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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. Be strong and a speedy and full recovery for your Dad!
  2. He must be buying a lot of that really crippy bud...
  3. Hell, the lemmings who want to harp on WMD's night and day are missing the big picture anyway. Sure they were part of it but I think we went into Iraq simply to project more of a presence into the Middle East. It wasn't Irishmen or Ethiopions who flew those planes into the WTC. Terrorist resources have now been diverted to dealing with the US there, rather than here. That alone probably merited the War against Saddam.
  4. Did not watch at all. I'd sooner stick my testicles in a vice and start turning the handle then watch those schmucks try to convince me their stevestojan don't stink.
  5. I don't mean to sound Rosenophobic, but 'Rosen into me' doesn't sound very appealing...
  6. Nice flip-flop. What, are you running for president too?
  7. "Lets see now, all you said is that we are a bunch of hippies who can't compete because we are full of sh*t and have nothing else to offer. Gee, now why would I take that as an insult? Is that what you consider to be a cordial invitation to a meaningful exchange of ideas? Is this what you call mature?"
  8. "Hey, want to go out for drinks after the match" -or- "WTF!?!?! This 'woman' is a man, man!"
  9. I could care less if Kordel bites the pillow but I do care that he is a horrible QB. I have good friends who pull for Pittsburgh so I watched a lot of their games with them and his last couple of seasons Kordel was friggin' terrible. His last season with Chicago was friggin' terrible. Very inaccurate and no self-confidence or 'fire' that I could see. That said, if the Bills sign him it will be because as you mentioned Mularkey knows him and is comfortable with him so I could live with that. But if Kordel ever got into a game he'd better play like an all-pro because a mistake or two would create havoc amongst the Bills faithful and could make the drumbeating of 'Dump Donohoe' to loud for Ralph to ignore. All in all, probably better for TD and the Bills to look elsewhere.
  10. Should have made Losman Sonny. Losman/Sonny is the hothead and when he found out Carlo beat up Connie again he took off and got wacked at the tollbooth. Losman leaves the pocket too much and Vincent wacked him.
  11. Absolutely right. The offense needs to run the ball and the defense needs to pressure the QB and get turnovers. We do that and we can hang with anybody.
  12. RJ back to Buffalo? Not only no, but !@#$ NO!!!! Yo RJ... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  13. Nice review my friend. After last night's fiasco it's hard not to feel a little...well...you know, but there were some positives too. Still, I hope it's not a long season of doing this every Sunday-->
  14. Spoken like the true kitty of a president he turned out to be. Always the appeaser with no real spine to speak of and don't tell me the Gulf War took guts and leadership. Getting Saddam out of Kuwait was practically a military exercise. The right thing to do would have been to have gotten rid of/bring to justice the guy who started the whole thing in the first place. Pussies. All of them. Not to mention 'Read my lips, no new taxes'. Hell Bush Sr made me vote for Clinton the first time, now I feel so dirty. Even if Jr loses, he's a better leader and president than his father was, and that ain't saying much, IMO. Yo Bush Sr- :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. I agree, Matthews seemed to be a lot more "fair" back in the day. Now it's like the DNC caught him in a hotel room with a dead hooker and blood all over his hands. Sad to see.
  16. Stories like this make me hope that aliens will invade our planet and enslave us...
  17. 'Cuz those Ethiopion chickens are really fast...
  18. "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs!" - Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Program, 1874.
  19. I'm not sure who you are, but it must be Bush's fault that you feel so conflicted and torn. What we need is the establisment of the Federal Department of Therapy, so that everyone as conflicted as yourself can get taxpayer money to find out why you hate your daddy so much...
  20. Main Entry: goon Pronunciation: 'gün Function: noun Etymology: probably short for English dialect gooney (simpleton) 1 : a stupid person 2 : a man hired to terrorize or eliminate opponents Let's see, does Cleland fall under the first definition? He did pick up his own live grenade? I say yes. Does he fall under the second definition? He was sent to Crawford to supposedly 'terrorize' the opposition into accepting his 'letter' in order that they be portrayed as big meanies. Come on Dex, keep up, or can one only be a goon if one has all their limbs?
  21. Not rooting against them, but I'm not rooting for them either. The NBA became a joke league a long time ago and to borrow a term from LABillz only the 'Hotpocket crowd' who worship celebrity and American Idol don't seem to have noticed. So simply because I'm American it's mandatory to root for American basketball? What is this, communist Russia? A bullet in the head for not rooting for those spoiled malcontents? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
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