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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. The red on blue is cool.
  2. So? The new uniforms were a failure. They were too much of a break from the Bills (royal blue) tradition and not bold enough to be cool on their own. Basically they look like the old Bills unis and the current Broncos unis had a baby (with the Titans unis possibly carrying the child). A lot of marketing is going into the retro uniforms. If that's what the fans want, give it to them. Er, I mean, give it to US!
  3. Start a petition to have them wear the retro stuff for EVERY game.
  4. I'm getting Moulds. Even if he leaves after a year or two, he's still one of the all-time great Buffalo Bills.
  5. NOT SAFE FOR WORK! Link And you're welcome.
  6. "Look out, Hitler. Here we come!"
  7. FIVE confirmed cases after going through thousands and thousands of files. Why is this a story? It's just our media doing everything it can to screw our military and, in doing so, our country. But play along, Al Jazeera is thrilled.
  8. Other than blue, they don't look that much alike.
  9. He said he didn't like the current uniforms because we look exactly like the Broncos. I appreciated his honesty.
  10. I like him. But I'm not in like with him.
  11. I really like you. Does that help?
  12. Uh, actually it is happening because less people have died in Iraq since the war started than would have had Saddam been allowed to retain power under those wonderful UN "sanctions." Oh, but whatever. In the meantime, Iraq is a democracy, Lebanon is having a democratic revolution, and Libya has disarmed. There also hasn't been an attack on American soil since 9/11. But, yeah, the GWOT is going horribly.
  13. A point you base on all the facts that you like and none of the facts you don't.
  14. Deserved WHAT? Having their little book mishandled? Geeks in American high schools go through worse than this and, unlike terrorists, in most cases they take it like men. They "mishandle" the Korans themselves. Why is this even a news story? Standing up for terrorists this afternoon? Fine, the cute little murderers deserve nothing bad to ever happen to them again ever, even if by accident. Happy? I'm glad everyone cares so much about the feelings of a bunch of A-holes we captured on the battlefield trying to kill Americans.
  15. Awesome. They look even better on the players! We have to go back to these full time. Have to!
  16. That's what a Buffalo Bill is supposed to look like. I'd like to see the whole thing, though.
  17. Yes, the terrorists are animals. They cut people's heads off and videotape it. They take over schools and massacre children. They mutilate women. They strap suicide bomber vests to mentally retarded children and pregnant women. And we're going above and beyond the call of duty to placate them. But your problem is we're not doing a good enough job of that. The rest of the Muslim world? They should toughen the !@#$ up. They don't care that Saudi policy is to confiscate and destroy any Bible found in that country. That's their official policy. We have five confirmed cases of mishandling a Koran belonging to a terrorist and the Muslim world wants to cry about it. Well, either let them cry or let them grow the !@#$ up. What does it say when we have to treat them entirely differently than every other society on earth because they're extra sensitive? When we have to treat them like children? Let's treat them like equals who should be able to handle a tiny bit of bad news like adults. I'm sick of this story. I'm sick of our media's fight against the military and it's 'gotcha' policy of trying to recreate Watergate for the past 30 years.
  18. The 'clonetroopers' are all clones of Boba Fett's dad (althougth Boba Fett is just a clone of his 'dad' - Jango Fett - too, I guess). I don't think the Stormtroopers are all clones of the same guy. 20 years after Episode III, the Empire could probably do some recruiting.
  19. From your link: OK, so that sounds like an accident unless our guard practice urinating through air vents while aiming at books. THOUSANDS OF PAGES OF WRITTEN RECORDS....and you just wet yourself over nine cases, of which five were confirmed, and, in any event, were 'mishandling' cases which does not specify whether the case was intentional or not. Let's keep going: Are you upset about them? Where was Newsweak on this? Oops, Newsweak was wrong. Of course, no one in the media (or on the Left) wants to give us any credit for even letting these animals have their little books in the first place. We go out of our way to respect the rights of TERRORISTS and catch hell when the 'news' doesn't think we're doing it correctly. Note to anyone who gives a sh-- about this story: Get your MF priorities straight and STFU.
  20. I thought he was Asian now.....oh well....
  21. Isn't that way less than the number that would have died living under Saddam's rule and the UN Oil-for-Palaces embargo that he was exploiting?
  22. Not to threadjack, but I've never actually heard of any lives being ruined. Maybe you could PM me a link or two? Scientology is some weird stuff.
  23. My personal pic is the McGahee jersey.
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