In other words....conflicting reports.
It's still not conclusive. What exactly was in those boxes and how much of it was there? How would 'looters' move that much explosives and to where? Is there evidence the explosives in question have been used against our troops yet? I don't think there is and that might indicate that they weren't hijacked by 'insurgents.' Also, why not just find someone from the 101st and just ask them? Hannity and Colmes (a horrible show) had someone from the 101st last night and he claimed they didn't find anything when he was there. Was he lying? Ill-informed? Maybe. And here's a crazy idea, why doesn't the mainstream media actually prove its stories before they are published, rather than try to support them days later? Oh, because they're rushing these things out there in the last week before the election.
From your link:
So that's the big deal? That's the big campaign issue now?
Good grief, huge mistakes are made in *every* war. This isn't the Battle of the Bulge or Pearl Harbor, people.