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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. "Search your feelings. You know it to be true." "Join me....and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son!" (There, AD. Did you really think I'd miss a Star Wars reference?)
  2. Polar bears have had it too good for too long.
  3. I never actually conceded that I was wrong for five straight years. I'm still busy trying to figure out where you got the number eight from (actually, that's not true, I know you got it by playing Molson's "You RepuliKKKans are all alike!" card.) So far all you have is "I know you suck at foreign policy because you're a conservative and the Republicans have done a bad job for eight years." The Republicans, of course, being the political party that I don't belong to and don't like. And now you're going back to Rev. Wright's mythical "99%" sane statements. You realize even Obama is done with the guy right? And I'm pretty sure Princess Leia appreciates the fact that I can at least spell her name. Mandy no doubt appreciates the countless letters and cards I've sent along over the years.
  4. If you're going to go Molson on me, I have no recourse but to go PastaJoe on you. BTW, how dare you judge me based on those posts? What about the other 99% of the stuff I've said that you never heard?
  5. No, the point is that both stress and (I guess) campaigning will make you make mistakes in speeches. But people on forgive candidates or politicians using this logic only if they want to (i.e. if it's a candidate or politician they like, as opposed to one they hate).
  6. Right, so I've been wrong for eight years based on my five years of posting.
  7. I hate to break this to you, but eight years ago I was 19 and more interested in the Deftones than I was in the Republicans, Democrats, or any political party. You're right that I've never "leaned left" but I've also never leaned enough in any direction to join a political party. So your assertion that I've been wrong personally on foreign policy for eight years because Republicans have been in the White House for eight years is really a stretch. You're judging me using a political party that I've never belonged to and don't even like.
  8. I had no idea "The Right" and I were synonymous. That's an interesting stretch. I'm amazed how much you know about what I thought the three years prior to you ever reading one of my posts, though. I would also say there's a pretty big difference between Republicans and Conservatives these days. The former are the ones who've been in power.
  9. I think most people would prefer jet lag to the stress of being POTUS.
  10. So? How does that make me "consistantly wrong for eight straight years"? How does it make me wrong? And where'd you get the number eight from?
  11. George W. Bush has one of the most stressful jobs in the world and that's before you consider the consistant public speaking that's required. Perhaps you could spare him a few Get-Outta-Gaffe Free Cards as long as you're handing them out to McCain and Obama for having daily photo-ops and giving speeches to their own supporters.
  12. Except I haven't been on the board for 8 years. Not even five. Nice Barack-ian grasp of the facts you have there.
  13. Right, because a lot of people have applied that logic to Bush over the last 8 years. And thanks for proving my point about Senator McDreamy. Now he's actually more appealing for talking out of his ass every day because he admits it and moves on??? So basically there's nothing he can do to turn some people off. He's just that wonderful....
  14. You ever get around to explaining why Rev. Wright's quote were all acceptable "in context" or did you finally give up when even Sen. Obama cut ties with him?
  15. I read the entire transcripts of some of those sermons too and I think the guy is a complete loon. The more you hear from him, the worse he comes off. And his performance in front of the press last month confirmed that the guy is exactly what he looked like on YouTube. And I don't mind repeating this: The WORST part of those videos is the crowd's reaction to the racist, paranoid stuff. Even when Pfleger is giving his angry, bizarre race-baiting speech last week, the congregation is standing up and cheering every line. That's the kind of church this is; the thought that it was just Rev. Wright saying something silly "1%" of the time doesn't work. And this is the type of environment that Obama wanted to be in for 20 years? To bring his kids to? Barack quit the place about 20 years too late. And I have no confidence in his abilities. The guy made some crack early this month about how the translators we use in Iraq could have been used in Afghanistan. They speak different languages. Can you even imagine if Bush said something like that? But Senator McDreamy says it and no one cares. The guy is a !@#$ing stupid quote machine but everyone still praises him for his eloquence.
  16. We're back to the mythical "99%" of what Rev. Wright said? Seriously, no one (especially not here) can say they've heard 99% of what he's said so that's a lousy argument to fall back on. Wright is seriously a loon. And if that wasn't obvious from the videos, it really should have been after he came back on the scene and acted like a 13 year old in an old man's body. Even Obama cut ties at that point. Stop defending these jackasses. The worst part of this Obama thing is that there are intelligent people that I respect who are suddenly enamored with a politician and willing to go to great lengths to defend him and the stupid people he associates with. Obama is just a regular politician. He's nothing special. And yet all the stupid things he says and all the really bad decisions he's made in the past get absolutely no traction. His complete lack of experience and naive foreign policy statements should make him the least fit to lead out country of the remaining three. But no one cares.
  17. I really doubt that Karl Rove ever said "The more intelligent you are, the less likely you are to vote for my party." As for "educated", anyone who's even been in academia will tell you that some of the dumbest people in the world have a lot of degrees under their belt.
  18. My faith in Obama is Unbreakable.
  19. I know we're supposed to fawn all over Obama 100% of the time, but looking into what he did and who he associated with early in his career in Chicago seems fairly relevant if we're considering making him the most powerful man in the world. Besides, it's not like Obama's been doing a great job in front of the microphone lately. He implied his loss in Kentucky was because Hillary is from Arkansas and therefore was more familiar to Kentucky voters because she's closer (Illinois shares a border with Kentucky. Oops.) Then his story about his grandfather liberating Auschwitz turned out to be wrong. Then he had his Memorial Day gaffe where he talked those who'd died for their country....and how he could see them in the crowd that day. The latest batch of Obamisms are giving W. a run for his money in the stupid quote department. Not that it matters. I doubt there are many reporters interested in actually scrutinizing Obama.
  20. He's been associated with him since 2000. And Pfleger was featured on Obama's website until they erased him this week.
  21. Obama has really excellent taste in religious leaders. Supposedly his website removed all references to Pfleger this week.....after this video surfaced, of course.
  22. What makes you think I like how Bush picks his people? Nice try but, no, he isn't only "NOW" incompetent. Here's a link for you to look at from over two years ago: Link Yes "people like me" who often quote the anti-Clinton tell-alls. Find evidence that I read any of those books or care about them. SM is taking his last stab at being relevant and making money. That's all.
  23. "Insider." Right. The guy was easily the most incompetent press secretary I can remember and only got his job because W. likes Texas people with connections. He was a complete embarassment (who it was fun to forget about) but now he wants to make a little money appealing to the Left since the Right wants nothing to do with him. I find it hard to believe that someone who had more trouble than W. stringing sentences together could ever write a book. Not that it matters. The press will cover this like its a huge story and I wonder how many of the "mainstream media" will bother to wonder why McClellan only had the fortitude to do the right thing and speak out after he got paid to write a book. Nevermind. Let's all pretend this guy was ever competent, let alone important.
  24. Yeah, but Obama's grandpa helped liberate Aushwitz!
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