He goes abroad and calls Americans the dumbest people on the planet. Yes, there are un-patriotic people and, yes, that is un-patriotic. When he's on American soil, though, he criticizes Bush or "stupid white people". He tailors his little rants towards his audiences. He's a con artist. He will tell you whatever you want to hear if he thinks he can sell a book or a movie.
Young college students will gobble up everything he says and accept his views and the 'facts' he supposedly presents in his work. They don't know any better; college life isn't the real world. He thinks they're stupid. He counts on it. Otherwise he wouldn't load his books and movies with easily debunked myths and contradictions. But he goes ahead and does that anyway because he knows his target audience is eager to hear negative things about the American government or the American people in general (depending on who he's talking to that day).
Whatever he does with his money, he makes enough from his shtick that I don't think he's worried about making donations to whatever he wants. He lives in a million dollar apartment and employs teams of lawyers. He's a corporation. He's basically a televangelist for the left. I can't get excited about the good he's done (and occasionally he donates to real charities) because he's doing it with dirty money, his spare change from his products.