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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Get real. Young people almost always vote that way. What's the old saying - "If you aren't liberal when you're young, you don't have a heart. If you aren't conservative when you're older, you don't have a brain." So Moore focused his efforts on people who already agreed with his half-baked ideas? Nice work. Michael Moore is a failure. He was a rising star on the left a couple years back when Bowling for Columbine came out. But now everything he makes will be closely scrutinized as it is released and thus discredited before it can have an affect on anyone but the most dense members of our society. He's a discredited propagandist, and his 15 minutes are just about up. He's a running joke at this point - the film version of Kitty Kelly.
  2. Great post. EDIT: There are many great posts in this thread.
  3. Why not? Arafat was a pathetic leader who never 'led' anyone anywhere or won a battle militarily. The French military will be studying him for decades. France weeps for Arafat and thinks Bush is Hitler. And we're supposed to care what these people think?
  4. mmmmmmm.....pudding. I have to start wondering if Moore might really just be a double agent on Karl Rove's payroll. His lies about Bush in "Cholesteral 911" were so pathetic and over the top that much of America basically discounted *any* criticism of Bush as the same type of lies and distortions. The same reason Dan Rather and the New York Times rendered themselves useless by election day. What is he planning on doing for the sequel? Lying more? Lying harder? He's either incredibly stupid for thinking he can damage Bush or incredibly smart for cashing in and snatching up all the money from the same morons who gave him a cool $100 mil this past summer.
  5. I say ten hours ago, if not sooner. My mom always told me if I can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all. With that in mind:
  6. "Now, it's war." ??? I thought this was interesting.
  7. Words to live by, AD.
  8. Keith Olbermann has been all over this garbage this week. Not that he had any credibility to begin with but I've seen him talking about it twice this week just from flipping through the channels when I'm eating dinner. Morons. What did you expect, though? CNN and MSNBC talk about Middle America like it's a place they just discovered. The people here are apparently brand new to them as well. Their post-election 'analysis' of why people voted the way they did is so laughable. "It seems as though Middle America was convinced by Karl Rove that voting for President Bush was taught in the Bible." "The inhabitants of Middle America do have running water and electricity though, surprisingly, most express no interest in eventually moving to New York or California to live with the rest of us. Odd."
  9. Something has to be done about our road uniforms. They suck.
  10. He Looks Good Here. I can't believe anyone was ever worried.
  11. This pretty much sums it up.
  12. The website seems to be back up for those of you who missed it the first time. You really should check out the "We're sorry" gallery. Truly the best and brightest America has to offer.
  13. "My mommy always said there were no monsters, no real ones, but there are." - Newt, Aliens (Pretty sure Cartman said that during the Streisand South Park episode.)
  14. I think I speak for everyone when I say, "FINALLY!" /sarcasm
  15. I'd like to Google her with the filter off. And by "Google her with the filter off" I mean I'd like to have unprotected sex with her.
  16. No thanks.
  17. Count me in. Most of the books I read are history anyway.
  18. Cool Picture: In Natalie We Trust That's her on the inside of a humvee deployed to Ramadi.
  19. Already said, but it bears repeating: La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-LAFONTAINE!!!!!!!
  20. Apparently "Operation Phantom Fury" is underway right now.
  21. I like them. WAY better than our current road threads. And when are the Bills going to get a red alternate home jersey? You know it's coming....
  22. Why not? President McGahee would be as good at public speaking as President Bush. (Man I love winning.....)
  23. "Emory, ze melons are on fire!!" WE WIN!!
  24. You guys are killing me with all the food talk. I'm eating Campbells Chunky Soup and Pop Tarts every day over here.
  25. Saving Private Ryan is one of my favorite movies of all time. I think the last movie I saw that met and exceeded expectations was the new Dawn of the Dead. I don't have anything to add about Fallujah that the smarter people haven't already said. God bless our troops.
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