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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Here are some funny pictures for everyone to enjoy. Rally in SF Yesterday
  2. LOL @ the 'elites' in Western New York. Elite at what? Living in one of the most downtroden parts of the United States? Ensuring that the economic downward spiral continues indefinitely? People in WNY should try getting something right before they talk junk about the rest of America.
  3. Where do you live? Everyone is moving to Texas because the taxes are low, the weather is nice, the girls are pretty, and business is BOOMING. I'm thrilled to live here.
  4. Bush was the first Presidential candidate to win over 50% of the popular vote since 1988 and was the first incumbent to win re-election AND pick up seats in the Senate and House since 1936 (I believe). It was an enormous win for the Republicans and probably the biggest single election victory for any political party in a generation.
  5. Makes you wonder why the electoral votes are all shifting to red states every time we have a census. If Kerry and Bush won all the same states but we used the electoral vote distributions from 1960 to 1980, Kerry would have won. But the votes he wins increase from 84/88 to 92/96/2000 and finally to 2004.
  6. Same thing happened to my dad when his parents got divorced back in the 50's (back before it was the cool thing for people to do). He wasn't excommunicated but the nuns at his school looked down on him. Still trying to wrap my head around that. I've never experienced that side of the Church so I can't comment too much.
  7. Great, why did she have kids and where was the father? No mention of the fact that the kid lived in a crackhouse? Or that his uncle was most likely a drug dealer? Oh well....... I couldn't find the Time cover just now. It may have been Newsweek.
  8. I haven't seen all of Bowling for Columbine but I did write a research paper on the myth of gun control back in Summer 2001 and the two instances I touched on where gun control basically wouldn't have done anything were the Columbine killings and the 6-year old killed by the other 6-year old. In the latter case, the cover of TIME read "Why did Kaylie (not 100% sure on her name) have to die?" Anyone who knows the whole story behind that incident can tell you that the kid who brought the gun to school and eventually killed his classmate was being raised in a crackhouse with his uncle (I think) because his mother had all sorts of other problems of her own (no father in sight). Not a great microcosm of American life there. But I'm sure Moore touched on all the circumstances that finally led to the single incident where one 6 year old brought a gun to school and killed another. Yeah. Right.
  9. Barbara Bush Responds to Election Results Sweet Sassy Molassy!
  10. BTW, Fox reported that Moore had shut down his website and even showed the, er, 'montage'. Nice to put a magnifying glass on his tasteless garbage.
  11. Um, which 'wrong election'? Fatass supported Nader in 2000 which led to a Bush win. Fatass supported Wesley Clark in the 2004 primaries which led to a Clark loss. Fatass supported Kerry in 2004 which led to a Bush win. As much as I'd like to beat him to death with my bare hands, maybe it's a good idea that he stays very, very active for however much longer his heart can keep that disaster of a body alive.
  12. Four more years with 2 gorgeous First Daughters and the classiest First Lady maybe ever. Respect.
  13. Yeah, those are our troops. Exploited for Moore. Again.
  14. If I had the opportunity, I would seriously consider trading my car for a few hours locked in a room (without windows) alone with Moore. Nothing could happen to this 'man' that could make me feel compassion for him.
  15. All I have to say to the people who are planning on leaving the country because their guy didn't win is..... HURRY UP!
  16. Condelezza Rice is like Hillary Clinton with 1000x more brains and none of the undeserved hype. She'd wipe the floor with Clinton or, as she ran in 2000, "Hillary!" More power to Condi.
  17. Why not just reduce their budget to zero and put them out of their misery? Seriously, these guys couldn't even get counting right. That's one of the first things you learn in elementary school.
  18. The terrorist-cuddling pig is probably busy writing the script for his next "documentary." This doesn't affect him, really. He'll always have his loyal band of followers who gobble up the nasty distortions about America and Americans that he sells. Seriously, how is this guy not considered a televangelist? It's all about "give me your money so you can feel progressive and informed. Come into the light."
  19. Why is the concession speech always the best one? People said the same thing about Gore in 2000.
  20. Edwards and Kerry both do, from what I understand. I heard most of Kerry's speech (via C-SPAN) and I thought it was pretty good. Anyone else listening to the psychos calling in to C-SPAN right now? What a freak show.
  21. If all issues were weighted equally, I probably would have voted for the Libertarians. But all issues are NOT weighted equally and winning the War on Terror is so much more important than anything else. I know Bush will do everything he can to win in Iraq (which means we will win in Iraq. Kerry said he would but he'd always have an 'out' if things didn't go so well - he could just say it wasn't his war or it wasn't a war that could be won or whatever. I voted for a Commander in Chief. Also, the economy is going in the right direction. Yes, the national debt is a bigger number than it's ever been but it is not at an all-time high when you consider inflation and amount of money our country is making. I suspect that Bush supposedly losing the most jobs since Hoover (?) talk could also be diffused if you considered the relative size of the country and economy during the two terms. So, in summary, I thought Bush had the best combination of sincerity and the right ideas on the big issues.
  22. Don't hold your breath. Not even John Kerry can explain why you should vote for John Kerry.
  23. Figuring out which poll is the most accurate is like figuring out which turd smells the best. The sample sizes are too small and of course you're going to have changes whether you are calling people during the week or on Sunday nights. I read somewhere that the polling companies can only get 1 in 5 people to take their polls in some instances. So basically what we're looking at is a small sample of lonely people who like spending 30 minutes on the phone with a complete stranger. Our dumbass media either doesn't understand statistics or just pretends they don't so they can report each poll like things are changing significantly from day to day. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the sentence "Undecideds are split between Bush and Kerry." If that is true, then how are they 'undecided'? And who the hell is undecided the day before the election?
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