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  1. Again, I'm SUPER sorry that the five whole words I wrote about Nick completely ruined your day. Hopefully you're able to calm down soon after I so carelessly insulted a television channel that you enjoy.
  2. Yeah, and we all know how that turned out -- completely wiped out by a teenager with girl problems.
  3. He's been with the team for 8(?) drafts but they're just bringing him into "Ralph's Inner Circle" now. Yeah, he deserves blame but I have no idea how much because it's impossible to figure out how things actually work in this trainwreck of a franchise. We don't have a GM, but we do have a senile, gazillion year old owner who won't sell the team because he still wants to run it. Ralph's Inner Circle? What the hell is that anyway? I'm picturing a dark room in the stadium's underbelly with stone walls, lit entirely by torches. And there's an onyx table at the center and around that you have Ralph and his band of idiots sitting there dressed like druids planning their next move. And it's all quiet in there with each member of RIC reading from a football book bound in human flesh before Ralph Wilson rises and decrees: "Henceforth, we shall pay Kyle Williams five million dollars for each season of professional football that he shall play as a Buffalo Bill...uhhhhhhhhhhh......Wilson said."
  4. Sorry I scarred you emotionally by pointing out how crappy those TV channels are.
  5. Miracles was a good show a few years back. It was basically a serial horror show, probably a few years before serial shows became all the rage when LOST showed up. Wikipedia Space: Above and Beyond was great when I was a freshman in high school.
  6. No, there aren't. The Bills will never be a good team again with Ralph Wilson as the owner. He's cheap, out of touch, and senile. We're not going to bring in anyone who will help us -- not a GM, not a coach, and not any players. Who wants to play for the only NFL team with 7 home games every year? Ralph Wilson is a disaster, but guess what happens when his heart stops? The team is auctioned off to the highest bidder and moves away. So that's what Buffalo Bills fans can look forward to. Breathtaking ineptitude for another couple years before a rapid exit from Western New York. So Buffalo is the only NFL city that has no hope of ever having a good team again.
  7. The Raiders looked like a better team than the Bills last weekend. They'll probably win more games next season. And they'll be back in the Super Bowl before Buffalo is (if Buffalo ever is).
  8. Bingo. Why revolt against someone who doesn't care how terrible you are?
  9. Too bad we can't get Earth to drop MTV. And VH1 is terrible too. No one cares about Nickelodeon. The only thing worth watching on Comedy Central is South Park and that's online.
  10. Then you're an idiot. Cower may be a good NFL coach, but Obama is healing the world with his beautiful smile and confident speeches. Everything is different now. Everything.
  11. But maybe for just one year. They can franchise Cassell and keep him in place with a one year deal. And if Brady misses basically two full seasons with this leg injury, is he ever going to be the same player? Is he the same player next season if he does make it back without the surgery for the scar tissue in the knee? It's amazing how fast his career took a major shift.
  12. "Declaring" them the AFC East champions? Like they're just going to call up Miami, tell them the bad news, and then have a big press conference announcing that the Patriots are the new AFC East champions? To avoid "injustice"? Would the Pats fans be happy if the league just gave them a permanent playoff spot every year? Yes, this is going to be exactly like when the US boycotted the 1980 Olympics.
  13. Congratulations, Buffalo. After clearing out most of your population and businesses, you're now a "clean" city.
  14. I've noticed that too. A lot of singers are "singing along with themselves" when they perform live, and it's usually pretty easy to spot because the song sounds exactly like the album version or whatever. I saw Ludacris and T-Pain do the same song a couple weeks back on SNL and on Letterman, and it was slightly different each time (and different from the album version each time). Both guys sounded awesome both times, so I'm confident saying that T-Pain isn't a product of voice modulation. He uses it, but the guy can sing and he puts on a good show. I don't know what to say about everyone else.
  15. Yes, but if you can't sing, voice modulation isn't going to help you. Maybe in a studio where they can mess with your vocals all they want after recording, but not in a live performance.
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