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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. More on Lucas' fall to the Dark Side, so to speak... Gary Kurtz Interview
  2. Lucas also didn't direct Episodes V or VI. In the case of Empire Strikes Back, it's pretty well known that Lucas and director Irvin Kershner did not get along at all and that Lucas hated a lot of the decisions he made. He learned his lesson in time for Jedi and hired a director who was a little more interested in King George's input. Of course, Empire is the best Star Wars movie.....
  3. Heh. There's a lot of that going around (see my post above).
  4. My Dad bought a Honda Accord in 1988. My grandmother is still driving it today. We bought another Accord in 1990 and a Honda Civic in 1999 - amazing cars both. Last spring my Dad bought himself a retirement present in the form of an Acura XTS and it's a wonderful car as well. Unfortunately, we went with GM in 1997 and bought a Chevy Blazer. It has new problems every month (starting years ago) and is on its deathbed.
  5. Every time CNN.com has a story on ANWR they show a big picture of a lake with caraboo (?) and beautiful mountains in the background - the implication being that all of it would be parking lot if we let the 'eeeeevil' oil companies in. Drilling stations are marvels of engineering. If we can safely build drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, we can do it in Alaska without destroying any wildlife.
  6. No, not really. As I understand it, Gannon was getting press 'day passes', which are pretty easy to get. Maureen Dowd, whiny fluff artist from the NYT, wrote that she was denied a press pass while Gannon got one - though she didn't mention that she was denied a different type of pass than the one Gannon got. Oops. There were a lot of liberals in a frenzy, though, because Gannon had a background that involved gay prostitution which affects his current life, um, somehow. How it affects his ability to be a journalist or excludes him from being a "real journalist" (whatever that means) I don't quite know. Is it crazy to think that there are reporters from conservative news outlets at Presidential news conferences? Again, IMO, all you have to do to be a journalist is act like one. It doesn't seem like the people who go to college for such a practice really learn anything useful there as the people running blogs often do a better job presenting stories than they do.
  7. Yep, that bothered me too. I guess it's possible he was flying in to the states from abroad (?). Definitely. They might as well have been looking at the camera when they were saying "we are Americans too." Oy vey! If he survives, they're setting up him and Audrey getting back together. I guess it'd be nice for him to turn out to actually be a good guy in the end. Every season goes through a little dry spell midway through. This one hasn't been too terrible (if you can digest that defense contractors somehow have commando teams handy and minimum wage security guards ready to torture Paul).
  8. He was extremely lucky. I remember him on TV pleading for the violence to stop (possibly with Rodney King) and I don't think he had any serious after-effects from that serious head trauma. EDIT: I didn't bring the correction up to show you up, just to note how lucky the man was.
  9. Hells yes! I'm the one who posted her picture, right? Going by the protest photos, it really looks like Lebanon has some beautiful women.
  10. The guy to her right is clearly checking her out.
  11. By the way, everyone should check out some of the slideshows of these protests on yahoo.com. They are massive.
  12. Then there's this mmmmmm....Democracy......
  13. Richard Gere's new love interest...
  14. More Coverage But there is some good news: Wonder why the "Big Three" is having such a hard time.
  15. Link Now the Anti-Syrian protests have reached the hundreds of thousands.
  16. WHAT? It wasn't official before?
  17. If anyone ever decides to name their team the "Fighting Polocks" or even just the "Polocks" I will buy a hat, jersey, t-shirt, sweatshirt, socks, and Zubaz pants. I swear. I'd love to see a Polish version of Chief Wahoo.
  18. At least Clinton knew that our soldiers are basically the same as the Nazis, right?
  19. Yes, I'm sure the Polish, the French, the Belgians, the English, the Dutch, and especially the Russians were all just thrilled about how things worked out. Trying to appease Hitler by rolling over for him was a brilliant idea. Worked great for the Jews in Europe as well.
  20. WHAT? You mean to tell me that there were problems in the world when Democrats were in the White House? AmeriKKKa was always an imperialist power that channeled the Nazis on a daily basis? That's nuts; everyone knows this is all Bush and Rumsfeld's fault, along with everything that has ever gone wrong in the world.
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