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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Interesting standard. Does this mean we lost World War II or that we're still fighting it? You can't ignore a 17 month trend. The violence is way down. Military deaths are down and Iraqi security is stepping up. The country is clearly stabilizing and we're on the way to a pretty remarkable achievement.
  2. So don't do something that WILL help us later because it can't help us right now? That is brilliant. Are you saving money for your retirement or does that not help you right now? Also, I guess I have to point this out to the anti-drilling crowd, but there's nothing to prevent us from harnassing our natural resources and exploring alternative energy sources at the same time. I don't think anyone is saying drilling is the entire answer. But drilling is (and should have been) what we do to keep our energy costs under control until we have our alternative energy sources ready. Too bad we're already screwed since Congress has literally spent decades doing everything possible to make sure we'd have energy problems right now.
  3. Translation: People like me are the reason we didn't start drilling 15+ years ago and why gas is $4/gallon and still increasing in price. Congratulations.
  4. What friggin' planet do you live on where drilling OUR OWN OIL is "squandering" resources on an "instant gratification generation"? There isn't one other country on earth that would refuse to use its own natural resources just to make a point. Nor should there be, because it's so friggin' stupid! Yeah, let's keep ignoring our natural resources and shipping oil in from overseas so that the next generation can wonder why gas is $8/gallon.
  5. In any event, it doesn't appear Fox News is in any danger of running out of sexy blonde women any time soon. (And they just added Laura Ingraham to the mix. They should give Kirsten Powers a permanent slot on the network too. She could have Colmes' job.)
  6. No, Jim. It was all a clever trap set up by blzrul to trick us "wingnuts" and "rePigs" into overreacting. Gosh, I feel so silly!!
  7. Who cares? Megyn Kelly and Martha McCallum are the hots ones.
  8. It had parasites....
  9. Not really. The supposed end of political parties lasted for Monroe's two terms before the Republicans split into the "National Republicans" and the "Democratic Republicans" (later just Democrats). The "no political parties" thing was a goal of Monroe's and John Quincy Adams' but it never really got off the ground.
  10. 1. Neither one of them has good ideas about the economy, so I don't see how "melding" their ideas would help. 2. McCain and Obama were complete different when it came to the Surge. It turned out McCain was right and Obama was wrong. Again, how does "melding" help?
  11. I'd hate to be laconic on a message board electronic.
  12. Remember the movie Johnny Mnemonic?
  13. Because we all know 72 year old white people are useless. I'm sick of white people in general and I'm glad we're finally factoring that into how we select the President of the United States of America. As for a zillion years, I'm pretty sure he spent some of those overseas. But I could be wrong, due to my whiteness.
  14. Batman Begins Christian Bale Michael Caine Liam Neeson Gary Oldman Morgan Freeman Katie Holmes Cillian Murphy Rutger Hauer Ken Watanabe
  15. "My political party, right or wrong." - PastaJoe, 2008
  16. Nobody made Murtha go on TV to call the Marines murderers. He did that on his own. If he had any shame at all, he'd resign. A congressman shouldn't go on national TV at a time of war and call our troops murderers without due process just so he can score some political points. Murtha is a complete scumbag.
  17. Yeah, Obama is swell at reading teleprompters but he's every bit as bad as Bush once he's off-script (maybe worse since he's constantly trying to sound like he's here to change the universe). But, I know, I know, Thou Shalt Not Criticize the Chosen One.
  18. The ability to speak without a teleprompter doesn't matter much? Really? Because the last eight years makes me think differently......
  19. Yes, but only one of the two candidates
  20. I'm pretty sure this isn't a parody. Link This man writes for a newspaper. Bring on the evolutionary burp, baby! Woooo!!! Five more months of this crap.
  21. And you're letting him into your family???
  22. Even if the zoning board says it's OK, he'll still need the city to do a 3 year environmental study on the effects of re-seeding his lawn. And then he'll have to deal with hippies outside his house protesting any removal of the original lawn because it has "historical significance."
  23. It caused a stir alright......in my pants! ZING!! Some of my friends were at that game in the same section and, according to them, it was just a kiss and the girls weren't even close to making out (unfortunately). They were, however, impressed by how good they looked.
  24. Gonna be tough to top that one.
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