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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. Interesting to note that I believe the same day this was posted, when Simms criticized the Bills defensive line for being too light because we have no 300lb+ guys, the Bills sign DT Coleman who weighs 341 and cut Worthy who weighed just 300.
  2. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/wYQd2Kjkl-oshfoDBx7o1rLaHh4=/0x0:480x270/720x0/filters:focal(0x0:480x270):gifv():no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/9455913/dungey_grape_soda.gif
  3. "Welcome to the NFL rookie. Build on this and play better next time."
  4. Probably because the default defensive plan for rookie QBs is to keep them in the pocket and pressure them to throw, hoping they get nervous and throw picks or checkdowns. Consequently, this has become the game plan for Tyrod as well.
  5. I don't buy that reasoning for a second. NFL Coaches, by and large, are some of the most cowardly bastards on the planet. They HATE to make changes and they HATE to take risks. Why do you think so many of them punt on 4th and 3 even when playing from behind? Right now McDermott is like "well, if we play Tyrod and lose too much and miss the playoffs, my exposure to criticism is minimized because I stuck with my starting QB. Tyrod will get the bulk of the blame, we can cast him off in the off season, and try again with someone new in 2018". If he makes the move to bench Tyrod for Peterman now and it doesn't work, he'll get ALL the blame. Tyrod will look like a victim of a bad coaching decision and Peterman will look like a victim of being thrown to the wolves while he was still too raw. It would truly take a coach with balls to make the decision to bench Tyrod at this point in the season. Seriously though, does anyone think Belichick would still be playing Tyrod? Me either.
  6. Eff the Patriots. Almost everybody doing playoff calculations assumes we get swept by the Pats. If we can figure out a way to fix our pass rush, I believe we can sweep them. Hit Brady early and often and he loses his demi-god powers and becomes mortal.
  7. Not to worry, some chick at ESPN wrote a column about how awesome Tyrod is. He'll bring us back!
  8. This is pitiful. They look totally unprepared.
  9. Good luck Marcell, take this opportunity and make it the most of it!
  10. That magnificent bastard
  11. My nipples explode with delight!
  12. Wow! All of a sudden we might have a decent receiving corp after it was left for dead a few weeks ago. This trade imo shows the team and fans that management believes the playoffs are in reach!
  13. I keep an eye on Patriot games (hoping to see them lose, which unfortunately isn't happening often enough) and Brady is getting hit a lot this year. Seems like it's been a lot more than in previous years. At some point it will affect his game.
  14. Wow, from playoff hunt to tanking in one game.
  15. Damn. It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for them.
  16. I've been on board with every trade so far. Trading Cordy would be dumb. He is getting better as he is getting healthier. The chemistry of the team right now with cutting Dareus loose seems to have peaked. I understand McBeane is all about creating more cap space to really start building, but trading Cordy is not the answer right now.
  17. Tyrod is giving us the flexibility to not have to trade a bunch of picks to move up in drafting a QB, but we still keep drafting them when the value seems right and hope one develops. I love Tyrod as a person. Total class act and honorable dude. I'd let him babysit my kids. He definitely has talent as a QB and his teammates love him. Even if he keeps riding the lightning this season and gets us to the playoffs I'm not sure he will ever attain that special 'franchise QB' status.
  18. Not to worry, they gave Greenberg his own morning show (which they just delayed the start of). That'll save them!
  19. Seriously, it gets old waiting to see if there is a flag before you feel it's safe to celebrate a big play. Half the crap they flag has nothing to do with the play.
  20. I don't know. If Jax got better, it's only slightly. Don't think the Bills got worse. Dareus has been playing like a regular old platoon player for awhile now. Think of how they are pitching this trade to Worthy, Washington, and Thornton. "Well boys, looks like we are now looking for our next stud DT. If we don't find him with our remaining games, guess we'll be looking for one in next years draft. Who wants it?!?"
  21. Sweet baby Jesus, I just got the alert on my phone and about fell out of my chair! Feeling conflicted, I was really hoping Dareus was going to see the light soon and play like a beast. The rational side of me knows that was unlikely to happen. There is no mistake now. Buffalo wants players that love to play football and leave everything out on the field. Half-ass it and you're gone. I'm down. Be well Marcel, but suck when you play the Bills.
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