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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Lion > Midgets EDIT: It's fake! Click on the 'printable version' tab near the top.
  2. Angels switched to red and won the World Series a few months later. Coincidence? Hell NO!
  3. Contained at what cost? The UN estimated that 50,000 Iraqi children died annually thanks to the embargo against their country and all the while Saddam was living in perfect luxury thanks to some bribes and the Oil-for-Food scandal. His weapons programs were dormant but ready to go as soon as he gave the order (not dismantled like he was required to do following Gulf I). At the very minimum, this war was about cleaning up a mess that we left a decade before - and that many of our 'allies' were helping to maintain.
  4. Of course, we've also found Al Qaeda training manuals that instruct the "mujahadeen" to claim prison abuses as soon as they're released regardless of whether it happened or not. They understand our media will take any opportunity to smear our military and they understand that there is a large segment of America's population that will buy it - hook, line, and sinker.
  5. Gosh, I thought all those countries opposed the war because they were smarter and more sophisticated than us Americans. Gives a whole new meaning to NO WAR FOR OIL.
  6. I'm outraged at how stupid your analogy is. Does that count? There is a slight difference in using essentially all the intelligence information from around the world as the basis for an invasion (not to mention that the onus was on Saddam to prove he was clean and not us) and rushing a BS story to print because it helps make America look bad. The War in Iraq was to remove a dangerous dictator from power and (hopefully) spark the spread of democracy in the Middle East; Newsweek's goal (their *only* goal) was to crap on America. They don't rush half-truth, unconfirmed stories to print that make our country look good, now do they? It's typical of journalism these days anyway. If someone is smart enough and honest enough to be a good journalist, they've probably selected a better profession. And we're left with the bottom of the barrel squad that currently makes up our "best" journalists.
  7. Well, at least you're not being overly dramatic....
  8. I can't imagine it would cost $400. That's just too much to launch a system. The whole point of releasing it this November is that they'll get a one year head start on PS3 and whatever Nintendo is planning to do next. They're going to want as many people as possible to buy this thing - even if it means taking a loss with each system sold.
  9. I'm very happy with Verizon. The only reason I'd consider switching to Cingular is because of that Motorola Razr phone which, when folded up, is about as thick as a CD case (give or take). That thing is awesome.
  10. Safe for Work, but will gross you out I'd much rather have a girl shaped like Rachel Ray or Kelly Clarkson than something like that. Scary.
  11. Engineering. Medicine. Education. Military. Ho hum....
  12. Link When people ask me why I have almost no respect for journalists, it's because the ones that are supposedly the best (or at least the ones getting awards) are the same ones caught fabricating stories years later. Journalism does not attract the best people.
  13. I have that too; it's a great game. I've never had a bad time playing any version of Madden but I do wonder if they get complacent from time to time. Like I've said in other threads, I don't get why they can't beef up features like Create-A-Team when they're wasting all this energy on setting hot dog prices (booooooooring).
  14. Follow the original link and then check out "Riding the Bus with My Sister." 96 seconds of Rosie O'Donnell acting retarded (literally). My stomach is killing me from all the laughing.
  15. Even the Anti-War leftist sites know the "study" you (and the mainstream media) refer to is complete bullcrap. Of course, any study released 4 days before the Presidential election is a little suspect but, then again, I don't expect any of the people who cite it to understand statistics or the study's inherent flaws. Anyways, here is a better estimate - a body count less than those who would've died under Saddam's rule anyway (due to famine, starvation, etc.) Link Sorry to disappoint you about the number of dead in Iraq.
  16. Looks like our buddies over in the Middle East let the mask slip again. Such nice people. Personally, I love the ominous "Next Time..." in the upper right corner. Apparently the cartoonist really loves the idea.
  17. So funny that my stomach hurts from laughing. Thanks.
  18. Can't blame EA for getting that NFL agreement - it'll be great for their business. I blame the NFL for being dumb enough to sign on. As for EA, they put out some crap but Madden is always great.
  19. The new 'form-fitting' Spider-Man-esque uniforms are beyond rumor at this point. I think they have all but been confirmed. Sounds exciting and frightening at the same time.
  20. I used to tune in just to see Lewis Black but even his jokes are basically the same thing over and over. He's mad, he can't take it anymore, and just when you think people can't be any dumber, he gives an example of people being dumb(er). I like him but not as much as I used to.
  21. ...or stupid if you see the punchlines coming before Stewart even gets to them. Although I suppose "Mess-o-potamia" was sort of funny the first million times they used it. You're right - I have a very low opinion of AD. I can see how you would take that away from my first post in this thread.
  22. I was making fun of the fact that the NHL basically doesn't exist any more.
  23. Of course we tanked - we don't even have professional hockey in this country.
  24. Stewart? Arrogant? Naaaaaaaah. It's just that he's honest about how much smarter he is than everyone else in the entire universe and expresses that by making incredibly obvious jokes with punchlines that you can figure out 10 seconds before he says them. Give the man another Emmy.
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