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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. What a fool. He comes off as weak and scared. The play here, if he had any kind of real evidence against Trump, would be to say "I can't wait for them to call me as a witness. I have tons to say". Every time I see one of these morons on TV and cringe due to the fact that they are running our country I think "You know, a fascist dictatorship might not be so bad after all".
  2. When did Bolton become Jesus Christ, because it seems that every time he is reported on lately we're supposed to take his word as Gospel. He's like a little kid with a BB Gun that sees everything around him as a target to me. He's done everything but advocate invading the Middle East and making it the 51st state.
  3. I keep hearing/reading that history will not be kind to the Dems for this impeachment farce, but I'm not so sure. Our education institutions have been overtaken by the left for over a generation now. I can't remember the last time I saw a "historian" that wasn't recording events from a liberal perspective. Sure some commentators/writers from the right/conservative perspective generate some books to highlight events (and usually sell pretty well) but will their analysis survive the next generation to become part of the historical record? I'm not so sure. And part of me thinks that's why Democrats continue to push some of the stupidest legislation and investigations, because they know "their side" will record their bravery in doing so.
  4. Fiscally Independent, Socially Independent. I don't like saying 'conservative' because 1) 'Conservatives' haven't conserved anything. 2) Progress isn't necessarily a bad thing. I attempt to be a pragmatist. I do generally eschew anything pertaining to socialism/leftism/progressive-ism because I think it's a destructive ideology primarily based upon feelings. The saying 'The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions' should be engraved in huge letters in both chambers of Congress.
  5. Witness intimidation? It's called doing the job our supposed 'free and unbiased press' is supposed to do. A witness the Democrats call - The press rolls over and accepts everything they say at face value. A witness the Republicans call - The press says something like 'well you have to remember back in 2003 it was reported this witness kicked a puppy and parked in a handicap parking spot illegally. How can we take anything they say seriously'.
  6. Stated suspension of 6 games, reduced to 4 on appeal.
  7. The Flipboard app on my phone, which is a news aggregator (and totally biased to the left, of course), just posted a headline from a frickin' Vanity Fair story submitted a little over an hour ago that says 'Key Trump Impeachment Defense is Blowing Up in Republicans' Faces'. We are truly living in an Orwell novel.
  8. Good post, especially about Daboll. His playcalling is maddening sometimes.
  9. "I'll take "Things said that are absolute bull#### for $400 Alex".
  10. Because since Nixon the left and/or the swamp have grown accustomed to the media helping them 1) craft a narrative that deflects criticism from them, 2) intimidate those who would dare accuse them of any criminal malfeasance, and 3) engage in back channel blackmail to encourage certain power players to hush things up lest the media turn up the spotlight on them. For the media to succeed in this they need to occasionally run out some high ranking swamp creatures to bolster the claims and give the appearance of legitimacy. Time will tell if it works yet again.
  11. It's not about the kid, it's about her. These parents pushing their kids to transition are clearly Munchausen syndrome by proxy candidates. Absolutely disgusting.
  12. Apparently much more to this... https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2019/10/18/ca-rep.-katie-hill-allegedly-involved-female-staffer-2-yr-throuple-relationship
  13. Anyone else thinking of Frau Blucher and Young Frankenstein watching the game, every time they make their horsey noise over the PA?
  14. Damn, still no Monkees. ?
  15. Wow the ###### balls on this guy. Dollars to donuts CNN/Cooper let Biden know this question was coming. That response sounded rehearsed.
  16. Starting to wonder if this impeachment farce isn't actually about taking down Trump as it is setting up a deal to make things go away. Pelosi "Now Don, you know we are just kidding around with all this impeachment brouhaha, but the fact remains your guy Barr is making a lot of people in my party really nervous. If you could just make him bury what he's found and smooth this all over, we'll call off the "impeachment query" , not try to rig anything by having illegals and the dead vote, and let you thump our candidate in the election. How's that sound?" Trump "Know that job you have, being Speaker of the House? You're fired."
  17. Did a quick search and didn't see this discussed but my apologies if it has been. Was on the Bills site checking out the schedule and for the Week 16 game at New England the time of the game says 'TBD'. Looking at the NFL.com site, Week 16 has the Bills/Pats, Rams/49ers, and Texans/Bucs all listed as TBD. The Sunday night game that week is Chiefs/Bears. Seems like our game is in the running to go to Sunday night.
  18. I'm not saying ignore egregious penalties, especially those that could injure a player, but common sense should factor into refereeing as to when a minor penalty should be called, and there should definitely be more of an effort made to get penalties right when they make a major impact on the outcome of a game, like a phantom hands to the face penalty that helps the other team convert on 3rd and long.
  19. Whether it's gotten worse overall is hard to say, but I think it's undeniable that it's starting to turn fans off from watching the game when they see a nice play negated because the refs flagged someone for a ticky-tack hold that was on the other side of the field and had nothing to do with the success of the play. When the biggest penalty beneficiary in the whole NFL in Brady tweets that he's turning off the TV because there are too many penalties, you know a tipping point might be coming. It's been easy to say that attendance has gone down the last few years because of anthem kneeling or TV technology makes it more enticing to just stay home, but can we rule out a segment of the football fandom might be getting tired of referees impacting a game and losing faith in the sport's integrity? I've seen quite a few replies in this thread saying the NFL product, which is an entertainment product at it's core and thus desirous of compelling story lines to sell their games, might be getting nudged toward them (aka "fixed") via refereeing and while I hate to give that view legitimacy, it's hard to totally dismiss as well.
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