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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. age: 24 expectancy: 84 It may be less because once I hit 80 I'm just going to sit around eating peanut butter straight out of the jar and watching TV all day.
  2. Did any of you guys actually watch the video from the original link? The dude was a Chinese national with a "history of mental problems" who'd been arrested before for "unscheduled visits to the White House." In other words, this wasn't some random person with suitcases, it was a guy who they know is unstable.
  3. Repigs....priceless. What a persuasive argument.
  4. I was hoping it was one of his wife.
  5. For all we know, that was Dave's finger in you. Ewwww!
  6. Sorry to hear that, man. Hang in there.
  7. The media did misrepresent the memo. So from your link, it's just a poorly written paper expressing the opinion of one Republican staffer. And here's how the media reported it: The story here is how poorly the mainstream media checks its facts. Basically they had a piece of paper riddled with errors and went ahead and reported it like it was definitely legit. So basically anything written on paper is real and can be reported - we'll worry about authenticity later, I guess.
  8. I did see that. Un-friggin-believable! I agree, that was the best presidential impersonation of any president that I've ever seen.
  9. Hmm, now the liberals can't even decide why they hate Bush. Apparently now he's not agressive *enough* with problems abroad. So much for trying to stop the American "Empire."
  10. ....Blue was the first beer I ever really loved.....
  11. They killed him off on Smallville too.
  12. I don't think there are any new episodes until May Sweeps, and the previews they showed looked like a montage from several episodes.
  13. I'd love to see it happen and it's only fair seeing as how both the Yankees and Jets are getting help with their stadiums over in "Eastern New York."
  14. They drew over 4 million fans annually for three years. That's obscene!
  15. "Why would someone want to marry his own cousins?" "Because they're so good-looking!"
  16. Let's also keep in mind that whether or not one can marry his or her cousin was the start of the rivalry between Springfield and Shelbyville - a rivalry that has lasted til this very day. (obscure Simpsons reference)
  17. Some markets will always be weaker than others. Seattle was a terrible market for a really long time (MLB even forced the guys behind Naked Gun to include them in the final act to give them some credibility). Baseball in Florida has just been handled really poorly since it began. I'm mostly in favor of expansion (not in the near future) because of the 16 team league format.
  18. Toronto itself is a BIG market. The city has 2.2 million people and they basically have all of Ontario at their disposal which brings their market WAY up. I know they had problems with their SkyDome lease but I think those days are over now that the team actually owns the stadium. There has to be a way to turn them into above-average spenders. And I still really like SkyDome (now called Rogers Centre) as a great place to catch a game. I don't know about the Orioles but revenue sharing is still picking up so who knows?
  19. At some point the Blue Jays should be able to compete with the Yankees and Red Sox. There's a ton of money in Toronto and that city is growing rapidly. Not to mention that they are *the* team in Ontario and you're looking at a huge fan base (which gets even bigger if they ever decide to reach out to Buffalo). I know they had a bad deal with the SkyDome for a long time but hopefully that's changing. Also, it would help to drop the black from the uniform and replace it with royal blue. Someday I'd also like MLB to expand the AL by two teams and make each league 4-divisions made up of 4 teams each. The Wild Card has been a huge success but I think this format would result in even more teams in the playoff race and better intra-divisional rivalries. All the regular season games between the Yankees and Red Sox would have a playoff feel because, for all intents and purposes, they are playoff games. And a four team division of NY, Boston, Balitimore and _______ (Toronto? NJ? ??) could have all big market teams and thus some added parity that isn't present when TB is in the AL East.
  20. The nuclear football thing is too much. So the terrorist plan was to shoot down AF1 over a designated area (somehow) and then recover the nuclear "football" (somehow) assuming it is safely tossed from the plane upon crash landing and not, say, lost in some white-hot inferno that might be created as part of a plane crash or just destroyed. This plan also assumes they'll know where the President will be 14 hours after the start of their plan (in the air, above California) and that they'll be able to have enough men close enough to the crash site that they'll be able to recover the football before anyone else arrives. HUH? This also makes their entire plan the following: Kidnap SOD Heller and televise his execution on the internet to draw attention away from the theft of a nuclear override that will be used to melt down all the nuclear reactors in the United States. While this is going on, a Stealth fighter will be stolen and used to assassinate the President and, in doing so, steal the nuclear "football" so that the terrorists can launch nuclear weapons at the United States or abroad (like the nuclear meltdown thingy from a couple hours ago wasn't enough). That's quite a plan.
  21. I can suspend disbelief alright but why was FOX hyping a 'big twist' that they basically revealed weeks ago when Marwan said something to the effect of "the President is on a tight schedule" to Mr. Pilot Dude. I was talking to someone today about how someone should count how many CTU agents are wasted just a few minutes after leaving the office. Chalk up another one during tonight's episode.
  22. Gotta love all the 'experts' who said no one would be suspended this year under the new policy and now we already have one just a few hours before the season begins.
  23. His death is not a political event. When I wrote that, he was still alive and there was nothing political about him any more - he was dying. That's all. If you want to discuss the Church's role in world events, fine, but don't look in my direction - I don't feel like talking about it today.
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