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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. I'm not sure if Huck was the worst candidate from either party, but I think he's the one that most irritates me. He has a nice record of incompetence but any criticism of him is "because he's Christian." What is with people and folksy southern dumbasses?
  2. Yeah, he was off by 3 months and one President's administration. The point is: How the F do you not know when the USS Cole happened and still have your own show on MSNBC? How can NBC News rely on you for election and debate coverage when your grasp of recent U.S. history is below average? But thank goodness we have Chris Matthews around to pummel some dumbass Republican that no one has ever heard of. Rah Rah Rah. Is Obama still giving him the goosebumps?
  3. Even when Chris Matthews is "pummeling" some guy, he still can't get his facts right. Full Transcript No. Awesome that Matthews is a moron even in the YouTube clip of him supposedly making someone else look stupid.
  4. Government programs are the only thing keeping us out of a "full blown depression"?
  5. Oh, those positive advancements. Whatever. Besides that there's like nothing....
  6. This is like a parody of a hippy rant. "You spend every day in your cubicle, man, and just do whatever the bosses tell you, man! You waste your life working for the corporations, man. They've got you brainwashed in your sad corporate world, man! Freakout!"
  7. This is one of those rare literal "LOL" moments. The other people at my office are wondering what I just read.
  8. They don't care. Whether the NFL decides to show integrity (for once) or not, fans are going to throw another gazillion dollars at them this year. Even if every fan in the league outside of New England is pissed right now, most will forget the whole thing when they unveil 50-100 new commercials about how awesome football is and how watching football on Sunday is the most important thing in the entire universe. Enjoy the new season.
  9. ......And PPP hits a brand new low with the introduction of "Mr. Mortgage."
  10. That's not true. I'm sure somebody cares.....
  11. Yeah, but I'm probably closer to landing Mandy Moore than Buffalo is to revitilizing its economy. Nice work on that signature span bridge too. Now we can't build anything tall because of birds? BIRDS! Are other cities in other states prevented from building anything because of birds?? Maybe the City of Buffalo should chop down the taller trees in the area to make sure the birds can't accidentally crash into those too.
  12. Completely remarkable that The Beatles had the 40th best-selling album in 2007.
  13. 1. It's the team we grew up rooting for. 2. There's a pretty good chance the team will follow our lead and move out of Buffalo too.
  14. Looks really hot with the Skyway above it.
  15. Link A picture is worth a thousand words, BTW. Unbelievable. Effective judge?? I wouldn't trust this person to do my laundry, let alone be a friggin' judge!
  16. The Forrestal was nothing. Check out this McCain video.
  17. A flag pin that Barack will wear. I've said for a while that if you put a microphone in front of someone's face all day, every day you're going to hear some really dumb stuff eventually. The only reason this is significant at all is that Obama just got done saying McCain is out of touch (i.e. too old and senile to be POTUS) and now he goes and says something goofy like this. And only six more months of retarded stories like this until we actually vote the new person in.
  18. Well, I don't support "either" party (obviously your "either" means Democrats or Republicans), nor do I belong to *any* political party. Whether you understand that or not is up to you.
  19. Not only are you the only person I've ever heard talk about "GOP hair" but you manage to bring it up fairly consistantly. It used to be annoying but now I find it endearing. I hope Mitt Romney stays in the public spotlight so that you have someone to shake your fist at for years to come.
  20. So do I, but then there are people who base their friggin' votes on stuff like this. "So-and-so was funny when I saw him on _________." I can forgive a candidate having a really scripted joke in this case since The Daily Show is a comedy show (supposedly). McCain probably has at least a decent sense of humor since his episode of Saturday Night Live from a few years ago was pretty funny. It's too bad when he gets stuck with stuff like this. And it's really too bad that junk like this is a significant part of running for POTUS. Having every candidate sound so scripted and rehearsed everywhere gets old real fast. Especially since it always comes off, uh, scripted and rehearsed.
  21. The problem with whining about the Twins is that they are consistantly a winning team and are currently in first place in their division. It didn't make sense for them to give Torii Hunter $18M a year for the next five years and as good as Santana is, paying him that much for that long doesn't make sense for a mid-market team. They're also building a brand new stadium. Calling them the 7th worst franchise in sports is ridiculous.
  22. Yeah, other than the worldwide demand for oil rapidly increasing. But aside from that, there's "no reason." So you think the evil oil companies just noticed a couple years ago that people need gasoline so they decided to jack the price up and double their profits?
  23. If you don't understand what 'trophy wife' means, you probably shouldn't include it in your posts. Just stick to words and terms that you actually understand.
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