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Everything posted by PBF81

  1. Thanks Boss!!! Really appreciate it! The tip about giving the owner a few extra bucks is a good one. I wasn't sure whether there were any private lots south of Big Tree on Abbott, but that would be ideal, so I'll definitely look for that option, it's perfect! Thanks again!!!
  2. I need some parking advice. Going to my first game in several years and taking my daughter to see her first game. We're coming up from the South, and I'm meeting someone I know in the RV Lot to tailgate, so all I need is parking. I want to be considerate of people that actually park in lots to tailgate there when I'm not going to be doing that. We can walk to the RV lot from where we park. Are there any private lots south of Big Tree Rd. off of Abbott or near there that make exiting to the South after the game easy? I'd like to get over to 219 South or Abbott Rd. South as quickly as possible. I assume it's not the mess that going north and east are. Anyway, thanks for any advice!
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