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Gavin in Va Beach

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Everything posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. That's why the Feds should get out of the education business altogether, do away with the Dept of Education, and return the power back to the states. You know, like it says in the Constitution...
  2. Or maybe the reverse is true. A lot of kids taking meds for ADHD or ADD may just have lot's of energy but the lazy parents and teachers don't want to deal with them... and the pharmaceutical companies are laughing all the way to the bank.
  3. Mmmmmmmmmmmm....meatball hotpockets are the bomb, fo' shizzle! Huh...what were you sayin?
  4. Bills 0 Cardinals 0 Game is denied overtime after the officials huddle and declare 'no one really gives a stevestojan about this game anyway'...
  5. [sarcasm]What really sold Kerry for me was the campaigning he did on all the wonderful things he accomplished during his time in the Senate...[/sarcasm]
  6. I believe that's one of the signs of the Apocalypse...
  7. Can we get Moorman at the top of the page instead of 'Two Left Feet' Henry?
  8. Is Drew still the starting QB? Me no feel so good...
  9. The one about him needing his stomach pumped to get excess man juice out of his system?
  10. How many 9th graders do you know that can fly a jet? And what exactly is it about Kerry that convinces you that he's smarter? That he marries rich or sits on his ass for 19 years in the Senate basically doing nothing?
  11. How about Sarah Ophelia? S.O.S. A vote here for Elisabeth Marie.
  12. What was Wade's record when RJ was the starter? Same defense, right? RJ was Wade's boy, remember the comment about the 'Levy-Kelly' era to be replaced by the 'Phillips-Johnson' era? The Bills won because of Flutie and his improvisational skills, something a coach really has no control over. Take away Flutie and put in Johnson and Phillips absolutely sucked as a head coach. Just like he sucked as a head coach in Denver. If he's such a great head coach, why hasn't he got another chance since leaving Buffalo? 'Nuff said.
  13. T-Bone started a thread blabbering about his "joy being beyonf belief" at the Sox winning the series. I respond and say team swapping whores can never feel the real and true joy of their team winning a championship. He PM'ed and said "No call for that Gavin that was a really pathetic cheap shot, why the f can't you just be gracious instead of writing an asinine post like that." So what do you think? Did I write an asinine post, or is T-Bone a team.swapping.whore and full of stevestojan? You decide!
  14. Ahhh, those must be from their "Million Dollar Talent but a Ten Cent Head" Collection.
  15. Not much of a defense either if you ask me.
  16. Whenever JP is healthy is beside the point at this stage in the season. Buffalo is 1-5 and spinning it's wheels. If Bledsoe has a schitty first half against Arizona then put in Matthews just to see if he can provide a spark because really, what do you have to lose? The writing is on the wall for Drew, continuing to play him from here on in will only succeed in fans starting to stay away. I doubt he is still here next season unless he's willing to give some $$$ back and accept the backup position. Probably ain't happening.
  17. Team swapping whores never feel the real and true joy in seeing their team win a championship.
  18. Preach on Brother Eric!!
  19. Usually the guy converts the girl into cheering for his team (my wife now wears more Bills stuff then she does Redskins stuff, her supposed favorite team), but in this case I wouldn't blame you if it was the other way around...but that's only because my man McNabb from Syracuse captains that ship.
  20. Holy stevestojan dude, what else do you wanna tell us about your wife? That she has fantasies about making it with a midget named 3-Legged Tony?
  21. We can only hope that fat fug finally kicks the bucket. But Castro? Man that dude must be immortal or something. Should have been dead years ago...
  22. First off, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Rudy. Second to those who think Buffalo can't compete- Ranking of NFL Teams Value We rank above the 49ers, Saints, Raiders, Chargers, Colts, Vikings, Falcons, and Cardinals in terms of value. Only an idiot business man would move the team to LA, who has YET to fully support an NFL team, out of Buffalo.
  23. Is that kinda like "I voted for it before I voted against it"? Did I pass the test?
  24. I still get the feeling that TD is mostly responsible for the 'co-starting' crap. He seems to care more about how he is viewed as a GM than if the Bills win any games. I can't believe that if MM were truly free to run the team as he sees fit that he'd be pulling this crap. Still, it's such a clusterfug at OBD, who knows for sure!
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