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  1. There is a reverse issue of if we win one before he’s extended, then it’s mission accomplished and he walks in to the west coast sunset with his Hollywood wife and his $400m contract from the Rams or 49ers…
  2. Australian here, I live in Melbourne and I have followed the Bills since 1990…the MCG holds 100,000 and I guarantee you it will sell out with Australian’s rather than any holiday makers from the States. Melbournian’s are literally sports mad and will watch anything that comes through no matter what the cost is. It’s not by accident we only have a population of 3 million odd in the metro area yet have the F1 Grand Prix and Grand Slam tennis come through each year - they are guaranteed money spinners. We literally get a public holiday for an Australian Rules football game each September and a horse race each November…
  3. I’m one of these Aussies. Whenever my boss asks me anything on a Monday morning the only answer that goes through my head is Bills by a Billion
  4. The mission for Sunday is pretty simple: make the place so thoroughly and utterly inhospitable and repugnant for Patty, Trav and co that they think the gates of hell have opened up and will swallow them whole, and the whole experience inspires TayTay to write 3 songs on how she will never, ever, ever visit Buffalo again.
  5. Here’s their master plan on how they’ll beat the Steelers in the AFC Championship game to advance to the Super Bowl… https://finheaven.com/threads/ok-the-hard-way.382104/
  6. Ok I’m taking orders for a new innovation I’ve created to remedy the situation - The DAZN NFL GamePass App Score Avoider. For a very reasonable price I can manufacture and send to you a piece of old cardboard box cut to the exact dimensions of your TV, phone or tablet. Simply place the custom cut Score Avoider in front of your device and hit that rewind button. The days of accidentally seeing the scores for a game you wish to watch in delay are over. Also - just to complete the true DAZN flavor the first 50 customers will be signed up to a rolling month on month direct billing deal even though they didn’t ask for it and opted out of such options some months ago. Spaces are limited!
  7. Has anyone worked out a way to enter a live game on DAZN TV app and get it to go back to the beginning without having to enter a screen where the scores are visible? Apple TV has the start from beginning option however you have to enter live play to click this option from what I can tell. Samsung TV anpp also makes you enter the live game and manually hit the rewind button. Both options require you to close your eyes and hit mute if you don’t want to see or hear the score. Clearly DAZN modelled their apps on a 1980’s VCR…
  8. The other thing took took me a while to realise is that when the default option is replay full game, it shows the opening DAZN banner for about 10 minutes which I presume is in place of all the pre game ads you’d get from the live broadcast. I thought this was a menu screen until I saw the video timer counting down on how much longer the replay had to go. So fast forward to about the 10 min mark and the broadcast actually starts. Overall the menus, options etc have made this much harder to navigate than the old Gamepass
  9. Yep if you go to Options / Switch Video Type you should get the different options for the games. Note that the game may actually start in full game replay mode without actually having an onscreen note identifying that it’s playing in full game replay mode- mine does on Samsung TV app. So when you go to options all it will then show you is the other highlight options, not the one that’s actually already playing
  10. Different for me. If I use the DAZN app from the Samsung TV App Store it has a different visual set up, menu layout and different options than the same DAZN app used through Apple TV. Major differences are Apple TV version has watch from beginning option, Samsung TV app doesn’t, Samsung TV app will default to full game replay when you select a game , Apple TV gives you the options to select which version of the game you want to watch. Game in 40 is available on both - on one so it’s called highlights, on another it was called mini game
  11. How do you view the 4 way split screen?
  12. Ok - different devices have different options which is pretty stupid. Apple TV has full game replay, and start from beginning option. Samsung TV app had game in 40 and highlights only, no start from beginning option - need to hit the rewind button to get to the start. In my case Samsung app has less features but more stable connection and better picture quality. Apple TV more features but connection doesn’t seem as stable and picture a tad worse.
  13. I think different devices have different options. Read in another forum that Apple TV app has a watch from beginning button. Samsung TV app definitely does not have one. Never say never however I’d be surprised if they didn’t have full game replays once the regular season starts.
  14. Yep watching from Australia via Samsung TV app. No “watch from beginning” button on the live broadcast is an issue that won’t be fixed unfortunately. Only way to see a live game from the beginning is to open the live feed and rewind back to the start. Bad luck if you don’t want to see the live scores - I’ll need to learn how to do this with my eyes closed. Picture resolution has improved a lot from a month ago when it was complete and utter rubbish.
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