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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. Your wisdom is only exceeded by your ignorance. That team was built pre-salary cap days (1994 was when the salary cap came into being), so guess who it was that had to approve player aquisitions and their contracts? That's right, Ol' Ralphie boy. He had a reputation previously for being a cheap skate owner, but sometime in the 80's he saw the light and started spending. To deny him credit for that Bills team is utterly stupid. Now that we are in the salary cap era, the only thing you can fault Ralph for is his decisions regarding who to hire for GM/Bills Team President. While I'm sure he has a voice in coaching and some player decisions, you probably give him too much credit there. Now run along, Skeletor buttboy.
  2. ...for showboating. An 0-3 team has no place on it for individuals who feel that just because they made a tackle they were supposed to make or caught a pass they were supposed to catch that they have earned the right to dance like monkeys with their asses on fire. It's an act that get's really old on a losing team. Mularkey came in and tried to be a players coach but his players are letting him down. They make a play and act like children then ultimately lose the game and look like fools. Time for him to nut up and tell the team that now they play like professionals who expect to win. Next schmuck that does Hammer time or acts like Britney Spears on acid after a big play needs to be missing a chunk of his paycheck until this team learns to play like a team and starts winning games.
  3. EXACTLY! I am so sick of our DB's always in some pseudo-prevent mode, playing 10 yds off of receivers. Another indication that the coaching staff doesn't think much of our safeties pass coverage skills.
  4. ...still allowed to play safety? He's fuggin' horrible. If you want a safety to play linebacker then put a real fuggin' linebacker at safety, not the new Mighty Midget who is TOASTED on a regular basis. Let him hone his game as a special teamer, but keep him off the fuggin' defense!
  5. ...best player on the team!
  6. Lost my Grandfather to lung cancer in 87, so I feel ya. Lots of prayers heading your way.
  7. Outstanding Frank! I'd say You 'da man, but we all know it's really Gus that is the man! Go Gus!
  8. Think you or I could negotiate a plea for less than a year in jail if we had done the same thing? Justice sure ain't blind anymore, that's for sure. There's a lesson to be learned here- Don't commit a crime unless you're rich and/or popular.
  9. 27 years ago I was 6 and hoping for a gold star on my homework so Dad would buy me another Star Wars action figure. God Bless Cindy! Hang in there.
  10. Nap time must have had a lot of kids crying that the room was spinning on them...
  11. ..."Dude, do you know you've turned orange?"
  12. It'll be interesting to see what happens when Pippin runs out of heroin and he starts detoxing. Kinda hard to run away from a mutant polar bear when your writhering on the ground with a violent case of the shakes.
  13. Hey man quit hogging all the weed! Puff...puff...give
  14. On the show was was a supposed "NFL Insider", billed as anonymous and even had his voice garbled so it couldn't be recognized, someone in a front office somewhere or on a coaching stafff of some team. Got asked a whole slew of different questions about players and situations around the league and really seemed to know his stevestojan. Got asked for 3 players who are done but just don't know they're done yet. This guy's first answer without hesitation was Bledsoe. Mentioned that his field awareness has fallen to about nil, holds the ball too long, nervous in the pocket, etc. Almost sounded like he thought it was a shame, but came through with the solid points and why our Bills QB isn't getting it done. Discussed Eddie George and Brad Johnson as the other two. Don't suppose the anonymous NFL Insider was Mularkey, do ya?
  15. 'Is the answer Jesus?"
  16. "Here's to the snatch in F-L-A." "I was trying to catch the spirit of the thing."
  17. My hal-ler-gee to this fuggin place, has returned.
  18. Only got to see them once in a club down in Orlando. Best concert I've ever been to...unreal energy. Almost got trampled to death in the mosh pit. Good times. RIP Johnny
  19. It seemed to get a little dusty around our seats when the anthem was being sung, the planes flew by, and then the eagle was flying around...
  20. 1957 MGA. Dad had one until a few years ago.
  21. True enough, but the Patsies go deep every 10-15 plays though, and we didn't throw any long balls Sunday. As it's been said around here, once in a while you just gotta chuck it to keep a defense honest.
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