No, not really. As I understand it, Gannon was getting press 'day passes', which are pretty easy to get. Maureen Dowd, whiny fluff artist from the NYT, wrote that she was denied a press pass while Gannon got one - though she didn't mention that she was denied a different type of pass than the one Gannon got. Oops.
There were a lot of liberals in a frenzy, though, because Gannon had a background that involved gay prostitution which affects his current life, um, somehow. How it affects his ability to be a journalist or excludes him from being a "real journalist" (whatever that means) I don't quite know. Is it crazy to think that there are reporters from conservative news outlets at Presidential news conferences?
Again, IMO, all you have to do to be a journalist is act like one. It doesn't seem like the people who go to college for such a practice really learn anything useful there as the people running blogs often do a better job presenting stories than they do.