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  1. Prove to me that the NFL is "hell bent" for LA. SOCAL is so yesterday, IMHO. The Brady Bunch left there years ago!
  2. "We're doomed. Dooomed" It's a movie quote. I can't place it though.. Google didn't help.
  3. I think the succession plan (whatever it is) is bad news for fans.. and would drive away fans and hit the bottom line. A rationale businessman on death's door step would sell now... it's better for his family in the end. Speculating on this could go on for days.
  4. Well.. yes you are correct. Just don't think Ralph is selling to the highest bidder because he's milking a buck. His estate (not him) would have to sell to the highest bidder because all they can afford to do. This is a similar case Redskins
  5. Yes.. consider the source. Jerry's story is built on "reports" from LA, those reports amount to gossip by the water cooler. Then Jerry adds an extra layer of gossip with "Wilson has no known succession plan." (Wilson is smart, of course he has a succession plan... it's just not known to the public.. for good reason) Having critiqued Jerry's story build up, his underlying story line of "When Wilson is gone, all bets are off. If he dies, the Bills would be at or near the top of any list for possible relocation." is true. Very true. Anyone familiar with estate taxes knows the Bills are gone when Ralph passes. Even wealthy Jack Kent Cooke could not keep the Redskins in his family.. and he was substantially wealthier than Wilson. Don't get angry with Wilson when the Bills move out of town. Get angry with ourselves for creating a government that robs inheritances from families in order to pay for unproductive social programs and pork barrel projects for the politically connected.
  6. People who endlessly criticize Ralph: -- have an inability to apply critical thinking skills -- have a psychological complex with -- suffer from Confirmation Bias in almost all phases of their personal life Note I said people who endlessly criticize Ralph. Situational criticism is OK.. and there are certainly times when that is just.
  7. Thanks. I needed that good memory brought back to the surface. The players were red hot in those days. The fans in "Rich" Stadium were also awesome.. no team ever looked forward to a trip to Bflo. Now, they don't care so much.
  8. This is GREAT. I saw the video of his workout.. I immediately thought he was the ghost of Bruce Smith [without the sleep apnea]. A good season is coming. Player strike or not...
  9. Well said. I'll emphasize for ya THE CURE------>start drafting better and Ralph will pay for all the missing pieces. I'm tired of the Ralph is cheap parade. No one of quality will sign here today regardless of money offered.. that's the end story. Fix the draft.. the team improves.. then maybe people will sign here.
  10. I remember when WGR was a respectable radio station. Very respectable. Before they went talk/sports format, I remember listening to Stan Roberts every morning. He was good. "The Bills suck" who knows at this point. But saying they should tank the season to get a high draft QB is the talk of low paid radio hosts who live in their parents basement.
  11. Ad hominem much? I'd say this article supports my position better than your "unequivocal horse dung" supports your position.
  12. Agree with the added bye weeks mnetioned by you and PTR. NFL economics will soon require 18 games to float financially --- but player bodies can barely make it through 16. The added bye weeks is a good compromise solution. I personally would look forward to watching the final regular season games in mid-January.
  13. Politicians. Unions. Pessimism. Taxes. That about sums up the problems.
  14. I always thought it was "Read the Full Article" ..but F'ing works situationally.
  15. An article from Pro Football Weekly that is very pessimistic about the financial future. Pop goes the pigskin and all else . Ramifications mentioned: 2 to 4 teams will fold 18 game season seat licenses implode ticket prices drop game becomes more violent markets dismal until 2016 Baseball and Basketball will fare worse than NFL Teams won't be lured into moving by sweetheart deals RTFA. Actually, I think the Bills are better prepared financially than most other teams to endure this. The finances of the Bills are a result of the conservative finances of their fans. Luxury boxes implode... won't bother the Bills much. Naming Right$ fall... who cares. US dollar falls, and Canadian dollar stays same or improves... good news. Merchandising revenue plumments... big deal. If the article is correct: I see some trouble for the Bills, but huge trouble for the Patsies, Cowboys, Skins, and others. Those teams have thrived on the sports bubble.
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