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Everything posted by SilverNRed

  1. Why be fair? It's nice to know that Obama has supporters who will tell you exactly why John McCain got divorced and what a shallow, horrible human being he is for doing it without ever meeting the man and obviously without knowing him during that period in his life. But it's OK! It helps Obama so it's OK!!!! Yeah, but who cares? This is for Obama. He's bringing Change to this country and Hope to millions! Why worry about his supporters abandoning any moral standards they might have had when they attack McCain?
  2. The ironic part is that if Wesley Clark's intention was to point out that having military experience does not necessarily make you fit to be a leader, he succeeded. Exhibit A: Wesley Clark.
  3. Actually, I don't think Obama is a muslim. But my dad just forwarded me an email that says his wife secretly is.
  4. Because Obama's entire campaign slogan is the word "CHANGE" in all capital letters. McCain isn't doing that. This can't possibly be hard to understand.
  5. Maybe that's because McCain isn't running on a platform of "Vote for me and it will be recorded in history books as the greatest accomplishment by this or any other society in human history." Maybe that's also because the media already gives Obama every benefit of the doubt possible.
  6. Kinda easy to say when you live in Seattle and it's been over 75 degrees approximately once so far in 2008.
  7. Here's part of it: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=8531 I guess I also don't think that a vice-presidential debate would cause a sudden shift in "polling results" as much as it would reinforce ideas that people may have been leaning towards.
  8. I don't think it's the type of thing that would show up in polling results, or if you should trust polls at all.
  9. Cheney versus Edwards was like watching a naive 15 year old get slapped down by his dad. At some point in the debate, Edwards said "They care about insurance companies, but we care.....about people!" and I couldn't stop laughing at how cheesy and shallow his points were.
  10. The Cartoon Wars episodes, of course. Kyle is chasing Cartman and trying to stop him from getting Family Guy taken off the air.
  11. You guys ever see the SNL episode where Ditka made a cameo appearance right after the Bears fired him? The Superfans had a show where they were pleased that he wasn't the coach of the Bears anymore because now he could focus on more important things like working for NASA and curing diseases. After the Superfans are done, they cut away to Ditka sitting on a recliner in his house on the phone: "Hello, NASA? This is Ditka. Let's do this!!!!"
  12. If irony was strawberries, we'd all be drinking a lot of smoothies right now.
  13. Change we can believe in. Nice to see the Chosen One transends race.......by race-baiting.
  14. I really like CNN's headline right now: McClellan can't exonerate Cheney in CIA leak McClellan's quote is that he "didn't know" if Cheny knew anything about the CIA leak. Wouldn't a supposed insider having no evidence to support the idea that the VP was in on some CIA leak plot be good news? Instead, it's bad for Cheney because McClellan can't "exonerate" him.
  15. To be fair, though, I think it was apparent from the start.
  16. Dan Quayle was essentially correct. Hollywood loves to give itself credit for breaking down barriers, and I admit that there's no doubt movies and TV have played a role in minimizing bigotry over the years. But if they can have a positive efffect on people, they can have a negative effect as well. I think both effects are small compared to what the parents can do, but I do think they exist.
  17. Brad's co-host right now (and for the next 30 minutes) is Ruben Brown. Good stuff.
  18. Ummmmmmm........Uhhhhhhhh.......the 777 Freighter is just about ready to fly.
  19. The amazing thing is that Boeing doesn't actually "need" this contract. Business is already booming and there's a lot of work for the foreseeable future. There's the first 787's to complete and the two 787 derivatives (787-3 and 787-9) to design and the new 747-8 (both cargo and passenger) to design and build and a potential new 777 to compete with Airbus' A350 and the next generation of 737s to think about.
  20. He's a complete disaster of a human being.
  21. Uhhhhhh, Deb, that's not McCain's quote. From your link: The guy from Alabama (where the Northrop/Airbus plant would be built) is the disappointed one. Boeing's reputation has been hurt by some shady deals in previous years and there are some indications they didn't bring their "A" game with the tanker proposal. This is a huge second chance.
  22. Great to have you back, Brad!!!
  23. Because everyone knows the federal government is a model of efficiency.
  24. I turned this thread into a Republican/Democrat thing?? You're the one who brought Rush Limbaugh into the mix along with the fantasy that it was he and conservatives spreading lies about Michelle Obama. It was two Democrats. You're the one who was just propping up a lie by pretending it was Limbaugh making the whole thing up. I'm sorry you react so poorly to hearing facts. Right, thank you for explaining how Rush Limbaugh's mind works. And it sure is "spreading all over the place." The rumor has been around for months, it's only getting attention now because Barack Obama is pinning it on the people who weren't promoting it. Retard, where did I ever say that I believed the tape existed? I said I'd heard the rumor months ago and it was spread by a pair of loony Hillary supporters. Clearly "us partisans" put a lot of stock into something like that.
  25. Why not "everywhere"? What the hell other country would refuse to harness its own natural resources so that it can continue to import oil from somewhere else??
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