Some of the filmmaking for Episode I is just plain sloppy - especially with the child actors.
In one scene, one of them inserts a pause in the middle of a sentence: "C'mon, Anakin, let's ball" for no reason.
There's a shot right after Anakin wins the pod race where his friend (and a small Greedo) are celebrating and almost high-five. Apparently the guy in the Greedo got his signals crossed with the kid and they both attempted, and aborted, a high five attempt. It's so sloppy and amateurish that I cringe every time I see it.
I have no idea how shots like that make it into the final film. Lucas will spend months (and millions) perfecting pointless shots of spaceships landing, but can't be bothered with doing a few more takes to make sure that his (child) actors are getting their lines right? Seriously, I can only see spaceships land so many times but one kid screwing up his scene in a $200 million dollar movie really screws up the experience.
Lucas might be good at writing synopses but he's an awful director.