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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. ESPN. And even if I got the NFL Network I'd stick with ESPN because of Suze Kolber.
  2. I can't disagree with any of that but it's funny reading someone thinking through the Wendy's scam. "You cook in finger in that chili and those spices will change the color, I'm tellin' ya....."
  3. I do the same thing but I get the baked potato. Attention Americans: You are responsible for your health, not Wendy's.
  4. OMG If it wasn't for the draft I'd rent it tomorrow after reading that! Sounds like a Stallone version of Commando "Did you leave anything for us?" "Just bodies."
  5. Yeah, you're....um....doing really well here....
  6. I enjoyed it plenty. Who cares? Either way, let the beating continue....
  7. Possibly the funniest thing I've ever read on TSW.
  8. Great sketch. They should've never ditched NM.
  9. Incorrect. Our road uniforms are somehow -3 out of 10. Also, you are not advised to look directly at them, ever.
  10. Yeah, what the hell happened to our alternate (red) uniforms? I need info dammit!
  11. Am I the only one who thinks keeping Coy Wire is alright because it's good to have veteran players on special teams? Also, if we could get a good enough draft pick to steal Derrick Johnson in the draft, I'd be happy to trade Clements.
  12. No, this is a horrible draft.
  13. Awesome. Let's see how she likes prison food.
  14. Sorry for being a traitor? Oh, OK, it's all good then.
  15. I think the Cards new uniforms are better than our current ones. As for the two different shades of red - it could just be different materials. Uniforms now are designed to look good on TV, not as much at press conferences.
  16. No kidding - thanks for the insight.
  17. !@#$ How do things like this happen?
  18. Simplicity always helps with uniforms. One of my friends described our road jersey as "blocks of color." I think that's just about right.
  19. Here's a look at the front: Picture Pretty sharp.
  20. Their PR guy described the new uniforms as "revolutionary" a few weeks back. That pretty much guarantees they'll either be really great or really awful. Probably the latter, but every now and then a team gets a uniform change right (Bucs).
  21. Thanks. Thankfully that didn't seem like a huge spoiler. I keep hearing things about 2 BIG plot twists in this movie so I'm trying to avoid them. Maybe they'll ditch the Midichlorians thing from Episode I because, damn, that sucked.
  22. Brad Riter is my favorite radio person to listen to when I'm back home. He's consistently hilarious and you absolutely cannot do 24 hours a day of sports. You guys should try listening to some of the idiots they have in other markets before you bash the guys at WGR. LA has a show called Loose Cannons where they were wondering why MLB waited so long to have the Nationals play a home game last week (duh, it's to give them extra time to have RFK ready) and Austin has exactly no one worth listening to.
  23. No, the third one was just bizarre. "On May 19th, the Jedi fight the ultimate battle!" (and lose!)
  24. Thanks for the spoiler warning.
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