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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Afraid to admit what? That I watch a show packed with some of the hottest women on the planet? Damn right I watch it. It's a pretty good show too.
  2. The Shield 24 Lost Smallville The O.C. Aqua Teen Hunger Force Venture Brothers SeaLab 2021 Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn (RIP) Late Show with David Letterman Also, I'll sometimes watch Trading Spaces if Paige Davis is wearing a really tight t-shirt (which is every episode).
  3. The blonde chick with the disturbing face is Chloe. If you were a fan of the show, you'd be used to her driving you up the wall. The "suburban mother" is a sleeper cell terrorist so I don't think it's far-fetched that she's a little nuts.
  4. At least it puts things into perspective for people who think America is the only country with goofy leaders, or the one with the goofiest leaders. "The United States should leave the region! Let the UN handle this; we're almost ready with some resolutions!!"
  5. It's not just you. Each year they seem to find an annoying office character. Last year it was Chloe and before that it was the girl from Rosanne (who they killed off pretty early).
  6. I think this is the best start to a season they've yet had. Jack robbing the store was a perfect use of the show's format - it was actually in real time and every minute mattered. And Jack rushing against the clock to rescue the Secretary of Defense and his girlfriend is perfect too. Only thing I didn't like tonight was Aisha Tyler because did we really need another evil woman character? Don't we have like 300 of those in the show's history already?
  7. They never signed Mo Vaughn. They traded Kevin Appier to the Angels for him. Appier posted a sub 4.00 ERA the next season and helped the Angels win the World Series. The Mets inherited a horrible contract and Mo Vaughn imploded (which is a lot of imploding given his size).
  8. I repeat, who cares? The school had reason to believe that one of these kids stole some money and searched for it with the equivalent of gym class tactics. I don't anticipate any long-term trauma for these kids. And of course kids are acting out - in general their parents act more like their lawyers than anything else. Schools are barely allowed to discipline students in any way. Now please try to keep your mind off yanking my pants down while you go about your busy day searching the internet looking for things to overreact to.
  9. Most mainstream news is trash these days anyway.
  10. GREAT first two hours tonight. Best start to a season since the pilot episode.
  11. Most teams would kill for a four year stretch like the Yankees have had from 2001 to 2004. That includes the Angelic Angels of Califonia Angels of Anaheim, California (God I hate that MF name).
  12. Oh, how sweet would that be?
  13. I'm not a Mets fan (currently a fan of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim of California of the United States of America of Earth, or whatever we're called this week) but I think the move is good. Hell, if they have the money, spend it! The Mets should be second in resources only to the Yankees so use them. Getting Pedro and Beltran in one offseason (even overpaying) puts the Mets back on the map as a premier franchise. They needed this offseason. As for Beltran's BA, his OBP and OPS probably make up for it nicely. And he's a GG center fielder. I watched him in Houston and I've never seen anyone else handle that hill at the wall so well. He's a natural.
  14. Glenn Reynolds has an early take on that article. Instapundit
  15. The greatest contribution to the world that the guys from Oasis ever provided was this quote: "Coldplay is music for bed-wetters." If only a cooler band had said that.....
  16. The typical Bledsoe season includes being at your worst when the games mean the most.
  17. If our coaching staff is as smart as they looked for the past 6 weeks, they could design an offense that asks very little of Losman and we'd survive. We have to do the same thing to compensate for Bledsoe's presence so I don't see the difference.
  18. STOP SHOUTING!! I think he's a class act as a human being, but I can't appreciate him as a football player. Pro sports is full of sociopaths and at least DB seems like a reasonable human being off the field. On the field, well, he's pretty much just as passive and maybe that's the problem.
  19. But Culpepper, Pennington, and Brees aren't all on the downside of their careers. Bledsoe has hit his apex and has been in decline for some time now. And I don't need a guy who's going to make amazing plays every game that show up on Sportscenter. Just don't make horrible plays. Bledsoe could've had 4 INTs in the first half and his fumble late in the game basically killed the team (and he wasn't being rushed on his blind side). BTW, I *hate* criticizing Bledsoe. Obviously, we don't really know pro athletes but he seems like one of the real class acts out there. If ever a pro athlete could double as a role model, Bledsoe might be the guy. But I honestly don't think he's the guy if we want to win next season.
  20. I feel the same way. Yesterday's loss was so bad I have to question the entire winning streak; was the whole resurgence just an illusion? We still act like a team that can't handle a punch in the face. If we really folded because Lindell missed that FG, we were never that good.
  21. I don't know if JP is the answer next season but the positives sound better than what Bledsoe brings. What *does* Bledsoe bring anyway? He's old? He used to be good? We're either designing an offense next season that minimizes Bledsoe's shortcomings or one that minimizes a rookie QB's shortcomings. Either way we're in trouble. The way I see it, though, a team with Bledsoe as the starting QB will never win the Super Bowl. We saw it again this year - Bledsoe is at his worst when his team needs him the most.
  22. Nothing the team did yesterday makes sense when you look at the previous six weeks.
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