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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. "You may run like Mays but you hit like schit!"
  2. They are also like people in that if you kick them, they feel pain. At least the one's I kick do...
  3. Yet another signpost on the road to our civilization's demise...
  4. A very good post AKC, but I can't agree with you that Bledsoe "has been one of the more steady and even positive spots on our offense." Diminishing physical skills aside, the man has NO fire or leadership skills. Did you not notice him walking off into the locker room by himself? Do you ever see him on the sidelines trying to pump up teammates or ever heard him after a game say anything other than excuses and 'we gotta execute better'? Do you not see him tuck the ball and wait to be sacked even when he still has time to throw the ball? Do you not see him lock onto Moulds and miss wide open alternatives? Face it bro, Drew is done. Stick a fork in him.
  5. Sounds about right...
  6. Free band-aids, pepto bismal, and nyquil for everybody!
  7. The Buffalo Bills: We'll make you throw up in your mouth.
  8. Go naked except for a bag of peanuts tied to your midsection, over your twig and berries. When people ask what you are, you just say 'I'm fuggin' nuts!'.
  9. Noticed that too. Means stick a fork in him, he's done.
  10. The Buffalo Schits The Beds
  11. May I add another- Amen brother.
  12. Negative. At the end of every cartoon, Droopy always got the job done and got the girl. Hell, Drew is the Anti-Droopy.
  13. I'd give Bledsoe the 1st half of the Arizona game, if he still looks friggin' clueless then Matthews starts the 2nd half. What's the worse that could happen...we lose? I swear Mularkey must feel handcuffed by TD and his 'play the players I've gotten you' mentality. At some point wins (although they still are nice) should stop being the focus and getting some other players some reps to see what they can do should be the plan. If nothing else benching your starting QB who isn't doing jackschitt just might show the other players that you are determined to do what it takes to win the friggin' game. How does that saying about insanity go, doing the same thing over and over? It get's pretty old watching the same old clusterfug football over and over too.
  14. Which you gotta admit is a little easier to accomplish when your offense is scoring like gangbusters, making the opposing offense go into panic mode and pass like crazy. You could play DB for the Vikings right now and probably make a pick or two a game KtD.
  15. I've read the same thing about McCain, yet no one seems to care about the gutless way he handled getting shot down in 'Nam.
  16. Wear a paper bag over your head and go as the Unknown Bills fan.
  17. Still isn't worth what he's getting paid though...
  18. Charlie Brown. Little !@#$er can't play football either and his little league team never wins with him pitching.
  19. Well he sure hasn't returned to the form of 2002 that had us pissing ourselves, that's for friggin' sure. Let it go man.
  20. That light at the end of the tunnel? It's a train. Just lie down on the tracks and it'll all be over soon.
  21. And yet they still are able to buy some time to get things done. Sometimes the QB even inspires the o-line to play above themselves, making journeymen look like a group of all-pros. Anyone else get the impression that our o-line, to a man, just doesn't give a stevestojan about Bledsoe anymore, if they ever did? That they are now half-assing it because they simply don't care if DB get's sacked or not? It's time for Drew to go. JP not healthy enough yet? Start Shane Matthews then.
  22. If Deion is signed for another year, he should send half of his check to Bledsoe who made him look like an All-Pro.
  23. I've got a 3-month old to raise, I'm not going anywhere. Have fun though...
  24. It's pretty obvious that he doesn't have the footwork to be an offensive tackle. whether that be from being lazy or fat I don't know. We may possibly be able to salvage him as a guard like McNally suggested in the pre-season. The only reason I can think of as to why this hasn't happened already is because Donahoe won't let it. He drafted a tackle and by God he's going to be a tackle. I hope I'm wrong. Bills make me wanna
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