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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Just because the last two were horrible, that doesn't mean this next one will suck. Oh, wait, yeah it does.
  2. Not to take anything away from Sox fans, but what really happened here is the team with the second highest payroll won it all after the team with the highest payroll had the biggest choke in baseball history. Not a shock at all. The 2002 Angels and 2003 Marlins were both bigger shocks, when you look at it from the standpoints of payroll, expectations, and the way their seasons started.
  3. "But the museum tells us....."
  4. Sounds like it's about to. CNN
  5. Summary of our exchange: SNR: "Someone is going to say some crap about how America has radicals just like the Muslim world so we're all the same." RTDB: "Ask the black community." SNR: "The black community isn't doing that bad these days." RTDB: "Don't question my patriotism!! I love love love my country and you are stupid." Thanks, that basically went the way these things usually go.
  6. As long as they find a way to blame the Jews, everything will be OK.
  7. Or that the guy who started the thread put a big fat question mark in the thread title and wrote a first post that seemed pretty skeptical. Huh? Wha? Oh, yeah, FACTS SUCK.
  8. Actually, right after 9/11, Michael Moore wrote on his website that the attacks might be retribution for Bush 'stealing' the 2000 election. So apparently the radicals from the part of the world that hates democracy also hated the idea of a stained democracy over here and decided to attack America. But then again, he's an idiot.
  9. Yeah, I'll ask 'the black community' later tonight when I take part in my weekly lynching. Because those happen. They happen all the time and are an accepted part of our society. "America is bad too." Nice take.
  10. Every single one of those quotes is taken out of context. Also, BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED!!!! /morons
  11. Pushed back? More like slapped in the face with a fact. Amazing what happens when you sprinkle a fact or two in a PPP thread.
  12. So maybe Lord of the Rings was a documentary? ....oh and WOW! Too bad they weren't still around and kicking it. It would've been cool to have some Hobbits or Jawas or Ewoks or whatever they resembled around. Also, this could be the people from Willow.
  13. Can't wait to hear about how we're all the same and America has its radicals too. Blah blah blah...
  14. Probably has something to do with the fact that they *did* try to take out the WTC before he came along. Oops.
  15. They had the best talent in the AL West *by far*. Starting in early May, they had a losing record for a 10 week span. It shouldn't have even been close. But if you take into account Bartolo Colon coming into the season 20lbs overweight, Jose Guillen being insane, Mike Scioscia's inability to call a ballgame, and our hitting instructor, Mickey Hatcher, instructing the players to try to hit like Vlad (i.e. swing at stuff 6 inches off the plate that only Vlad could ever hit and drive) so that we finish LAST in the AL in walks, then it's going to be tougher. They underachieved. All year. Exactly. Even with the injuries, we had the best talent in the division and definitely the best depth. Chone Figgins and Robb Quinlin stepped in and had stellar years. We had the talent we just lacked the brains and, for long stretches, the heart. And we do lack brains. We'll prove that when we let Troy Glaus leave so we can overpay Pedro.
  16. BTW, the only reason to pick against Boston this year was because they're Boston and something always goes wrong. If that set of players was wearing any different uniform, they'd have been heavily favored all year long right up until now.
  17. No one, and I mean no one, choked the way the Angels did this year. Were we even *in* the playoffs this year? Hell, Fox did their bracket graphic last week during the LCS and I couldn't believe I saw the 'A' logo in there. Underdogs can choke too. If the Angels had played the way they are capable, maybe they win against Boston and maybe they don't. But they wouldn't have been swept out like a bunch of bitches. But then again, Mike Scioscia is a fraud and we built a team that refuses to take walks (last in the AL) so it's tough to win under those circumstances. Maybe we'll accidentally win a World Series again someday.
  18. Gosh, this thread would be relevant last year, the year before that, the year before that, the year before that, etc. When is the last time we had a good red zone offense? We suck.
  19. I don't know what to make of this but here's a story Drudge is breaking: New Terror Warning It's not odd that we'd be threatened now, but it's weird that ABC has the tape and not al-Jazeera.
  20. So the big story is that less than a tenth of a percent of Iraqi ammunition has been missing since before the war and still hasn't been found. Thank God for NYT and 60 Minutes.
  21. No. The entire economy of that country is based on their oil and those pipelines. So getting Iraq back on its feet depends on reviving their oil industry. You can't win the war without the oil pipelines.
  22. Too bad the 3rd Infantry checked the site out a week before the 101st. CBS News And, anyway, our pathetic mainstream media was still planning on breaking an inconclusive story two nights before the election (and ended up doing it a week before the election). They're making news instead of reporting it. What was yesterday's NYT headline - "Explosives become campaign issue". So they report it and declare it an issue the next day. What a crock. Is there such a thing as ethics in journalism?
  23. Here's a 90 second summary of what John Kerry said and what NBC reported. Link
  24. Ha, I never thought of that! Must be a weapon used for assaulting someone, as opposed to weapons used for gardening and carpentry.
  25. For the right amount of money, it can run in any family. Ashlee Simpson is like Jessica Simpson without the singing ability, good looks, and the small amount of charisma JS has.
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