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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Good catch, I never even considered that. "Like flaming globes!!!!"
  2. I actually believe him when he says he moved on. He didn't have a choice. Either let go of the past or let it ruin the rest of your life. Forgetting about it is a survival mechanism. Poor Donnie Moore of the 1986 California Angels blew a save in the ALCS and ended up killing himself a couple years later.
  3. No, please, I don't even want to know what it would have looked like had it gone through. Just thinking about it now - as something that cannot be changed - is hard enough. It'd be like a woman having a miscarriage and 10 years later getting to see a picture of what her son or daughter *would have* looked like. Ugh. I just remember getting off the couch and getting on my knees to pray to God that Norwood make that kick (I actually used the couch as a makeshift pew to put my elbows on and lace my fingers together). When he missed I burst into tears and my mom sort of walked over, got me on my feet, and walked me to my bedroom (I was 10). She told me something like "Someone had to win and someone had to lose" but I was just misearable.
  4. Totally agree. I've been screaming for replacement players since this whole thing started. Did anyone really think they'd negotiate their way out of this one?
  5. Larry David was also the guy in the cape seen with George's father later on.
  6. I was also 10 and I also cried. Somehow that SB loss still seems more vivid than the other three. It's still tough to watch the footage of Marv Levy watching Norwood's kick miss.
  7. And there are some outfits that no one looks good in. Dolphins uniforms, for example.
  8. That's not so much racist as it is 100% true. Black guys look good in clothes that white guys just can't pull off.
  9. Gamecube is a great system for the money. Zelda, Resident Evil, and especially the Metroid games (Metroid Prime might be the best game I've ever played - GTA included) are incredible. And it does have Madden. I don't know if I'd want it to be the only system I have (I also own PS2) but I like mine.
  10. I think they have specific ideas in mind. One of the creators, J.J. Abrams, initially didn't want to do the show because he wasn't sure how he'd stretch it to more than one season. But I guess they came up with a means of having 2-3 seasons so they went ahead with it.
  11. "My little buttercup........"
  12. Incredible episode. I had low expectations for this one but it may be my favorite. They packed a helluva emotional punch into the 45 minutes of so that they had to work with. Lost isn't just the best show on TV right now - it's better than almost every movie I've ever seen. EDIT: They also proved how great the show can be if they don't focus on Jack and Kate all the time.
  13. "Soundbyte-driven reactionary idiot" is a damn funny term.
  14. It's not just funny that you swat her down; it's funny that it happens every single day.
  15. I like when she cried when Bush's reelection was made official. Very professional.
  16. There was a much bigger version of the same picture online that day. I think I still have it if anyone wants me to email it.
  17. Schwarzenegger used an exploding arrow or two in Predator as well. Face it, the 80s were as good a decade for movies as we'll ever get. Exploding arrows and a time traveling delorean - that's what I'm talking about.
  18. Google it and you can find all 8 pages of photos.
  19. I'd probably agree with that but I try to give him the benefit of the doubt because he really is expected to win the game for them every week. Either Manning plays great or they lose. Brady and Rothlisberger can have a bad game and get away with it because someone else will win it for those teams. Bledsoe too.
  20. If the entire rest of the team needs Peyton Manning to rally them every time things aren't going too well, they'll never win anything anyway. You can't win with one player expected to do everything. The Patriots win because they have about 50 players with more mental toughness than all the Colts.
  21. No, Peyton stunk but the Colts don't have a plan B. Either Manning leads the offense to a win or they lose. During the Bills big win streak, you didn't know who would step up and make the big play.
  22. Yeah, not nearly the 'diss' it was rumored to be IMO. It was actually meant as a compliment in that both Marino and Manning are expected to do it all to win the game while other QBs have more complete teams (Manning, in particular, lacks a defense).
  23. Amazon Link Here's a link to the book I was just talking about. Some of the reviewers agree with what I just said but others seem to think the book "punctures the myth" that the French Revolution was inspired by the American one.
  24. I read a book called "Citizens" in college a few years back about the French Revolution and it pretty much stated that the whole thing started because they wanted to have the kind of progressive government that we'd just established. Of course, they couldn't seem to make up their minds as to whether the King was to be the leader in making the changes or the one standing in the way (they kept changing their minds and eventually just chopped his head off).
  25. Me too (damn this is a great message board).
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