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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Vote or Die. Just like Puff Daddy says..... Everyone gets bombarded with this "VOTE VOTE VOTE" BS and you never hear anyone plead with the electorate to just do some research. Don't take what candidates say during debates as the real thing. Use the internet, nimrods.
  2. France has its own problems. Their unemployment rate is steady at about 10% (though everyone complaining about our supposed 'horrible economy' still looks up to them). Their native population is stagnant, if not shrinking, and their immigration is primarily Arabs who don't share their values (whatever those are). In a generation or two, there won't be a France.
  3. But but but but but but but but but.....it's from DRUDGE!!!!!!!!
  4. Doesn't make any difference to me because I already considered the UN to be incredibly corrupt. It's worthless. The fact that those pigs are so threatened by Bush is a compliment to the man.
  5. I don't think many wars have been planned and fought better than this one. Mistakes we made in World War II were about 100x worse. I can only imagine the 2004 media freaking out about the Battle of the Bulge. Soldiers fighting in the snow without overcoats!!! Not enough ammunition!! Why did we invade Europe without supplies?! Again, this story is about less than a tenth of one percent of Iraqi munitions that have been accounted for. And it may not have ever been there.
  6. He was right about the ABC News terror tape and the Pentagon just had their press conference. Yeah, what a loon.
  7. And from Drudge: Let's see if Drudge can go 2 for 2 this week with big stories....
  8. What? You mean the President wasn't directly commanding both the 3ID and 101st at Al QaQaa last April? That's nuts, you'd think someone who only had experience in TANG would be very hands on when it comes to planning the invasion of Iraq.
  9. You're comfortable with the fact that you can't spell?
  10. BTW, this USA Today article from last April is very interesting to me. The explosives the Iraqi's planted under their bridge (third picture in the photo gallery) look familiar. USA Today I know it's crazy but I can see Iraqis using the explosives they had to try to help their war effort back in April 2003.
  11. You are, of course, referring to the mainstream media, right? Still no explanation as to how 'looters' would make off with 400 tons of explosives? Where and how? And with US troops all over the two major roads in and out of the facility. Still not conclusive that we're seeing HMX and RMX, and how much? Is there any evidence that what we're supposedly missing has been used against our troops? And still no explanation as to why less than a tenth of one percent of Iraq's munitions that have been accounted for is a major scandal? If this is a big deal, why aren't we celebrating the other 99.9% of the stuff we've locked down or destroyed already?
  12. Yes, especially considering this The only two major roads around the site in those weeks had a very strong US presence.
  13. Original Thread Despite the way it is being reported, it is far from conclusive.
  14. Paula Zahn hits The New York Times with friendly fire.... Transcript
  15. More Plenty of questions left. And, again, why is this a story?
  16. In other words....conflicting reports. It's still not conclusive. What exactly was in those boxes and how much of it was there? How would 'looters' move that much explosives and to where? Is there evidence the explosives in question have been used against our troops yet? I don't think there is and that might indicate that they weren't hijacked by 'insurgents.' Also, why not just find someone from the 101st and just ask them? Hannity and Colmes (a horrible show) had someone from the 101st last night and he claimed they didn't find anything when he was there. Was he lying? Ill-informed? Maybe. And here's a crazy idea, why doesn't the mainstream media actually prove its stories before they are published, rather than try to support them days later? Oh, because they're rushing these things out there in the last week before the election. From your link: So that's the big deal? That's the big campaign issue now? Good grief, huge mistakes are made in *every* war. This isn't the Battle of the Bulge or Pearl Harbor, people.
  17. The UN is taking care of it. So I don't see why anyone should be worried.
  18. ...with no end in sight. I'd be interested in seeing the same type of study performed comparing the next 10 years with the years between the Gulf War and OIF. The article didn't make much mention of the mass graves either. I wonder how that was taken into account.
  19. Things were much better when 50,000 Iraqi kids were dying every year due to lack of food and medicine, while Saddam was getting fat thanks to the UN's oil-for-palaces-and-weapons program.
  20. Actually, now he claims he didn't.
  21. I just thought it was weird last night that the freakin' moon turned red from the lunar eclipse when the Red Sox were breaking the curse.
  22. Yeah, and at least the Angels only got swept in a 5 game series. There's no way my team would've lost four in a row to the eventual world champs. Ha!
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