stats...YES, HE IS THAT GOOD! It's a shame he doesn't get the attention that basically every other Yankee gets. He's a star but you almost never hear about him.
  16. The only reason to bet against the Red Sox is they're the Red Sox. You put this roster in any other uniform and they're picked to win by every sportswriter in the nation. Schilling 3 times in a 7 game series? On a bad ankle? The Red Sox do know there's a series *after* this one, right? I mean, if they win, that is.
  17. From one cursed sports city to another - I think Buffalo fans should be pulling for the Astros. I'm an Anaheim Angels fan too and I can't express how good it felt to finally win that first playoff series in 2002 (again, the first in 40+ years of trying) against the Yankees. It felt even better when they won two more series after that. Most of my sports bitterness died after that. Astros fans are going to go crazy in an hour. 'Bout time.
  18. Pray that the 'Stros pull it out. Houston has been waiting 40+ years for this.
  19. The Prioleau penalty that led to the NY touchdown says it all. He was in perfect position to make that play cleanly but he went ahead and made contact with the receiver before the ball got there anyway. Did he panic or is he just retarded?
  20. They're rich and famous because of their ability to pretend. Pretend you're a pirate. Pretend you're the president. Pretend you're a doctor. And now they pretend they have a clue. Guess what? When you're a high school or college dropout who currently lives in a world where you get $50,000 gift baskets for presenting at award shows, you've lost all concept of reality. And your opinion is crap.
  21. I think somehow both teams would end up with a loss at the end of the game.....
  22. It would have been a better series if the Angels had decided to show up. Way to go, guys. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  23. I read somewhere that most reporters don't really understand economics and, as such, have a terrible time reporting economic news correctly. Add into that the inevitable spin that our wonderful mainstream media likes to give us and you get some really great stuff.
  24. I'll also say I hope it doesn't go straight into the toilet after 2-3 episodes the way Rescue Me did this summer. What a mess.
  25. It's a very good show. I've seen the last 2 episodes and the last 15 minutes of the first episode. Supposedly the people behind it have said: 1. The island is a real place (i.e. not the matrix or whatever). 2. There are no dinosaurs on the island. 3. Everyone is really alive (i.e. this isn't some version of purgatory or the afterlife). I'm interested in seeing where they go with it given those rules. The french recording thing in the second episode was very cool.
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