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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. EDIT: Let's not be too harsh, guys. They aren't terrorists. Hamas is really just the "armed resistance" to....um.....women, I guess.
  2. Link You can tell it's made by Bill Gates' company. It does look pretty slick though.
  3. It's not just a throwback jersey, but apparently our official 3rd jersey for this season that will be worn at the home opener and at another (road) game at some point.
  4. Here's a link to the Buffalo News article: New Third Jersey Should be awesome. If the throwback 3rd jersey is popular, I bet it becomes our official look a couple years later.
  5. I'm with you - I love the Franchise mode. My biggest problem with the Draft is that the CPU teams don't draft very well and don't make trades with one another. I'd love to see 'rebuilding' teams stock up on picks by trading down while contenders maybe trade up or trade picks away for players. I also don't know why Madden doesn't go all out with the Create-A-Team feature. It's been the same for four or five years now and it just plain sucks. It'd be really easy to give us like 30 uniform styles to chose from and all sorts of outlandish ways to personalize our teams (complete with city and team names that Madden and Michaels can pronounce, etc.).
  6. Just another day at the office.
  7. As long as people are 'on the clock', does anyone want to field my question from yesterday? Anyone? Bueller?
  8. Exactly. Any time the "armed resistance" attempts to engage coalition forces in a standup fight, they get decimated. Bottom line is they have a lot more success killing women and children, which is why you hear about a lot more Iraqis dying than U.S. servicemen and women these days.
  9. Interesting use of graphs anyway. Excerpt from the article: Of course, the "number of attacks" isn't the same thing as the "number of casualties as a result of attacks". There is some difference between attacking a convoy of Marines (which results in you dying and maybe not much else) and attacking a couple dozen people with a car bomb (which only results in two dozen men, women, and children dying). Let's keep it simple. How many Iraqis died this past week? How many coalition troops died this past week? Ho hum, why am I not surprised that a website called "Left Hook" is basically demonizing United States for not properly portryaing the murderous thugs - er, armed resistance - in Iraq?
  10. What is the 'armed resistance' actually trying to achieve? Most of Iraq is against them and just wants to move on and into the future. This BS about killing anyone and everyone they can (apparently because US forces are repelling their attacks too easily) doesn't seem to be helping anyone. They're all terrorists. I could care less about their feelings and if they don't like the coalition being there to rebuild their country. Bottom line is that they absolutely can't win this thing so any killing they do is completely senseless. They're not fighting because they have a chance to win, they're fighting because they're mad. They're killing out of anger.
  11. Could it be? Are you back?
  12. Can't help it, bro. I opened the Daily Texan this morning and that was the first thing I saw. I knew something would happen when she came to town but that just blew me away.
  13. ? The dude simulated masturbation as a means of degrading a woman he disagreed with. That's 'Silence of the Lambs' type stuff.
  14. She's over the top, that's for sure. But, man, what that kid did was just SO much more lewd, animalistic, and degrading than anything I could even imagine expressing towards a woman. Any woman. I don't ever see how I could be motivated to act that way. I don't understand how politics can be so important to someone that they throw all the rules out the window.
  15. Check this out
  16. Season 4 is on its way to being the best so far. I'll be excited to see Vic and Shane start working together again and beating drug dealer ass. I can't wait to see Antoine go down! Officer Danni continues to be super hot. I wish all the cops looked like that. Army has turned out to be a great addition to the cast. He's like a nasty little bulldog. I hope he stays around. Glenn Close has been amazing. Hopefully she'll be back for Season 5.
  17. Ann Coulter speech at UT Austin Absolutely sickening - doesn't Mr. Raj have a mother? Does he have any respect for women at all?
  18. The cartoon at the top of the article is priceless.
  19. The Rancor monster scared the heck out of me when I was a kid. I didn't like the ice monster on Hoth much either. But, then again, I was like 3 years old.
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