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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. I started a thread yesterday and Poojer started one today. Type her name in at the bottom of TSW and both come up. They both have links and articles. Funny stuff.
  2. Anyone else think the "Welcome to the Jungle" commercial for the game is awesome? Probably the first time I've ever been pumped up by a commercial for a video game.
  3. Our war in the Philipines.....not our best showing as a country.
  4. 3 days rest is just a horrible move statistically. Basically the playoffs feature the best starting pitchers the game has to offer...and starting a pitcher on short rest still works less than 20% of the time in recent years.
  5. No can do. Our wonderful media hates the word "terrorist" as it seems to imply that one side in this "War on Terror" (another term they hate) is actually wrong. Oh my goodness! Of course, when you're beheading people and posting the videos online, or slaughtering hundreds of children at a time, it seems appropriate to say you're trying to "terrorize" your enemies into submission, rather than defeat them militarily. So "terrorist" might be a decent choice of words. But then, I'm not a professional journalist so what the hell do I know?
  7. You can definitely see the band smiling in that longer version I just posted. You almost wonder if they could care less about what happened to her because she's such a whiney brat. My favorite part, other than blaming the band at the end of the show, was her trying to dance (I guess that's what it was) when all hell was breaking loose because she had no idea what else to do.
  8. Bump for people who still need a laugh. BTW, here's a longer version: "My band....." I didn't realize she actually blamed her band at the end of the show on national television. What a classy girl.....
  9. It's simple. Can you imagine the Bills winning the Super Bowl with Bledsoe? I can't. I don't know anyone who can. At least with Losman (or any young quarterback), we have a chance to be better at QB. Losman could be worse but he could also be quite a bit better. We might as well find out because what we have now is never going to help us win the SB. And that's all the matters.
  10. It took a while but I finally figured out where your sig was from. I kept thinking it was Army of Darkness - but I finally remembered the 'Stargate" ATHF episode. Nothing beats the Plutonians. I laughed til my stomach hurt when they cloned Shake, and then demanded that the clone (with the boombox sticking out of his back) begin "de-terraforming" the earth. ATHF and Venture Brothers always manage to wash away the misery the Bills heap upon me.
  11. *sigh* Sadly, you have a point. It's like we have Emory and Ogalthorpe running things lately.
  12. No way is this team sticking with Bledsoe once Losman can start.
  13. Want to see a bigger trainwreck than the 2004 Buffalo Bills? Check out Ashlee Simpson on SNL last night..... Read the article first: In the Key of Fake Then check out the video: "What the....?" So apparently having no talent eventually does catch up with you.
  14. Man, if you grew up in the 80's Top Gun is gospel. My goofy friends and I always gave ourselves the 'names' from the movie when we were playing sports or whatever. I never got to be Maverick, I always ended up being Merlin.....
  15. What? You mean you find Kerry's 5000 "I'm a normal guy, here I am trying to hunt or play sports" photo-ops unconvincing? I've said it a few times: I don't know if I want Bush as President but I'd definitely want him in my family as the wacky uncle character. The Top Gun stunt is priceless. I hope he plays Danger Zone over the loudspeakers on Air Force One for the reporters when they're taking off.
  16. LOL. You're the only person besides my Dad who I've ever heard say that.
  17. I've said that to my friends about 1000 times. Couldn't agree more. Grudge isn't a sequel to The Ring, but a sequel to The Ring comes out next Spring. There's a teaser trailer out now.
  18. Hubba hubba! Yeah, Mark Wahlberg leaving her at the end of that remake is a serious plot hole.
  19. He probably wants to settle just so that it goes away. It's election time and he'd like it out of the way in time for the voting and the inevitable weeks of lawsuits to follow. Why drag it out if you don't have to? And how can anyone pretend to be upset about his 'behavior'? He talked about a vibrator? So? Is there anyone on this board (especially this board) that wants their entire sexual history and taste in porno made public? Didn't think so. Everyone has their bedroom quirks.
  20. LOL If Bush was really blasting "Danger Zone" when he landed in his helicopter, I think that has to go down as one of the cooler things any President has done in recent memory. If he was wearing the gigantic 1980s Tom Cruise shades from that movie when he got off the helicopter, that puts it over the top and makes it the coolest thing hands down.
  21. Not 100% sure, but I think the U.S. version was directed by the same director who did the Japanese version. I never thought an audience could scream as much as they did when I saw Dawn of the Dead last spring.
  22. Overall I think he was right. I just think he did a horrible job expressing himself. You don't prove the 'journalists' are dicks by acting like one yourself. Blown opportunity.
  23. Proud day across the pond for the Guardian. This anti-Bush editorial is positively sickening. Lovely that major newspapers publish stuff like this. Money Quote:
  24. Yeah, but she'd probably snap you in half. Those apes were pretty strong. If I could bring a girl with me, I'd probably move to Endor to live with the Ewoks. Assuming those little bastards didn't try to eat us, it'd be pretty cool to live in a treehouse and have barbeques every night. And maybe I could take a ride on one of those cool speeder bikes. And maybe I've thought about this too much.
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