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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. I swear if I ever find any Sauerkraut pierogies I'll buy every box on the spot. I tried to order some from the Mrs. T's website but the shipping would've made it like $5 a box (and I would have had to order 12 boxes). I make a point of walking through the West Mall on my way to Chipotle when I go there. There's always something going on over there (usually involving a bullhorn and some bongos or drums) so I like to check it out. I did love when one of the student organizations was handing out slices of cake last year to celebrate Israel's birthday. The socialists should do that! Capitalism for no one and cake for everyone! I should admit I don't dislike the nuts as much as I say. That's because I have really awful taste in women and sometimes I find the ones with bright red hair and 500 political buttons on their backpacks intriguing. And, yeah, that always ends in disaster.
  2. Don't want to pile on, but the name of our country is "United STATES of America". I mean, we didn't just name the thing America. I'm alright with the way things are.
  3. Yes! The Taco Bell controversy! I wrote an email to one of my old friends a few days ago describing Austin and that was one of the things I mentioned. The fact that people were protesting TB in the union because the tomatoes used in the tacos were harvested by slave labor in some third world country. That was a huge story in the Daily Texan a year ago. And now no one cares. *sigh* Good times. There are some really, really nutty people on campus but they're easy to blow off. Even though it *is* a really political campus, it doesn't have to be part of your life if you don't want it to be. I have a couple complaints: I miss the cold weather too (this week has been awesome) This state suffers from a serious hockey shortage There are no pierogies. All I can find at HEB is potato and cheddar. No sauerkraut!! WTF? Traffic - ick.
  4. You don't know what the link was. I know this because the site has been down for a while now. And, yes, starting a website for people to post pictures of themselves apologizing to 'earth' for Bush's re-election does qualify as (looking for a softer word) wacky.
  5. Cartman is first. Butters is a close second. His shining moment is when the rest of the guys leave his room and he brings out a naked Barbie doll and a small "Butters" doll. The doll dialogue: "Hey Butters, would you like to slap my breasts around?" "Oh boy, sure I would! (short pause) Oh, but I'd better not. I'd probably get in trouble." He then puts the dolls away and resumes sitting alone, twiddling his fingers.
  6. Another awesome thing I just remembered - the concept of "Riter Bucks". Fictional money that people exchange, bet, and award one another when talking on your show. And every time you mention it we have to hear the cash register sound in the background. For some reason, I really like wacky inside jokes that make no sense. Get GR back on the internet!!
  7. When I first moved here I really thought it would get on my nerves but it hasn't at all. It just never comes up. I'm not confrontational in real life and I'm never the one who brings up politics. I pretty much share the same interests as people who are liberal and, basically, most people in their early 20's are liberal. Also, a lot of the people at UT aren't actually from Austin - they're from Houston, San Antonio, Dallas and all the surrounding 'red' counties. I was a TA all of last year and I got along great with all my students (I got ridiculously high instructor evaluations). Politics just never come up when there's so much else to do at work or school. Seriously, if I was talking politics in real life (wasting my time with the flunkies on the West Mall who protest everything) there'd be no reason to visit here. Also, the thought of living with people who disagree with me politically doesn't both me one bit. I just don't foam at the mouth when people tell me they're liberal.
  8. More Hilarity The girl from Travis County, TX (Austin) looks pretty hot. Probably not too hard to impress her; just grab a few talking points and say I'm a socialist.....
  9. Ha ha! You forgot the part about working in a record store.
  10. That's because they're waiting for a phone call from the President actually offering them jobs.
  11. Being a Senator for four years and never voting isn't the same thing as being the Governor of a very large and very successful state. Edwards is a smooth talking lawyer who got rich chasing ambulances and was working a pretty nice plan to find his way to the White House. I don't think there's a sincere bone in his body.
  12. Face it, the main reason the first 2 movies were bad is because there's way too much room left to cover in the last one. In a two-hour movie, Anakin has to go bad (still need a reason for that), start killing all the Jedi, Obi-Wan has to try to bring him back, then fail, then they have to fight and Anakin takes a header into a volcano. Then Vader shows up. Oh, and they also have to cover the entire fall of the republic and the birth of Luke and Leia as well as how the were split up and handed off. Again, in two hours. Also, Anakin never really seemed that good. He doesn't seem anything like Luke at all. Seemed more like a complete brat who was always destined to go bad. If you pay attention to the original trilogy, especially Obi-Wan's lines, you realize the prequels really should have written themselves. Making the prequels great movies should have been like shooting fish in a barrel. Guess not.
  13. Well, duh. The only reason Edwards ever tried to win the nomination was so that he'd get the VP nod eventually. The guy spent four years (sort of) in the Senate. He had exactly NO qualifications to be President, and I think he knew that. The guy makes me sick.
  14. He picked a good spot. Spending those last few days in France should help with the transition to hell.
  15. I remember that. Hilarious. Back when I lived in B-Lo, it was all about Howard Simon in the afternoons and Riter at night. That's cool that they'll be on the same station from now on.
  16. Brad Riter is hilarious. I used to listen to his show at night just because he'd have the hardest time getting anyone to call in so he'd have to find things to do on the air. The best was when he got a sample of the new turf at the Ralph along with a piece of the old turf. He then got some mice from a local pet store (he asked if he could borrow them and thus didn't actually have to pay for them) and timed them running across the two turfs. The mice on the old turf took 58 seconds. The mice on the new turf took 6 seconds. So Riter announces: "If these calculations are correct, your Buffalo Bills will be about ten times faster this year on average." He then went on to describe his attempts to take the mice back to the pet store and return them - only to find out that the workers there were very suspicious and almost wouldn't take them back. So apparently it's easier to borrow mice for free than it is to give them back.
  17. Looks very sweet, but then so did the trailers for the other two prequels.
  18. The buses were running today. I didn't see any rioting or panic in the streets. The news didn't mention any violent uprisings or really anything out of the ordinary at all. I talked to some people who voted for Kerry and were bummed about the loss but it didn't turn into a fight to the death. So apparently the country is still in one piece.
  19. Is it possible he's just a B word? Naaahhhhh......
  20. Uh, I meant it that way.
  21. Oh man, what a hottie!!!
  22. Be still, my heart!
  23. Those of you planning to move to Canada can speed up the process if you're willing to get hitched to an ugly Canadian. How Awesome is This? Hope you like tofu, poems, and hanging out in coffee houses talking about your feelings. Oh, and don't forget indie music.
  24. With all due respect, my posts are the ones that kill threads. Actually I think the only person who consistantly takes threads to the next level is nozzlenut because there's always so much to respond to.
  25. Two of Buffalo's favorite pasttimes these days. 1. Talking about how great Clinton was and the Democrats are. 2. Talking to their kids long distance because they've all moved away.
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