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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. As Jon Stewart might say: "Whaaaaaaaaa????"
  2. Didn't Cat Stevens start to suck after he converted? I mean, he always sucked, but didn't he suck more afterwards??
  3. In this case, I'll keep my fingers crossed....
  4. Too bad for the ACLU. Link DARN!!! Guess the "fake but accurate" defense of Newsweak won't be cutting it anymore.
  5. I turned on MTV about 30 minutes ago and about 10 minutes was all I needed to convince myself that she is indeed the dumbest person on the face of the earth (with all due respect to Jessica Simpson). And, no, she isn't doing anything particularily sexy. Most of the show is her pointing a camcorder at her face from about 4 inches away (and occasionally making a pig nose with her finger). It was a good career while it lasted.
  6. Actually, we have the answer to that one. If you read the article, she says that even carrying triplets would have her "on her back at 20 weeks and she was already at 8 weeks when she found out." So even carrying those two extra kids for another few weeks was too much of an inconvenience. BTW, I don't think outlawing abortion is a viable solution, but this woman's logic is so beyond awful that I had to comment.
  7. Here is a heartwarming story about a woman who got a pair of abortions. And why. Link The title of the article is a cheerful "When One is Enough." Let's all hope the kid who did make it never inconveniences his mom or he'll run the risk of being "selectively reduced."
  8. I like the side bar story on the side of the current issue.
  9. It's definitely not what it used to be. Basically everyone in the universe had their name on that thing when I saw it back in 2002. Kermit the Friggin' Frog has a star and he's a damn puppet.
  10. Promo - I advise you go right ahead and debate Ghost. I don't think he's had a chance to thoroughly embarass someone since he returned to the board.
  11. Actually we already have proof that they are trained to do just that thanks to materials seized in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere as part of GWOT. If you think about it, all this stuff about the Koran is just proof that terrorists are the biggest pussies in the entire world. These guys cry and crap their pants if they see something happen to a book. That's pretty mild considering they also get off on videotaping themselves sawing people's heads off.
  12. Allegations??? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Death to the non-believers!!!!!!! Yeah, but it's not like terrorist nutjobs who kill in the name of 'Allah' are going to lie, right? Where is the thread about the official Saudi policy of confiscating and destroying the Bible? Isn't that about a million times worse than the 'allegations' against our military that nozzlenut loves so much?
  13. He needs to remove his head from his ass before he heads over to LensCrafters, though.
  14. When terrorists cut people's heads off (and videotape it) or take over a school and massacre children (and videotape it), liberals like to spend years trying to figure out the "root causes" of why they're acting out. They can't be bad people. We must have drove them to do this. When terrorists accuse Americans of not handling a Koran properly or giving them sufficient hugs and kisses in prison, it's because "we aren't the good guys anymore in the eyes of the world." Because we are bad people.
  15. They usually end up being lazy when the stories are what they want them to be - i.e. anything to make the current administration and military look bad. Meanwhile, they'll jump through endless hoops not to offend terroris-, ERRRRRR, "militants."
  16. David Horsey won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning thanks to work like this: LINK Quick, give the man another award! (I had no idea that our military actually labeled rooms "Torture Room 4" etc. but then again I'm not an award winning cartoonist.)
  17. Like it or not, the truth is that the world holds Christians to a higher standard than Muslims. No one expects us to riot or kill anyone over this. And we won't. You almost have to admire the quiet bigotry in our society where we react to almost anything that happens in the Muslim world without batting an eye. Honor killings? Mutiliating infant girls? Public Beheadings? WHO CARES???
  18. Some of the filmmaking for Episode I is just plain sloppy - especially with the child actors. In one scene, one of them inserts a pause in the middle of a sentence: "C'mon, Anakin, let's go....................play ball" for no reason. There's a shot right after Anakin wins the pod race where his friend (and a small Greedo) are celebrating and almost high-five. Apparently the guy in the Greedo got his signals crossed with the kid and they both attempted, and aborted, a high five attempt. It's so sloppy and amateurish that I cringe every time I see it. I have no idea how shots like that make it into the final film. Lucas will spend months (and millions) perfecting pointless shots of spaceships landing, but can't be bothered with doing a few more takes to make sure that his (child) actors are getting their lines right? Seriously, I can only see spaceships land so many times but one kid screwing up his scene in a $200 million dollar movie really screws up the experience. Lucas might be good at writing synopses but he's an awful director.
  19. Yes, it would be tragic if a poster went completely off-topic in the middle of a thread trying to prove his (or her) point.
  20. OK, nozzlenut, nice try. Way to bring Pat Tilman into this for no apparent reason. Hopefully you didn't stay up all night trying to come up with this one. Yes, the military makes mistakes and, yes, Pat Tilman's family has every right to be upset with them covering up his death. What that has to do with you and your idiotic, rambling posts full of liberal buzzwords is anybody's guess. Isn't it about time you registered another username so you could pretend there are others on the board who agree with what you have to say? It worked so well the last time.
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