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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. That's not true. You could control how funny we all find the board by actually sprinkling some wit into your many, many posts.
  2. It's remarkable how often you manage to "miss" what's actually in the posts you're replying to. And it's equally remarkable that you will always blame the person who wrote the post for you not reading it and then expect anyone here to take you seriously.
  3. So (in your opinion) did he marry her because she was a younger, attractive woman (i.e. a "trophy wife") or for her money? And how could she be the "trophy wife" if she was the one with more money?
  4. But life is HARD when there are people with more money than you and the government won't punish them!!
  5. John McCain isn't the point. The point is we can't have one thread on ANY topic in this forum anymore where Molson won't rush to post his MoveOn.org BS as fast as he can. The entire forum is now dedicated to Molson's issues. This appeals to you? But good job showing off how witty you are to Molson and the 'ANWAR' Guy.
  6. I wasn't happy with my $50,000 Acura RL until I put this tacky bumper sticker on it. So clearly I have great judgement. Please vote for ____________, like me. My political party is better than your political party. Everything your party does is unethical but when my party does the exact same thing, that's completely different and the right thing to do. (The second one will sell with a bunch of people here. The first is more like a pet peeve of mine.)
  7. Perhaps you wouldn't be "under the impression" if you'd spent 20 seconds of your life Googling the actual quote. http://www.cjr.org/campaign_desk/the_us_ir...rs.php?page=all Pretty clear what "100 years McCain" is saying. That is, unless you want to distort it because you're a schill for a political party. I don't have to like McCain to call you out on misrepresenting what he said.
  8. (I know everyone else has already chimed in, but that has to be one of the funniest posts on the board so far this year.)
  9. Hmmm, here's where I wonder if you're purposely distorting what McCain said or if you just never understood it in the first place.
  10. Specifically the shot of him in the car (just under two minutes in) where he's holding the gun. You can sort of see that the other side of his face isn't what it used to be.
  11. Obama can no more denounce Rev. Wright than he can his own grandmother*. * Unless Grandma or Rev. Wright start hurting his chances of winning. Then he can denounce them. Change You Can Believe In (if you're an idiot)
  12. I would argue that makes it all the more egregious. The guy is supposed to be a leader in his community and he's playing to their ignorance.
  13. Over the fact that you claimed Rev. Wright's statements are only offensive "out of context" but have yet to provide any "acceptable" context for any of the ridiculous statements that I cited (still just from that one sermon, BTW). So far all you've done is attempt to change the subject to literally anything else, and then insist that this is a special situation because (1) it's a sermon and (2) it's the black community and it's impossible to understand. So if it's a sermon at a black church, it's OK to go on a paranoid, racist rant? (Interesting opinion you have of black people, BTW.) Including the assertion that the government creating HIV to commit genocide against "people of color"? "God Damn America!"? Specifically address the quotes I cited and explain their proper context.
  14. I was wondering how an honest answer from the general could make him a "four star propagandist."
  15. And calling it the "Klan court"? That was appropriate? Please explain why we have a "closeted Klan court" or how the United States Supreme Court is like the Ku Klux Klan in any way. Thanks. You still have plenty of other quotes from that sermon to explain, BTW.
  16. Philly made the playoffs last year and Milwaukee was in the hunt until the last week of the season. Toronto will have a shot this year because many consider them to have the best rotation in baseball. Just admit you don't pay attention to baseball and don't know what you're talking about. Cleveland is considered maybe the poorest city in the USA. I guess they have "no shot, ever" right? Oh, except for being one game from the World Series last year. Tell me again about the "economics of the game." Nothing you wrote in your enormous diatribe explains why both major and minor league baseball have been setting attendance records year after year. Unless you want to chalk all that up to fireworks and bobbleheads. I'm sorry the Pirates are poorly run and that no one you know likes baseball anymore but your assertation that the sport is slowly dying is completely insane.
  17. Well, I didn't pick "just one", I picked a few offensive parts of one sermon. And you still haven't addressed any of them. But thanks for bringing up the parts of the sermon that I didn't cite as offensive.
  18. Incredible episode! Best of the season so far. The absolutely destroyed Belicheat and the Pats.
  19. Wasn't ready for an Escape from New York reference this morning.
  20. I'd criticize you for the awful pun, but I've used that one myself.
  21. Yes, based on his (almost) four years in the Senate and the fact the he studied abroad in college.
  22. Guys like White and Schoop do really well when arguing with people who call in to their shows, but they'd get eaten alive if they tried to post the same arguments on this board (i.e a level playing field). Schoop especially has a tendency to only respond to whatever a caller said that he thought was dumb and disregard everything else.
  23. Or San Francisco, Denver, Baltimore, San Diego, Phoenix, Philadelphia.....
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