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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. Go, and think of it as doing your part to keep the Bills in Buffalo, if nothing else.
  2. Poor schmuck. You can just hear her thinking..."In a few years, I'll get half of all his stevestojan!!!"
  3. Eric is thinking "Hmmm...should I drive My Hummer to practice today, or my tricked out Escalade?" If Eric is bummed about the Bills losing, he should look in the fuggin' mirror and ask himself if he is totally without blame. Then he should get some fire in his belly and vow to do better. What a dumb post.
  4. I feared cyber warfare, as terrorists have undoubtedly discovered by now that shutting The Wall down will create anarchy on a wide scale, causing cats and dogs to start living together...mass hysteria!!!
  5. These stories are pure stevestojan. Raise your hand if you have to work every second of every minute of every hour while at work. No one does. But these 'stories' are predicated on everyone doing just that. Even the president of my company walks around and shoots the stevestojan every once in awhile. If the guy isn't goofing off a couple of minutes running his fantasy team then he's probably using those minutes to stare at the wall or make a personal call. Not to mention that there are few of us that are working on how busy we are but rather we work on completing assigned tasks. If you are assigned a task that is expected to take you an hour and you get it done in 40 minutes, then goof off for the other 20, have you really lost much in productivity? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: these 'lost productivity' stories
  6. "I hear this place is restricted Wang, so don't tell 'em you're Jewish!"
  7. RIP Rodney. Easy Money might be my favorite- "Hey, will somebody shut this fat little bastard up!"
  8. It's getting there. Seems a lot of the Bills troubles comes from undisciplined players. Same stevestojan as last year. We could have kept GW and had the same record. Hell we might have even won a game by now.
  9. 'Remain calm! All is well!"
  10. Gloomy Times. Any time you need a Touchdown. Gloomy Times. Any time you need a defensive sack. Gloomy Times. Any time you're behind by twenty. Not getting first downs, oline are assclowns. Henry barely stays up on his two feet, Missing a blitz pick-up when he can. QB cant even hand the ball off. Gloomy Times. Never see the playoffs. Gloomy Times. Poor drafting and TD's job still surviving. Gloomy Times. Weak ass swinging wide defensive line Gloomy Times. Ain't we lucky we got 'em Gloomy Times. /got nuthin
  11. Better not get him one, he'll shoot his eye out!
  12. You always were a little fruity there Pooj...
  13. What, no 'squeel like a pig, boy' from Deliverance??
  14. I'm so sick of our DE's always swinging wide in what seems like a 20-yd arc around opposing QB's. Have they never been taught a swim move to get back inside, or anything else for that matter? Every friggin' time they swing wide. It's embarrasing. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: our DE's, Schobel too!
  15. Shoulda told her to stop wearing Aaron out the night before games 'cuz he's playing like stevestojan! She's taking away his legs!!
  16. If they did move west, Skeletor buttboy, they would cease to be the Buffalo Bills. Kinda stupid to complain about a team you no longer care about. How many Clevelanders do you think followed the team to Baltimore? Why in the hell are you a Bills fan anyway?
  17. There's no 'might' about it. If we had a team of Moormans right now we'd be undefeated and planning our Super Bowl vacation trips...
  18. When Jerry got his "face-lift", he looked a lot like Skeletor from those He-man cartoons to me.
  19. That's great, but now it is upon him to take that emotion and use it to whip this team of nancyboys into shape! He may be mad about an individual game or being 0-3, but how mad will he be to find that he may never get another shot at a headcoaching job in the NFL because his players kept finding ways to lose games? Nut up Mularkey, and find a way to get 'er done! Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic ain't going to cut it!
  20. You only saw one play? Lucky bastard. I watched the whole game...
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