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Dancing Fool

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Everything posted by Dancing Fool

  1. Well, it can't possibly get any worse than that for Allen going forward... right?
  2. Personally I have stopped investing emotionally in games that seem to be influenced by Las Vegas. This seems WAY more productive than looking for solutions for something that the NFL does not seem to view as a problem. Has the NFL indicated that they wish to change anything about how refs function? If they have not then I will presume that officiating is working as it is intended to.
  3. I agree that the NFL does not care. Conversely, I do not care that the NFL does not care. Quite frankly it is cathartic to discuss what so many of us have been thinking. Remember that we would not be here if we did not appreciate the Bills. It is not our fault that the NFL has been providing a dubious product.
  4. Seeking fairness in how rules are applied is always a laudable goal.
  5. I remembered when I first became confused about referees making miscalls in my sports entertainment. It really made me upset. Nowadays I recognize that such groups have more goals than a perfectly officiated match between professionals. Life makes a lot more sense nowadays than it did back then.
  6. It is because of this situation that I only watch Bills games with friends, and despite the closeness of the game I stopped watching after the 3rd quarter yesterday and just assumed the Bills would win. The NFL knows what it is doing, and assumes most folks are far too addicted to their product to quit. Therefore they will keep watering down the product, knowing that their monopoly on winter football ensures that enough watchers will be retained to maintain their profitability.
  7. I agree wholeheartedly. Those who simplify religion to such ideas are missing the point.
  8. That would punish both teams for this event. Why should both teams be further damaged because they experienced a tragedy of this magnitude?
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