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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. You gotta love Mollie. The anti-Rubin.
  2. Her decent into madness has to be predicated on something. Not that I'm saying she was a good conservative writer prior to Trump. I have always found her a shrill and her reasoning specious at best, her columns instantly dismissed and forgettable. Still, the maliciousness she now exhibits as a Never-Trumper, slobbering over everything the Dems are doing, makes me believe she has always been a plant with some serious baggage and/or blackmail material someone is holding over her.
  3. 10 games left. I can see us winning 6. We can steal another and beat a ranked team and get to 20 wins. If we only get 5 or 6 wins, we'll likely need to win 2-3 games in the ACC tourney to have a chance. The NIT this year wouldn't be terrible either. All the games we can get to gain experience for the run we should be able to make next season is a good thing.
  4. Seattle’s last Republican mayor left office in 1969. . I'm cool with living in West Virginia Beach. Gov Ralph 'Coonman' Northam is a national embarassment, and the Dems are getting drunk with power.
  5. Since Romney seems to be itching to bend over for the Democrats and the Media (but I repeat myself)...
  6. Washington Pravda, sorry, Post, certainly tried to paint the people in their 'Then and Now' as hypocrites. On the face it does appear to be that way. OTOH, what I saw was people disappointed in a man they thought had integrity and gravitas suddenly morph into a snake going after money. The one guy said he realized Bolton had some establishment ties, but that he was loyal. Certainly Bolton doesn't seem very loyal now. The 'Then' tone strikes me as 'Hey, this guy is a good guy. I vouch for him for this job'. The 'Now' tone changes, because this good guy was recently found out to be embezzling and cheating on his wife.
  7. Translation: "I've been lying about being a Native American almost all my life, and since I've entered politics I've taken a lot of nutty positions and done some nutty things. So if everyone promises not to bring any of that up, I promise not to tell more lies. What? No my fingers weren't crossed."
  8. If you are ever in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area, check out The Dirty Buffalo. Owner is a Western New Yorker and a Bills fan who graduated from Old Dominion, stayed in the area, and open up a wing joint in Norfolk. Has since expanded to Virginia Beach. Also on the menu is Beef on Weck and his versions of the garbage plate. https://thedirtybuffalo.com/ Oh and bleu cheese is frickin' nasty stuff. If not putting that on my wings makes me a heathen, so be it!
  9. But Hunter Biden is not a 'name' in the sense you are implying. He had no personal or professional achievements to speak of, nor did he automatically confer any status to Burisma in any way. Legitimacy would be to hire away board members from BP, Exxon, or other Petroleum Industry connected people. Hiring a 'name' would be some business celebrity with a history. The only 'legitimacy' Hunter Biden provides is letting others know they have a channel into the Obama Administration.
  10. Clemson was on Buddy like white on rice all game long. They were determined that he would not get hot against him. Love this team and how they are getting better, but this late game let-down cycle they are stuck in, when they let teams get back into it with less than 5 mins to go, finally bit them in the ass. If they can correct that, they can play with anybody.
  11. Your whole premise rests on the idea that Hunter was lounging around in his pjs, searching Monster.com job postings and happened to come along this position for Burisma and sent his resume in. That's ridiculous. This was set up deliberately as a channel by Burisma to influence policy and provide kickbacks, and with Papa Joe's full knowledge and support.
  12. It's outrageous, and if it were the other way round the media would be pounding the drum 24-7 about it, demanding to release the transcript. But since it's Schiff /The Dems and #Orangemanbad, we get crickets.
  13. So who here will fall on the grenade and watch her abomination of a documentary on Hulu and review it? I can't, I get queasy to easily.
  14. Impeachment charges?!? Everything the Democrats do rely on opinions and feelings.
  15. Boy the Dems really trot out some winners to help with the narrative, don't they? Next up, Senator Mazie Hirono!
  16. Wow. Make no mistake, Giuliani is making clear and concise accusations of criminality against Biden for corruption. He has stated facts as he sees them that can be investigated. This is not politics as usual that the MSM can explain away with their cabal of fools doing "analysis". Shot has definitely been fired. What happens now will be illuminating, one way or the other.
  17. He saw the ghost of a founding father wagging his finger at him. Schumer mumbled 'eff off' and told him to beat it.
  18. #gabbarddidn'tkillherself
  19. "Democrat-media human centipede" Brilliant! I'm definitely stealing that!
  20. "Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad."
  21. I think it was 25% him defending the Oministration, 75% him defending his own stupidity/CYA because Trump called him out on it.
  22. Smarmy pr!ck. Trump tweets things and everyone rushes out to the media to say it's a lie. Much like Trump's tweet he was wiretapped during his campaign. It's funny that Trump is later proved correct on many of his tweets.
  23. "It's Captain Botox to the rescue!!!"
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