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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Oh, those terrorists. Oops.
  2. A couple years back I was flying from Buffalo to Minnesota and the plane I boarded in Buffalo was on its way to Minnesota from NY so half the passengers were just staying on the plane for the layover. Turned out the weather was bad in Minnesota that day so our flight was delayed for a couple hours and we were all stuck on the plane together on the ground. This girl on his cell phone was jabbering away at her boyfriend about the delay and lamented "No, I don't think we'll make it in tonight - we're stuck in Pennsylvania right now." So not only was she proving how important she was, we all got to hear how intelligent she was as well.
  3. 7. Fat people. Why am I always sandwiched between a couple of them?
  4. Just stop building factories in the United States. Problem solved.
  5. That's the point. There were no stockpiles - Saddam just kept the program quiet and ready to go whenever he decided he did want to make weapons. That way, he never really had to disarm and his 'allies' at the UN would never do anything to him. The point is NOT that Saddam was well-off. The point is that he turned the UN sanctions completely upside down - tens of thousands died each year because the country was so poor (which fueled movements within the UN to lift sanctions) all while his weapons programs were ready to re-activate whenever he gave the order. The choice was maintain sanctions to keep him in check (and kill tens of thousands annually indefinitely) or remove sanctions and let him run wild with weapons (and then you have another North Korea in a much more important part of the world). Not to mention the prospect of bringing democracy to the Middle East which is off to a better start than anyone (definitely not me) could have anticipated.
  6. If a plan achieves nothing, why even bother? Whatever, just add "JEFF GANNON!" to the list that already includes "HALLIBURTON!" and "NO BLOOD FOR OIL!" But we didn't find "nothing." We found everything short of weapons stockpiles, including a dictator thriving by bribing UN officials and weapons programs that were alive and well, if not active. The Duelfer Report, if you can get past the ridiculous headlines when it was released, made that clear.
  7. Nope. Occam's Razor
  8. "Coooooooooooome and get it!" yeah.
  9. Just another opportunity to screw with the originals. King George will find a way to make Jar Jar Han's *other* co-pilot of the Millenium Falcon. And now Greedo will shoot first......twice.
  10. That's definitely Brooke Burke.
  11. Despite the fact that she's the one changing her story repeatedly and once claimed over 300 bullets hit the car? I'm sure you'll assume the worst. Occam's Razor be damned!
  12. Seriously, is there any legitimate reason to link the two stories together? Any at all? Do you have any interest in defending Sgrena's story (or stories)? You seemed to think her story was credible and proof of how bad things were going in Iraq so you brought it into the thread.
  13. Hypocrisy in journalism is the norm, not the exception. When the "paper of record" is the NYT and CNN claims to be the "most trusted name in news" and Maureen Dowd wins the Pulitzer, you know the journalism industry is rotten to the core. I don't think professional journalism attracts the best people.
  14. No, it sounds like the single dumbest and most ineffective "conspiracy" ever conceived. It achieved nothing and, even if they *were* looking for a sleeper cell reporter, why pick someone like that? They couldn't groom someone with a clean background and actual experience in the field? None of the Guckart theories make any sense. Who is linking him to Valerie Plame (last scene in a photo shoot for Vanity Fair)? Why would they need him to 'out' Valerie Plame? As for WMD's, I recall just about every intelligence agency both in the U.S. and abroad being pretty confident about Saddam's capabilities and there is still question as to whether or not materials were transported to Syria on the eve of the war.
  15. Couldn't care less. Define "always". Was he called on more or less than any other journalist at the press conferences? Did those 'softball' questions have any effect on how the President was covered in the mainstream media? Did his questions make any difference whatsoever? Does it matter who asks the questions? So let me get this straight, Bush (and probably Karl Rove) hatched a devious plan to hire a 'sleeper cell' reporter for Presidential press conferences. The reporter would ask 'softball' questions that the President could easily answer. The rest of the press corp. would have no choice but to write about how well-spoken the President was. BUT, even with all their resources and money, the only person they could find to do such a job was a gay man who wrote for an obscure website that no one had ever heard of. So you're saying that this was some sort of media conspiracy on the part of the Bush administration that just happened to have exactly zero effect on media coverage of the President and was placed in the hands of someone with a very checkered past? Yeah, right.....
  16. Of course, Italy deserves no blame for not informing our military of their "rescue" of Sgrena and I'm sure none of the $10 million ransom they paid to get that propagandist back will be spent on IEDs.
  17. Which means what? He's a liar. He doesn't write what he believes. So? He's a nobody. No one had ever heard of him. He has zero influence. I couldn't care less about what he writes or what he does in his personal life. Let's get back to Sgrena shall we? (After all, you brought her up in this thread). When someone is trying to become a symbol of evils of America and her military (to the point where she can be cited by leftist moonbats like you), it's probably a good idea to check into this person's past and see what they're all about when trying to determine if they have an agenda.
  18. Nice reply, ace. You managed to reply to "she works for a communist newspaper" and ignore everything else in the post as well as the three links and quotes that I provided. I'll take that as an admission on your part that you can't explain why this woman provided several different accounts of what happened (some prepostorous). Jeff Gannon's sex life doesn't have anything to do with his career. Sgrena's career has everything to do with her beliefs.
  19. More Sgrena Story
  20. The Guardian Amazingly, only one person (of the four in the car) was killed by that 300-400 bullet barrage. Sgrena's "Truth" That's weird. I thought they were driving nice and slow.
  21. Actually what happened was that the military gave one version of what happened and Sgrena gave about a dozen at last count. At one point she claimed she was fired on by a tank, that 300-400 shots were fired, and that the Americans were trying to kill her (easily disproved because she is still alive). Nevermind that she works for a communist newspaper and told collegues she wasn't afraid of being kidnapped or killed by insurgents because she was siding with them against the Americans.
  22. Actually, that's an urban legend and even the L.A. Times eventually issued a correction. But, uh, whatever.... As for polls, they provide useful information in the form of a statistically inadequate sample size of people who will agree to waste 30 minutes on the phone and are home during the day. RCow illustrated this wonderfully when he committed PPP suicide a few months ago.
  23. Yes, they should be criticized because they aren't showing the areas that will be developed. The implication on their website is that the caribou will somehow be affected by the drilling - as if the choice is somehow between caribou and oil. Lots and lots of people.
  24. mmmm....Alexis Bledel.....
  25. That's weird, I was about to sponsor a bill requiring sexy cheerleaders.
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