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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. BBC Such kind words for the Father of Modern Arab Terrorism. What a hero.
  2. Or he could be a complete bum. We don't know because he hasn't played yet. Anyways, that's why I'm not happy with things just yet. Because I don't know if I should be. I'm definitely excited about seeing him play though.
  3. I'm not - not yet anyway. If they both turn into good starting players I will be. Anything less and it's a disappointment. Big Ben looks like he'll be a star QB for another 10 years right now. I would've given up a whole lot to get that. Hindsight, I know. But I wonder what it would've taken to move up and get BR.
  4. Stuff like that is pretty interesting but, let's face it, the sports world has been turned upside down the last 4-5 years. The Anaheim Angels and Boston Red Sox each won a World Series. The Yankees suffered the biggest choke in baseball history. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers won a Super Bowl. The New England Patriots won TWO Super Bowls and are easily the best franchise in the league. The Tampa Bay Lightening won the Stanley Cup. Locusts. etc.
  5. I can't watch the game but the numbers are very impressive. It's not like he broke off one 65 yard run and a few 1 yard runs. He's had a few for 5+ yards and a couple for 20+ yards. Nice.
  6. I can't imagine Hillary ever being elected President. BTW, great signature. Taking Back Sunday rules.
  7. Didn't sound like much of a joke from that and, of course, Larry King did nothing to question him on it.
  8. The transcript on CNN.com says (surprise, surprise) that Drudge is accurate. CNN And this guy was once 'the most trusted man in America'? Glad I missed that.
  9. Why not? We have this man on tape from about 3 years ago bragging and giggling about 9/11. He's also the guy who thought 9/11 would isolate the Muslim world and he could take over. Slight miscalculation. He isn't all there is what I'm saying. He's a fundamentalist freak and he believes in himself enough to declare (and wage) a holy war.
  10. Great news for all of you who were so upset by that recent study about Iraqi deaths. Turns out it's total crap. Slate
  11. Yeah, they were the only band with bongos that I saw there.
  12. I saw Incubus at the 2000 Ozzfest and again in 2001 in Toronto. They were great both times. I'm not surprised they weren't that great in late 2004. Their last album sucked big time.
  13. LOL Football: Jim Kelly Hockey: Pat LaFontaine (La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-LaFontaine!!!) Baseball: Paul O'Neill (These are hardly 'all-time players'; I'm just going with people I used to enjoy watching and miss now)
  14. Osama bin Douche Bag transcript: Reading that, it's obvious he's after one thing: a time out. The man is losing. Period. He's asking us to stop the violence; it's not the other way around. "Let's avoid another conflict..."? This guy used to brag and giggle on camera about pulling off 9/11. He's not so cocky these days. He wants us to change our policy because, apparently, he never wanted any part of a Holy War. Oh, and his references to the "Patriot Law", "stealing" Florida, and "Bush listening to a girl" on 9/11 all sound very familiar. Not the first time I've heard that propaganda from an ugly dude with a beard.....
  15. If I had Victoria's Secret models, I wouldn't have time for school!
  16. Fourth post in the thread. I'm not surprised you missed that. Reading isn't your strong suit.
  17. (What? I just wanna pad my GPA...) So you're saying I should cancel my plans to put a shiny apple on teacher's desk?
  18. Can I come? Yeah, the '380 tons' story died a horrible death. We know some explosives were there on April 18, but we don't know which ones and how much. We also don't know if any of the 'missing' stuff was ever used against our troops and, if so, how in the world anyone could have smuggled it out in that three week span. We do know that our troops were destroying it by the hundreds of tons early in April. But, then, that's not how CNN reports it.......
  19. Think of it this way: They attacked Spain to affect those elections. With us, they released a tape. They would have hit us if they could. Believe it. (Knock on wood)
  20. Also, I certainly didn't say OBL actually *endorsed* any candidate but the fact that he thinks Bush is doing SUCH a bad job can only be good news.
  21. Well, now that you mention it...... Did you read the Reuters story I posted? Probably not. My other link was from MSNBC - so your whining about sources doesn't fly. Either way, OBL just tried to tell Americans that Bush couldn't keep them safe and that current U.S. policies will only lead to more terror. So apparently Bush is doing a pretty good job and so are our current policies. I admire you in a way. Every day you come to this board, make a fool of yourself, and slink away. But you're always right back here the next day. Others would kill for such determination.
  22. Most of his remarks are about Bush. He even takes Mikey Moore's lines when he's talking about Bush reading to schoolchildren when people are dying. Good thing you're not partisan or you would've noticed. EDIT: Because I'm generous...
  23. MSNBC OBL sez: "America, Bush cannot protect you." In other words, don't vote for him. In other words, OBL doesn't want Bush re-elected. I'd love to know when the tape was made. I still think the guy is dead and he's pulling a "Tupac" releasing new 'old' stuff. One reference to the Red Sox would clear things up. Oh well, at least we know who OBL thinks America should NOT vote for.
  24. We could wait for another 9/11 and then everyone in the world would wave little American flags for us again. Well, maybe, seeing as how a significant portion of the world believed we had 9/11 coming.
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