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Everything posted by PBF81

  1. Can't you read, plenty of people have told you what's going on. Just pick one of them.
  2. Meanwhile, everyone else has taken their pants off.
  3. LOL, I'm literally in tears over here, the humor in this thread!!
  4. While we're on the topic ... BWAHAHA!!! Not sure about that, but I do know that you should not use it to mix drinks with.
  5. This thread is so hilarious!!! Thanks for your contribution!!! Truly!
  6. Let's hope that they do work it out effectively. It's hardly hyperbole to suggest that if they don't it threatens to derail the entire season. Unlike many others I have absolutely no idea what it really is, but it seems both serious and a continuation of last season, which cannot possibly be good. And if that turns out to be the case, then my guess is that it's unlikely to not rear its head again during the season.
  7. The process is very secret being closely guarded by both Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.
  8. The fact that there's anything that needs to be worked out at this time is problematic.
  9. That's an interesting proposition. I've opined in the past that given that all the fans see the coaching shortcomings, that there's no way that the players don't. That of course was typically met with the "it doesn't matter" mindset and that McD and his "Process," for however ill-defined much less evident that it is, still has the full respect and belief by the players. I'm with you, IMO that's a looming issue that has yet to play out. That's why IMO this is a pivotal season. I've questioned my girls' soccer coach, who doesn't know WTF he's doing from a soccer perspective, but he's a great cheerleader. How much more would I question a staff that left me flat after that "13 Seconds" debacle. And a debacle it was.
  10. I'll step out and guess 80 by 6 p.m. I ... MUST ... BREAK ... FREE!!! But I can't, the humor is too good to pass up. LOL
  11. ------------------------------ 25 Pages in 2 hours Where will it be by dinnertime! The suspense ... ------------------------------
  12. I'm laughing harder than I have in a while at this thread right now. It's like being in a comedy club.
  13. Diggs is bi and was hoping to be next woman up after Josh ditched Brittany?
  14. Don't say that, encourage him. Maybe he was trying to lose a few pounds. LOL
  15. The season in many peoples' opinions comes down to how he performs as OC. I'm hopeful but not particularly optimistic, with or w/o Diggs. Obviously less so w/o him.
  16. Dude, I'm in stitches over here, the comedic relief is epic! These are the best threads, when we know absolutely nothing, or very little, and everyone reacts. Gameday threads this year should be a real hoot too.
  17. 5th in the league last season with 154 and only behind Jefferson 184, Adams 180, Hill 170, and marginally behind Lamb 156.
  18. Refresh, Refresh, ReFRESH your way to success!!
  19. And to think, besides the video above and this, I haven't even made a post. LMAO
  20. Well, if we're going to be honest here, I'm not sure what McBeane have built other than Allen. Think about it. Our WRs have been inadequate after every season. Our OL has been average on good days, perpetually, this season awaiting a positive change from McGovern/Torrence, but if they aren't what's been billed ... Our TE has been Knox to date, below-average otherwise, and more than not have been critical of Knox and his inconsistency issues and dropped balls too. Our RBs, LOL, as I've pointed out, are the least utilized in the entire league. The entire league. None of that is building anything. It's over-relying upon Allen, entirely. So offensively, apart from Allen, what has McD built? ... and since the focal point of our team is Allen, it revolves around our offense, particularly since our Defense fails in the playoffs. BTW, I realize we're going to disagree on these things. LOL Please don't take any of this with any hostile intent.
  21. All of that centers around Allen. Also, that's why I stated that it was MO that Reich would have been better. But what is certain is that Daboll's credentials were low-end. Frasier's questionable. Dorsey's all but nonexistent as an internal promotion. We also know that McD could have reached out to Reich as his OC, but did not. Comparing Reich's OC credentials to Daboll's, there's little question as to whose were better. A lot of what you said above could have been accomplished with many HCs. I mean it's a real real real reach to suggest that most other HCs would have had this offense with Allen running at 10th in the league or something. IMO about the worst that any HC would do with our Offense if 5th, maybe 6th in the league with Allen. No one has time going back thru thousands of posts. But I've engaged with them and we've agreed to disagree on that point. It's not many, but they are in here. Post a poll, find out. In fact I'm pretty sure that someone has, so go back and look for those and you'll have your proof. Otherwise post another one. LOL Hell, it's the offseason.
  22. I didn't argue it, GB did. I just took him up on his opening argument. As to the "personal attack," I think it's a reach here given the context. Besides, I was interacting with GB. I have to think, that given the context that he's aware of, he wouldn't consider it a personal attack either. He and I go at it all the time. Neither of us has hard feelings. People agreeing that it was an "attack" outside of its context doesn't make it a "personal attack." I always try to address the argument, not the poster. I go out of my way to choose words that I think do that. Sometimes my attempts at humor and ight-heartedness are misconstrued, for which I've apologized at times, but which were not intended to be offensive, but I can tell you with certainty that I deliberately attempt not to "attack" a poster, only their arguments, and I don't think I've ever used ad hominems. I do sense that people get very emotionally defensive once they've been argued/debated into a corner or even if the argument becomes difficult from their pitch. But that's on them. If you're going to debate/argue/offer-opinions, then be ready to be countered. Also, try to be objective. There's quite a bit of subjectivity in many arguments here. But isn't that what the place is all about? Free, open, and civil discussion, even if it's substantially argumentative. What fun would it be if everyone came on here and it was like Chip-n-Dale of Warner Brothers fame, each constantly agreeing with one another and offering platitudes to each other. How boring. LOL
  23. That's simply not true. If you really mean everyone, numerous people here have stated that as long as we play competitively and "are in it," and that the games are entertaining, then none of us have anything to gripe about and have plainly stated that they're happy. I agree that most people fits your description, but not everyone. But since you've said that, and since I agree, allow me to ask, after 7 years of coaching, and 6 years of management, at what point, assuming things don't change/improve this season, do you say enough is enough, McD has served a purpose, but it's clear that he's not the one to get us to the promised land with Allen at QB? We have yet to get a straight answer on that from McD apologists.
  24. IMO Reich would have been a better option when they hired McD, who had no history, an incredibly average dossier at coaching Ds, averaging patently average during his time at Carolina, and on the beneficial side of relatively easy schedules there too and with more talent than he has here. But notice that McD could also have likely hired Reich as OC too. It supports my statements that he hasn't hired a single person yet as a coordinator that would upon that person's hire threaten his head-coaching tenure. Again, Daboll was awful as an OC elsewhere in 8 seasons, including his first two here. Frasier was a failed HC and OK but far from fantastic much less superlative DC. Dorsey, ... LOL so far. So far he's proven to be a tantrum-laden tablet throwing emotionally unhinged OC (embellishing somewhat, LOL) whose "leadership" qualities I would question. I didn't say that there wouldn't be the Excuse Team, there usually is. I simply think that like when McD refused to give up on Peterman, and despite having Allen on the roster, that Pegula's hand will at least begin to be forced by fans & media like McD's was, nearly the point of embarrassment. And again, maybe we win it all this season. I'd be surprise, but not shocked. The talent is there. What's holding us up is our playoff performances and coaching. HINT: The two are directly related. LOL But if it doesn't happen, I don't expect that the narrative fallout is going to be favorable towards McBeane. I mean how many years can you go on blaming a lack of talent, but not the GM, and a lack of playoff performances while possessive of Allen while not blaming the coach. I guess we may find out. LOL
  25. To start, I was being light. Secondly, it continues on a comment he made about himself in another thread. The comment was to him, he knows what I'm talking about, it wasn't mean as an insult, I think he realizes that. Context is key here. Always good not to assume things like that. As to the argument, LOL, I don't think that argument is lost. I think it's beyond ridiculous to begin with on his end. Do you agree with his position? I'll sum it up for you. He directly called into question Reich's judgement in supporting Wentz in countering my implication that Reich would have been a better OC or HC here than either Daboll or McD. I then brought into the conversation McD's unwavering and quite frankly steadfast judgement that Peterman gave us the best chance of winning. Keep in mind that McD was openly mocked for that far and wide, including here. So to you support his argument, that you claim I lost? That namely Reich's judgement was worse than McD's in those two stated cases? Simple Y/N question, no explanations needed. ?? Same question to you.
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