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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. I just heard Len Pasquerelli (sorry about the spelling) on the radio and he said he thinks Martz might "be cracking", as in going nuts from the pressure of being an NFL head coach. Unreal.
  2. I thought ELF was outstanding. When is the last time someone made a family friendly movie that was actually really funny (Pixar excluded)?
  3. Damn, I thought he was great. RIP.
  4. Michael Moore has many things to be depressed about.
  5. If ever there was an NFL coach I could see being killed by one of his own players............
  6. Because that's why THE WORLD HATES US!!!!! Seriously, as soon as someone tied MLB salaries to the tsunami, my nose started to bleed and I had to step away from the computer. "SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES!!! SWEDEN!!!! SAMMY SOSA!!!!!" WTF????
  7. Comparing the United States of America to "Scandinavian countries" is apples to oranges. We're a bit different as a country. I was thinking about donating some money to the UN's relief agency so that I can sleep soundly knowing that I paid for some diplomat's expensive lunch somewhere in NYC.
  8. Death toll at 44,000 now. Damn.
  9. The fact that our playoff hopes rest on Mike Martz has me less than thrilled. I thought the Rams looked awful last night. If the Jets show up at all, they'll go through them like a hot knife through butter.
  10. The games that worry me this weekend are the ones the Bills aren't participating in. I feel fine about us versus Pittsburgh.
  11. I guess it all depends on if we keep Pat Williams and/or Jonas Jennings. If we keep Phat Pat, I say we focus on the O-line.
  12. F that, I knew. I tried telling everyone but no one wanted to listen. My only complaint is that I'm still not thrilled about the road uniforms - especially the fact that the white pants look nothing like our navy pants (which are cool). But I guess in the spirit of Christmas, I can let that one go.
  13. I'm glad someone else said something because I thought it was just me. Those snaps were scary. And, yeah, this is damn fun!
  14. The Bills are one win and a little help away from becoming one of my favorite teams in any sport in any year, ever. I really believe in this year's team.
  15. LOL, I'm sorry I stopped watching the game now. Have they said anything about how great the running backs are because "they keep moving their feet"? I really think that's their favorite thing to say on ESPN's NFL broadcasts. Oh, and when they aren't moving their feet it's because they have patience. They praise that too.
  16. Aren't those Mularky moves? MM has been great this season. I'm hoping the start of the season was just some growing pains and that he's the real deal. It's been a while since we had a coach we could all believe in.
  17. The Colts are in some trouble either way. If they win, they probably have to play us. If they lose, they'll probably be playing Denver two weeks in a row. Even if they try to hide everything from the Broncos, that is just asking for trouble. Plenty of bulletin board material for the Broncos (the Colts *know* they can beat them) and it's hard to let a team prep for you two weeks in a row. I'm hoping the Colts decide to get rid of the Broncos when they have the chance rather than toy with them knowing they can determine their first round opponent. If they plan on winning the Super Bowl, they'll have to have the "we can beat anyone" mentality anyway.
  18. Wow, I had never heard that (the logoramithic part). That is nuts.
  19. I used to agree with you but Conan has been a little stale lately. Dave's stuff is all so random and "Will It Float?" with the Hula-Hoop Girl and Grinder Girl is second to none.
  20. Exactly how I feel. If we're for real, we don't need Willis to deep six the forty-niners (pun intended).
  21. Worst Sunday Night Football game ever?
  22. Christmas Day is the day when most Americans die each year. The reason I heard is that people are less likely to go to the hospital if they feel something wrong (chest pains, etc.) but I imagine drinking and driving would have something to do with it as well. RIP, Reggie.
  23. Letterman is great. The guy gave up spending Christmas with his 14 month old son for this. By the way, America, wake the hell up and start watching him because he's the best late night guy we have BY FAR.
  24. I guess the X factor is that they're playing on Christmas weekend and maybe focus could be an issue. But then I realize that the Niners are also playing on Christmas weekend and they have absolutely nothing to play for - so they should be even less focused. If we can't beat the Niners we don't belong in the playoffs anyway. There's something special about the Bills right now. BILL-ieve it (I love lame puns).
  25. "One more time.....with more energy......"
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