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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. ......I don't even know where to start.
  2. Number 3 or 4? Ha! On the day Hitler invaded Poland back in 1939, the U.S. had the world's 17th or 18th largest army and still relied heavily on cavalry (yes, horses).
  3. Yeah! Hollywood Video or something like that. I remember buying VHS copies of Jurassic Park and the old Star Wars movies there back in the early 90s (back in the dark ages before DVD took over).
  4. Link Another heartwarming story of union workers looking out for, um, themselves exclusively. Good thing they "support the troops."
  5. .....But Ryan and Mirassa are about to get back together!!!!!
  6. If he's an assclown, that we can change his nickname to that. Until then, he has to be the Big Cat. That's one of the best non-football Buffalo Bills stories I can think of.
  8. "Reinstated in G-Unit" You can't make this crap up.
  9. "Flava Flav hits rock bottom."
  10. Forget that, Thea was the reason I watched. CNN Headline News better keep the lovely Robin Meade on in the mornings or there won't be much reason to even turn the TV on.
  11. OMG, that is beyond awesome. Gotta like the guy. BTW, I think JP just gave himself a cool nickname - Big Cat (even if it means missing the point of the story somewhat).
  12. Two bits of great news if true. The new DOTD was outstanding.
  13. Check the CDC's web page and see for yourself.
  14. Last time I listened to Brad Riter was early January and he was against letting Bledsoe go. I was wondering why he didn't give Bledsoe more blame for the loss to the Steelers. Sounds like he has stuck to his opinion.
  15. You'll be fine. I had a root canal back in 2002 and it was so painless I went straight to work and worked a full shift right after it was over with. I didn't feel a thing.
  16. Monk is a great show but it's more of a comedy than anything else. The Shield is the best cop show on TV right now and basically has been since it debuted in 2001. Fans of NYPD Blue should give it a shot when its fourth season premieres two weeks from today (or rent the DVDs before then).
  17. It's hardly the top of the top in the acting community that thinks they have special insight into areas that they certainly do not. Janeane Garofalo anyone?
  18. I'm not sure how concerned she should really be. To make "Buffalo" happen, it really took a perfect storm of stupidity. Although I guess Erie County going broke after trying to employ as many of its citizens as possible could make for a nice example of how socialism doesn't work.
  19. Sean Penn does provide an important service to our society. The man is paid to pretend for a living.
  20. Looked like a news report to me. Jin is awesome; great backstory. This is the second episode of Lost that made me want to call my dad right after it ended (the other being Michael's).
  21. Right now, baseball is as popular as it has been in a generation. EDIT: All the problems in the world for MLB still don't touch the millions who flock to minor league games each year or the fact that basically every kid in America takes part in little league at some point.
  22. The coaching staff that had been working with Losman for that first year didn't seem too concerned.
  23. Wow, what an incredible waste of time!! Great work!!!
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