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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Bring them up all you want. They'll still be crap.
  2. Link You were saying?
  3. Actually I was mocking you, for starting a thread about a "White House press room scandal" - where the administration "pulled crap" by hiring a reporter to lob softball questions - and by page four you're asserting that the media only lobbed softball questions at Bush leading up to the war (and through the war), thus making such a 'scandal' completely unnecessary. There are two types of people on this board with regard to polls: 1. People who cite them - you and RCow 2. People who recognize them as statistically insignificant and irrelevant - everyone else.
  4. When you say "cheerleaders right from the onset" are you referring to the NYT declaring "Quagmire!" about a week before the fall of Baghdad? Or, more recently, how about all those articles about what a bloodbath and failure the Iraqi elections would be? And if the media was so helpful to Bush in pushing his agenda, why did he need to hire Jeff Gannon Guckart? Try making up your mind about Bush's relationship to the media.
  5. Yeah, so is Maureen Dowd - who gives a rat's ass? I don't know why anyone should care if the liberal media gives itself awards. As for WMD, maybe you should read the Duelfer report when you're not snacking on Hot Pockets or getting your news from cartoons.
  6. So now you're saying the media helped him sell a war only to completely misrepresent that war by covering only the negative news coming out of Iraq and the Middle East? Good plan, another conspiracy uncovered.
  7. Lord knows the mainstream media always does whatever it can to help out George W. Bush.
  8. So that's what happened to Dave Thomas....
  9. Can't believe they turned Aceveda into a sexual deviant but, then again, it's not like The Shield actually has any rules. I like them using Shane as a bad guy. Honestly, I can't believe he even made it this far. Surprised they brought Gilroy back (in deceased form).
  10. It has to be the liberals for one reason. Any loony lefty protest always comes with the possibility of seeing 60 year old hippie burnouts naked. They do have the edge in finger painting, though.
  11. The Elite? Seriously, are you a communist? The demise of unions probably has more to do with the fact that it makes no sense to do business with them.
  12. Who else has "nothing to live for"? Retarded people? Quadriplegics? Amputees? Is there anyone else we should start starving and dehydrating to death? I don't know - and neither does anyone else. No one knows what it's like to be in that state. Either she's so out of it that she has no concept of time or anything around here, and thus it doesn't hurt to keep her alive. Or she's conscious and thus very much aware of the fact that she hasn't received nourishment or water for five days now.
  13. Oh, that outrage. Whatever.
  14. I thought they always left the last year of the CBA without a cap to provide incentive to get an extension done well in advance. Oh well, if anything happens to the cap, the NFL can look forward to watching its popularity plummet.
  15. It just means the Bills are trying to give everyone herpes.
  16. "Travis Henry is like...." herpes. Because we can't get rid of him no matter how hard we try.
  17. But we can't stop now! We're just one tax increase away from being an economic superpower! Also, the county should hire extra workers to sit in between the guy who drives the snow plow and the guy who rides shotgun in the snow plow - it'd give the whole job a 'road trip' flavor that would make their work more enjoyable.
  18. Yes, that will do. Unfortunately my first post in the thread should have read "eat a bunny" in reference to the Save Toby website but I got my furry animals mixed up and ruined the joke.
  19. Not bad, but it'd be more persuasive if you were threatening to eat a kitty.
  20. If Heller is a mole, I'm done with the show. There's just no way they can make that one make sense.
  21. You just can't say that enough.
  22. No thanks, I like my idea better. And, as AD pointed out, the consumers are working hard to make it a reality.
  23. You want the UN in charge of the world?
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